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Qualitative Research Approaches To Support Nursing Practice


Focus groups and interviews are two examples of effective qualitative research methods in nursing research. These methods are beneficial for examining people’s perspectives, attitudes, and experiences with healthcare. In this study, we’ll look at focus groups and interviews’ effectiveness in qualitative research and how well they fit into mixed-method studies. Participants in focus groups who share comparable interests are urged to converse with one another. To examine participants’ perspectives, attitudes, and positions within a group, a facilitator conducts the discussion and encourages involvement.


Focus groups offer a more effective method than regular interviews for gathering participants’ complex and in-depth comments. For instance, a focus group may investigate why more women than men report receiving subpar care from medical personnel. Women can connect and share experiences here that they might not be able to in a one-on-one interview.

In interviews, questions regarding a particular subject are posed to individuals or small groups. They frequently gather qualitative information on individuals’ experiences, attitudes, views, and motives. Interviews allow you to get detailed information from participants that focus groups might miss. The interviewer steers the conversation and uses open-ended questions to enable participants to express their ideas and experiences.

Focus groups and interviews can both be held offline or online. Researchers can observe non-verbal signs and body language during in-person interviews, but online interactions are more practical and economical. Focus groups and interviews are two qualitative research techniques with many benefits. They first offer a means of investigating people’s experiences, attitudes, and views about healthcare. Second, they allow researchers to get detailed and comprehensive participant data. Thirdly, they give a tool to examine interactions and group dynamics. Fourthly, they can aid in pinpointing areas where healthcare delivery needs to be improved. However, qualitative research methods have some drawbacks. They might not apply to larger groups, and the results might be skewed. Focus groups and chats can sometimes be time-consuming and expensive. Before deciding on a method, researchers should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of each qualitative research technique.

Qualitative research methods such as focus groups and chats can be used in mixed-method studies. Mixed-method studies integrate qualitative and quantitative data to provide a more view of a topic. Quantitative data can be used to notch the size and frequency of these events, whereas qualitative data can be utilized to learn about people’s experiences and rebelliousness. For instance, a mixed-method study might be carried out to investigate the efficiency of a novel healthcare solution. A focus group might be utilized to learn more about how patients felt about the intrusion, and a poll could be conducted to gauge how valuable it was. To better understand the effects of the intervention, researchers might combine qualitative and quantitative data.


Focus groups and interviews are effective qualitative research methods that can be used in nursing research. They offer a way to examine people’s opinions, attitudes, and experiences with healthcare and can be used in mixed-method studies. Before choosing a method, researchers must carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of these approaches. By doing this, companies can guarantee that they gather trustworthy, reliable data of a high caliber.


Hein, W. (2020). Top tips for conducting qualitative research Links to an external

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Wheeler, K., & Brett, B. M. (2021). Top ten tips for a successful interview Links to an

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Wheeler, K. (2021). What is an in-depth interview? Links to an external site. [Video].

SAGE Research Methods.


Brett, B. M. (2021). What interviewing style should I use? Links to an external

site. [Video]. SAGE Research Methods.



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