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Environmental Issues Essays

Environmental Justice: Analyzing the Burden of Air Pollution Through a Cultural Text

Environmental justice, a central tenet of our course, beckons us to reconsider the distribution of environmental benefits and burdens with a lens of equity. It is a call to action against the historical backdrop of environmental racism, where marginalized communities bear the disproportionate weight of pollution and environmental hazards. This form of environmental racism describes ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1054

Environmental Protection and Resource Sustainability

Given the global challenges of climate change and natural resource depletion, environmental protection and resource sustainability have assumed greater urgency. An essential sub-topic explored in this essay is the contribution of renewable energy to climate change mitigation. Renewable energy emerges as a promising alternative, presenting a feasible resolution to mitigate our ecological impact and shift towards ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 810
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Alberta’s Climate Change Policy and the Oil and Gas Industry in 2023

Executive Summary Alberta’s 2023 climate policy aims to balance continued oil and gas production with achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. However, this poses significant challenges given the province’s reliance on high-emissions fossil fuel extraction and processing. The plan focuses on developing technologies like carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), clean hydrogen, bioenergy, and methane reductions ... Read More
Pages: 23       Words: 6178

Ingenuity Process Questions for Plastic Waste in the Philippines

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This essay explores the significant plastic waste problem in the Philippines and its effects on workers, marine life, and the environment. The expansion of the plastic industry and insufficient waste management worsen the situation, resulting in waterway blockage, negative economic impacts, and high tourist collection rates. The entrepreneurial proposal recommends the implementation of ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2650

Deforestation and the Economic Benefits Compared to the Environmental and Societal Impacts Caused.

The deliberate and widespread loss of forests or trees from a place for human activities like farming, urbanization, logging, or infrastructure development is deforestation. The subject matter of deforestation is characterized by its diverse nature, involving intricate interplays among economic benefits, environmental repercussions, and societal effects. Deforestation has accelerated globally due to extending agricultural needs, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2538

Comprehensive Emergency Planning for Hurricane Hazards: Preparation, Response, and Recovery Strategies

Introduction The present proposal delineates the requisite measures to be undertaken during the preparatory, responsive, and recuperative stages of a hurricane peril affecting our local populace (Yoe, 2019). The exploration delves into the significant challenges that responding agencies may encounter, accompanied by potential solutions to surmount these difficulties effectively. Establishing an efficacious emergency plan necessitates ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 794

A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Conditions and Policies in DRC and Australia: Mineral Resources and Sustainability

Introduction The extraction and exploitation of various mineral resources is vital in the global economy, providing the raw materials necessary for various industries. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Australia are two countries that significantly influence the global mineral supply chain. The DRC, situated in the heart of Africa, is regarded as a ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3160

Climate Change in Popular Culture

Abstract: The research delves into how climate change is depicted within the mainstream media, emphasizing three key queries: How does popular culture present images of climate change and their outcomes? What narrative techniques are utilized for these depictions? Furthermore, what influence do they have over public understanding and interpretation? The TV program “Extrapolations” is a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1542

The Effects Climate Change Has on Our Future

Introduction The enormity of climate change necessitates decisive and immediate action. As of 2023, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimates that the average global temperature has soared by 1.98°F (1.1°C) since 1901. This seismic shift in temperature is but one incredible manifestation of climate change, also encompassing oceanic spikes, varying climate systems, and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2391

Becoming a More Conscious Consumer

Section One My perception and feeling toward consumption have changed since I learned that mainstream marketing and production practices negatively impact the environment. I had been purchasing based on how affordable something was, its quality, and whether it was convenient for me. People are more attracted to options that have a positive influence on society ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1423

Implications of a Record-Breaking Heatwave and Drought in Texas

Article Summary The Texas Tribune, a reputable news organization known for its comprehensive coverage of Texas-related matters, recently released an article that sheds light on the significant heat wave and drought conditions currently afflicting the state (Texas Monthly – the National Magazine of Texas, n.d.). The essay offers a thorough examination of the current situation, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1302

A Comparison of Heatwave Response and Management Strategies in Different Countries

Abstract Heat waves have emerged as a new research topic within the arena of climate change studies and highly resonate with the current society. This study analyzed extensive research on this topic’s rapidly growing scientific literature. The evolution of publication times indicates the dynamism of the heat waves research, with its effects doubling within just ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4650

The Environmental Crisis in Your Closet

The global textile and garment industry, which plays a crucial role in economic growth and consumer behavior, has gained significant attention due to its environmental impact. As the sector continues to grow and operate in several countries, the negative impact on the environment is becoming more apparent (Matthews, 2015). This is particularly noticeable in Tirupur, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 982

Analysis of the Case of ANZ Bank and the Port of Newcastle

Introduction ANZ bank withdrew its funding from the Port of Newcastle due to concerns about climate risks and the potential for the port to become a stranded asset. ANZ Bank is considered one of the largest lenders to the port (Millington, 2021). However, the current shift in the world away from coal has created an ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2337

Navigating Climate Change and Electric Mobility

Introduction Climate change, a critical issue in the natural sciences, prompts an investigation into its impact on biodiversity. Rising temperatures and altered weather patterns threaten ecosystems, challenging species to adapt or face extinction. Melting ice caps and changing ocean temperatures disrupt habitats, jeopardizing the delicate balance of interconnected ecosystems. This exploration delves into the direct ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1125
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