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The Effects Climate Change Has on Our Future


The enormity of climate change necessitates decisive and immediate action. As of 2023, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimates that the average global temperature has soared by 1.98°F (1.1°C) since 1901. This seismic shift in temperature is but one incredible manifestation of climate change, also encompassing oceanic spikes, varying climate systems, and immeasurable ecology disruptions. From typhoons to famines, this crisis endangers all facets of our linked world, including freshwater supplies, agriculture, and public vegetation. It is not possible to overestimate the need to manage climate change appropriately. As well as its unavoidable environmental effects, climate change also assaults the possibility of our success, durability, and all living species’ health. Due to the efficient containment of heat by these gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, global temperatures are rising. But the effects of climate change go well beyond simply higher temperatures. They cover a wide range of related topics, including the overall threats to humanity and biodiversity as a whole, the startling rise in sea levels, disruptions to ecosystems, and extreme and anomalous weather events. For a sustainable future, addressing and adapting to climate change are critical issues.

Climate change, as reflected in global temperature rise statistics, serves as a stark indicator of the profound alterations occurring in our environment. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently unveiled, through documented temperature rise measurements, the current trend of change happening in the background. In the report, it was retraced and established that global temperatures have slid up to 1.98°F (1.1°C) since the beginning of the century in 1901 (NOAA para 1). This anecdote practically provides testimony of the far-reaching characteristics of climate change, which is manifesting through an assortment of issues, some with substantial implications on the human life and societies they live in.

The impacts of climate change extend beyond rising temperatures, consisting of a variety of environmental changes. Ocean levels are rising, climatic patterns are shifting, causing an escalation in floods and droughts, and habitats are being disturbed. These transformations affect realms crucial to human survival, such as water availability, energy resources, transportation, animal life, crop production, and people’s health. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) explains the accelerated elevation of sea levels, the crumbling of glaciers, and the decreased Arctic Ocean ice, in addition to the tremendous 25% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since 1958 and the 40% surge since the Industrial Revolution – testimony of the widespread human notion over climate (World et al. para 2). Notably, the effects of climate change are not shared uniformly, showing disparities worldwide and within local areas. Those with fewer resources to handle the impacts of climate change are more prone to its repercussions, intensifying pre-existing socioeconomic inconsistencies. In order to devise successful plans in facing climate change-related risks, it is essential to acknowledge such discrepancies.

Climate-induced hazards, especially wildfires, manifest with disproportionate impacts around the world and within communities, exacerbating existing socioeconomic disparities. The unparalleled scope of fires witnessed in 2020, from California to the Arctic, exhibits the far-reaching effects of climate change on communities and the environment (Library Collection). The scientific community is in agreement that the climate emergency intensifies the regularity and ferocity of wildfires, with research connecting larger fires to elevated global temperatures due to combusting of fossil fuels (Boyle). This intertwined association between wildfires and climate change creates a relentless cycle, as the carbon brought into the atmosphere further amplifies worldwide warming, increasing the susceptibility of terrains to ignition (Boyle). In the Arctic, fires abetted by fuzzy-leafed trees, marshy grounds, and tundra add to the higher atmospheric carbon concentrations, exacerbating the stringent nature of the climate emergency (Boyle).

Socioeconomic factors compound individual exposure, as demonstrated by 2019’s fires in Australia, acutely worsened by continuing drought that left lands dry and combustible (Boyle). In the United States, the “wildland-urban interface” has been exposed to a mounting risk as housing developments push into fire-prone territories, the result of rising population numbers and limited housing options (Boyle). Strikingly, those in a state of vulnerability — those with low incomes and of color — are at increased risk from health-related issues due to climate change’s impact (Reidmiller et al.). Linked to irregular exposure to severe events, illnesses, and alterations in the air and water quality, this distressed demographic faces a heightened risk (Reidmiller et al.).

The effects of climate change on human health extend beyond direct hazards, with indirect consequences aggravating existing disparities in health (Reidmiller et al.). People in vulnerable categories, such as children and elderly individuals, bear disproportionate health hazards, accentuating the importance of preventive adaptation policies and initiatives (Reidmiller et al.). These discoveries emphasize the necessity of curtailing the discharges of greenhouse gases, not simply for the conservation of the environment but also for significant health and monetary dividends (Reidmiller et al.). In combating climate change, a comprehensive strategy must recognize the interconnectedness of ecological and social areas, understanding the necessity of shielding disadvantaged communities from the mounting threats of the climatic crisis.

