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Ethical Dilemma in Healthcare for Patients in Poverty


In the heart of a bustling urban neighborhood, Anna dedicates herself to her role as a healthcare worker at a community health clinic. Situated amidst a population predominantly burdened by economic challenges, Anna often witnesses the intricate interplay between health and poverty. One day, she encounters a situation that profoundly tests her ethical compass—an encounter with a patient named Carlos that prompts her to delve into the complexities of care-based and rights-based ethics.

Ethical Problem

Carlos, a middle-aged construction worker, is grappling with the ramifications of prolonged exposure to hazardous substances in his line of work. The diagnosis of a chronic respiratory condition adds another layer of adversity to his life. However, the weight of poverty bears heavily upon him, rendering him unable to afford the prescribed medications and specialized treatments that could alleviate his suffering. This scenario poses profound ethical dilemmas regarding equitable access to healthcare and the responsibility of healthcare providers in navigating patients’ financial barriers.

Care-Based Ethics Solutions

In the spirit of care-based ethics, Anna extends a compassionate hand to Carlos, acknowledging his health struggles and the intricate web of circumstances that perpetuate his predicament. Recognizing that his needs extend beyond medical treatment, Anna collaborates with social workers and patient advocacy groups to explore a range of available resources. She delves into government assistance programs, charitable organizations, and community initiatives that could provide a lifeline for Carlos and others in similar situations. Anna’s approach, deeply rooted in care ethics, underscores the importance of empathy, holistic support, and personalized aid tailored to Carlos’s unique circumstances.

Rights Ethics Solutions

From a rights-based ethical standpoint, Anna acknowledges Carlos’s inherent entitlement to healthcare, irrespective of his financial limitations. Viewing healthcare as a fundamental right, Anna embarks on a mission to advocate for systemic changes that would extend affordable access to necessary treatments for all patients facing economic hardships. Collaborating with colleagues, she works towards developing policies ensuring financial barriers do not undermine individuals’ right to health and well-being. In aligning herself with rights ethics, Anna becomes a catalyst for change, striving to uphold Carlos’s essential entitlements within the healthcare system.


The care-based approach champions cultivating deep and meaningful patient-provider relationships, channeling a commitment to address each individual’s needs (Rachels & Rachels, 2023). This approach amplifies the resonance of patient-centered care, ushering it to the forefront of ethical healthcare practices. However, the conundrum rests in the pragmatic feasibility of securing enduring solutions for patients like Carlos within the often constrained bounds of available resources.

Conversely, the rights-based ethical perspective places its faith in comprehensive systemic reforms, envisioning a landscape of long-term change that transcends individual cases (Rachels & Rachels, 2023). However, the caveat lies in its potential limitation to provide immediate succor to patients with exigent health challenges. While rights ethics endeavors to remodel the structural foundations of healthcare accessibility, it may inadvertently falter in addressing the pressing immediacy of healthcare interventions for individuals in dire need, like Carlos.

Healthcare Technology

In the context of Carlos’s predicament, electronic health records (EHRs) emerge as a transformative healthcare technology with implications that resonate across diverse ethical frameworks. Delving into the facets of EHR implementation through different ethical lenses uncovers many perspectives.

Utilitarianism places EHRs under the spotlight of efficiency and optimization. The streamlined access to Carlos’s medical history and treatment plans is seen as a means to elevate patient care, maximizing outcomes and minimizing redundancies. Kantian deontology underscores the sacred importance of patient confidentiality and the need for obtaining informed consent before venturing into the realm of EHR utilization (Rachels & Rachels, 2023). Ethical egoism reinforces Anna’s unwavering dedication to prioritizing Carlos’s health, ensuring his well-being remains at the forefront of her actions.

Meanwhile, social contract ethics interlaces the fabric of trust into the utilization of EHRs. Transparent and responsible handling of this technology becomes pivotal, safeguarding the patient-provider relationship upon which healthcare rests (Andreadis et al., 2023). As EHRs stand at the nexus of technological advancement and ethical responsibility, their deployment navigates a complex landscape shaped by various ethical perspectives, ultimately converging toward improving patient care.

Social Technologies

Empowering Carlos to navigate his intricate health journey, Anna opens the door to a realm of social technologies. Blogs, crowdfunding platforms, and online health resources emerge as luminous guideposts, shedding light on information and potential avenues for crucial financial assistance. Delving into the realm of these social technologies through the lens of ethical frameworks reveals layers of nuanced considerations.

Within the scope of utilitarianism, the efficacy of these platforms is assessed. Their potential to provide information, emotional support, and financial relief is weighed against the greater good they can contribute to Carlos’s well-being. Kantian deontology enunciates the indispensability of information accuracy and transparent communication as these social technologies shape Carlos’s path to better health (Rachels & Rachels, 2023). Ethical egoism underscores Anna’s unwavering commitment to accompany Carlos as he navigates through the multifaceted world of online resources, ensuring his best interests remain paramount.

Furthermore, social contract ethics fortifies the pivotal role of these platforms in forging an informed patient community. The emphasis on reliability and responsible dissemination of information lays the foundation for ethical engagement within this virtual ecosystem (Jiang, 2021). In the nexus of technology and ethics, these social technologies emerge as essential tools, guided by varied ethical perspectives, to empower Carlos on his journey toward improved health and well-being.


The intricate dance between care-based and rights-based ethics illuminates the path healthcare workers like Anna must tread in addressing the myriad challenges impoverished patients face. Striking a harmonious balance between personalized empathy and fundamental entitlements is essential. By synthesizing the values of both ethical perspectives, healthcare providers can make informed decisions that weave together compassion, systemic change, and patient empowerment.


Andreadis, K., Muellers, K., Ancker, J. S., Horowitz, C., Kaushal, R., & Lin, J. J. (2023). Telemedicine impact on the patient–provider relationship in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical Care61(Suppl 1).

Jiang, J. (2021). A question of human rights or human left? – the ‘people’s war against COVID-19’ under the ‘gridded management’ system in China. Journal of Contemporary China31(136), 491–504.

Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2023). The Elements of Moral Philosophy (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.


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