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Healthcare Essays

Does the Government Have an Obligation To Provide Healthcare for Its Citizens?

Introduction The issue of whether governments have an inherent duty to provide healthcare for their citizens is at the forefront of societal discourse in an era characterized by the escalating complexity of healthcare systems and the urgent need for fair access to medical treatments. The conflict between moral requirements, economic factors, and the general welfare ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2701

Statistics in Healthcare

Statistics in health care refers to the classification of data and information related to health matters. Health statistics procedures include estimates related to health, such as risk factors, mortality rates, and health services available. World Health Organization (WHO) has a crucial role in the dissemination and production of health statistics (Golmohammadi at el., 2019). Healthcare ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 616
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Admissions by Diagnosis Related Groups

Diagnosis-related group (DRG) is a systematic program developed in the United States to classify patients according to medical diagnosis for billing rates in hospitals. The program categorizes patients with similar conditions under a particular class to ensure the cost of care and treatment range at the same rate in most healthcare facilities for reimbursement (Dennis, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 947

PICO(T) Question for Medication Errors

Introduction Medication errors are preventable mistakes that arise in the process of drug administration. They result in harmful consequences for the patients. These errors happen at any stage in the process of administering drugs. They can occur in various locations such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and even at home while someone is undergoing medical ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1380

Comparative Analysis of Paper-Based Medical Records and Electronic Health Records (EHR) in Healthcare

The healthcare sector is evolving every day with the advancing technology leading to a transition from traditional paper-based medical records to Electronic Health Records (EHR). As technology advances, many hospitals are adopting Electronic Health Records that meet the needs and goals of the healthcare facilities (Critical Data, 2016). This essay will compare and contrast the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1029

Competencies in Healthcare

Ensuring patients receive high-quality care entails managing the healthcare industry’s complex administrative and financial aspects, which healthcare managers do. Excelling in this field requires diverse competencies, which healthcare managers must possess. Here, essential healthcare manager competencies will be described, and the most critical ones will be discussed. Leadership and Team Management Healthcare management highly depends ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 680

Professional Nursing: Empowering Healthcare Through Skill, Compassion, and Leadership

A noble and essential career, professional nursing includes various duties and responsibilities within the healthcare system. To promote health, prevent sickness, and treat both acute and chronic disorders, nursing professionals are the foundation of patient care. They offer knowledge, compassion, and leadership. The multidimensional world of professional nursing is explored in this article, along with ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2256

Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

In the healthcare industry, medication administration errors are an unfortunate reality, and the topic has been continually explored due to its grave impact on patient care and outcomes. Medication administration errors can lead to major undesirable consequences for clinicians, patients, and families. Even though it may be challenging to determine the definitive causes of medication ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1962

Leadership Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Courageous Leadership is critical to the success of healthcare organizations and patients’ well-being. Effective leadership in the healthcare sector necessitates a specific set of abilities and values adapted to the complex and dynamic healthcare environment. Leadership ideals act as compass points for leaders as they traverse complex situations and reach moral conclusions. These competencies ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1609

The Evolution of Marketing in Healthcare

Digital transformation remains the most revolutionary aspect shaping the evolution of healthcare marketing. Product and service marketing has been explosively impacted by digital platforms leading to transformational changes in the health protection approach to reaching clients (Nabi, 2015). Among the transformative innovation in technology leading the evolution of advertising include patient portals, electronic health record ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3279

Notice Requirement in Healthcare

Introduction The central matter at hand in the Murphy v. Oregon Medical Board case pertains to the question of whether the act of consuming alcohol while on call in the capacity of a cardiac anesthesiologist can be deemed as “unprofessional or dishonorable conduct” as per the definition laid out by the Oregon Medical Board. Dr. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 705

Enhancing Quality and Safety

Introduction Healthcare facilities have always strived to improve and enhance care and support despite the differing clients’ medical complexities. Improvement efforts to promote a safe, healthy, and conducive working environment help alleviate safety risks that are eminent in every healthcare provider. Premature deaths of clients while receiving medical support at the healthcare facility are a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1603

Theory Application Paper- Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Introduction According to CDC data for 2019-2021, roughly 20% of persons in the United States report chronic pain. Patients all around the globe are distressed by a wide variety of issues, including physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual pain (S. M. Oliveira et al., 2020). Palliative care patients and their caregivers’ grief and sorrow as they ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2394

Healing and Autonomy Case Study

Ethics is an inherent part of medicine. As such, it is fundamental for healthcare workers to apply medical ethics while carrying out their duties. An in-depth understanding of the four principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice provides a foundation for efficient and respectful care of patients in different settings. Regarding the Healing and Autonomy ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1253

Taking On the Invisible Killer: Combating Hypertension in Healthcare

Introduction Most people worldwide suffer from hypertension, a serious public health issue. Therefore, the quality issue selected for this paper is to decrease hypertension to less than 140/90 in 80% of patients in the next 3-6 months through evidence-based interventions. The paper will also look at the six primary components of hypertension, including the economic, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2159
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