Pandemic Shutdowns and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Despite the imposed strict regulations during the pandemic health crisis, a wild surge of both methane and carbon dioxide was still observed. Contrary to presumptions, this rise occurred, overwhelming the Carbon Dioxide concentration levels and reaching unprecedented heights in the sky (NOAA para 1). This strange discovery highlights the intricate relationships between human actions, economic decisions, and ecological effects. Notoriously, it accentuates the immense resiliency of long-life gases compared to transient climate pollutants such as methane, which also experienced a drastic rise during the specified time frame.

The implications of heightened emissions during a global recession are apparent, necessitating transformations in energy consumption, transportation, and industrial practices. This paradoxical surge in emissions throughout a time of lowered human activity prompts a reconsideration of extant environmental regulations. It necessitates more robust tactics to tackle the root causes of climate change. Consistent with the pandemic laying bare the vulnerability of existing social and ecological arrangements, there exists a crucial link between pandemic responses and climate mitigation. NOAA succinctly summarizes the gravity of the situation, appropriately summarizing that “the surprising endurance of elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere underscores the need for comprehensive, integrated systems to combat climate change” (NOAA para 2). Therefore, while confronting the overlap between global health crises and climate challenges, thorough strategies are requisite for establishing a sustainable and robust future.

Observing environmental changes highlights an undeniable story of climate modification. In line with information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), our planet is presently going through a complex change, observable in the expansion of global temperatures, overbearing sea levels, slipping away glaciers, and a considerable decline in Arctic sea ice. These apparent alterations result in a range of repercussions, significantly impacting water resources and intensifying flooding occurrences. With the rise in temperatures, melting of ice along with thermal inflation induce a rise in sea levels, endangering coastal locales. Moreover, transformed humidity patterns are restyling hydrologic formations, provoking more regular and powerful floods (Fann et al.). These transformations emphasize the interconnection between climate mechanisms, raising the seriousness of preemptive measures to minimize the distant effects on ecosystems and human settlements. As climate change persists in displaying tangible phenomena, admitting these developments becomes vital for instructed and efficient adaptation approaches.

Climate change is inducing widespread local extinctions among both plant and animal species. Recently, Wiens assessed data on range shifts of 976 different species and found striking results: more than a quarter of the species in the study had experienced local extinctions caused by the climate alteration, and tropical organisms were generally more sensitive than temperate varieties (55% versus 39%) (International Fund for Animal Welfare). The researcher pointed out the difficulties many species have in adapting to even slight climate modifications, and this raises anxieties concerning the increasingly dire prospect as global warming persists. Wiens theorized that the observed effects of climate change thus far will most likely be increased by two to fivefold within the next decades (Wiens). This compelling research highlights that recent climate change has resulted in local extinctions for hundreds of species globally, challenging our presupposition that much of life can adjust quickly to changing conditions. In spite of the comparatively slight increase in global temperatures, it was determined that 47% of the surveyed species had suffered local extinctions linked to climate change. This demonstrates that even the most minor climate variations already evidenced are enough to cause wide-ranging deracination, and more creatures may not be able to react rapidly enough as global climate intensifies further (Wiens).

Humanity may become exposed to awful dangers related to climate change, impacting multiple elements of welfare. According to Fann et al., the detriment to human health fueled by global warming will only be amplified by increased temperatures. Furthermore, intensifying and sporadic heatwaves, contrastive climate trends compared to typical conditions, and ascendant sea lines all incur harm to people's health. To reiterate, particular demographics such as the elderly, minors, and economically challenged citizens, along with certain ethnic minorities, are overly susceptible to harm. The connection between climate change and health-concerned matters is further illuminated by Balbus et al. as he states, “Climate change affects human health by altering exposures to heat waves, floods, droughts, and other extreme events; vector-, food- and waterborne infectious diseases; changes in the quality and safety of air, food, and water; and stresses to mental health and well-being” (Balbus et al. 1)

The ramifications on health stretch far beyond corporeality and influence psychological well-being. Calamities such as hurricanes, downpours, and blazes can dramatically heighten psychological hardships. In pushing for active methods to tackle health threats and provide protection, such as undertaking edicts and plans, the documentation emphasizes the tangled connection between climate fluctuation and health. As the heat continues to build, the importance linked to controlling these consequences intensifies. As Fann et al. succinctly affirm, “the consequences of ecological mutation for human health are likely to rise in the future, depending on the efficacy of adaptation endeavors and the strength and pattern of upcoming climatic alteration” (Fann et al. 4). This fuses with the necessity to reduce ecological mutation and conduct activities for defending collective health.

After carefully analyzing the provided data on climate change effects, it is undeniable that this phenomenon carries significant and far-reaching implications for human well-being and the future of our planet. The impact on human health, as highlighted by Boyle’s research connecting climate change to an increase in wildfires’ frequency and intensity, is profound. This evidence clearly demonstrates how climate change puts us at a higher risk of devastating fires that result in loss of life, displacement from homes, and long-term health issues due to exposure to hazardous fumes and smoke. This pattern presents an immediate threat with tangible consequences for human health. Wiens’ study delving into local extinctions associated with shifts in climate further emphasizes the repercussions we face regarding public health. According to the data gathered thus far, hundreds of species have already experienced extinction at a localized level, posing potential risks not only towards biodiversity but also crucial ecosystem functions. Although there may not be an apparent direct link between these local extinctions caused by shifting climates towards human well-being initially; one must consider how they can ultimately disrupt ecosystems- potentially impacting vital resources like food or drinking water necessary for sustaining healthy living conditions essential for humans worldwide, exposing severe indirect consequences surrounding those who depend upon them most intensely such as vulnerable populations residing within tropical regions facing heightened extinction threats currently.

Balbus et al.’s extensive analysis of the various ways in which climate change detrimentally affects human well-being, such as exposure to extreme temperatures and diseases carried by insects, degradation of air and water quality, and mental health issues serves as a powerful reminder that this global phenomenon poses a serious threat to public health regardless of geographical or demographic boundaries. The complex web of risks posed by climate change is vast; hotter temperatures lead to more frequent and severe wildfires that not only endanger lives but also have detrimental effects on public health and resilience (Boyle). Furthermore, exacerbating climate change has dire consequences for biodiversity, jeopardizing access to vital resources essential for maintaining good physical condition. The disparities among different population groups further highlight the pressing need for immediate action against this looming crisis. Effective mitigation strategies must be implemented alongside adaptation measures aimed at minimizing vulnerability while enhancing overall resilience. These efforts should include reducing greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable practices along with initiatives designed specifically for adapting communities facing higher levels of risk.

In conclusion, the gravity of climate change’s impact on our world calls for swift and all-encompassing action. The evidence at hand, from soaring global temperatures to frequent wildfires and species disappearing locally serves as a stark reminder of the complex relationship between environmental changes, human well-being, and our future. This also highlights the unequal vulnerabilities among different groups, highlighting the need for inclusive approaches. In order to secure a sustainable future, we must not only address the root causes but also take immediate steps towards mitigating its consequences. It is imperative to consider both mitigation efforts and adaptation measures. Only then can we effectively protect our ecosystems, public health, and communities’ resilience against this existential challenge. Moving forward requires a united effort globally to safeguard what remains of our planet’s delicate balance.

Work Cited

Balbus, John, et al. Ch. 1: Introduction: Climate Change and Human Health. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. 1 Jan. 2016,

City of Chicago. “Climate Change Impacts: Climate Impacts on Human Health.” City of Chicago.

Fann, Neal, et al. Ch. 3: Air Quality Impacts. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. 1 Jan. 2016.

International Fund for Animal Welfare. “The Impact of Climate Change on Our Planet’s Animals.” IFAW, 28 Feb. 2022,

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Louise, Boyle. “How The Climate Crisis Is Affecting Wildfires Around the World.” Independent Digital News &Media, 16 Dec. 2020.

NOAA. “Climate Change Impacts.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Reidmiller, David R., et al. “Impacts, risks, and adaptation in the United States: Fourth national climate assessment, volume II.” 2017.

Wiens, John J. “Climate-related local extinctions are already widespread among plant and animal species.” PLoS Biology 14.12 2016: e2001104.

WWF. “How The Climate Crisis Could Impact Our Future | Stories | WWF.” World Wildlife Fund, 2023,


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