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Environmental Issues Essays

The Detrimental Impact of Deforestation

Introduction Deforestation, the cutting of trees for different activities, is a world issue with an extensive impact that must not be ignored. On the one hand, it could help resolve the immediate economic problems, such as the expansion of land or starting a new project, but on the other hand, the environment, society, and economy ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1921

Climate Change Is a Challenge to Sustainable Development: An Inescapable Reality

Introduction From concussions to debates, modern environmental sustainability drive room discussions often produce an adversarial contestant as part of the line-up to sustainable development. The enormity of the climate change specter portends a catastrophe, not only for the core objectives of sustainability but certainly also for the very foundation, which sets the base for the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1704
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Marathon Runners Case Study

‌ David Abruzzo, president of the Metrocity Striders Track Club and race coach for the New York City Marathon applicants, deals with the different worries of three groups of runners. Beginners need a guide to training, nutrition, and race logistics. The returnees expect reassurance on the efficiency of the training and performance improvements. Experienced runners, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1187

Competition for Natural Resources in the South China Sea and Its Impact on Climate Change Cooperation Between the United States and China

Introduction The South China Sea, the focal point of the historical disputes that have evolved into today’s geopolitical rivalries between several countries, all of which make claims over its waters and resources, is a key factor in international relations. Such tensions do not end at borders with strategic, economic, and environmental issues, also including the ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2977

Chemical Analysis of Microplastics and Nanoplastics: Challenges, Advanced Methods, and Perspectives

Abstract Microplastics and nanoplastics are currently widespread pollutants in the various compartments of the environment, so there is a need to have a good comprehension of the chemical formulation and its ecological significance. Chemistry analysis is complicated as the compound contains a complex mixture of chemical components that are small in size. The advanced methods ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4084

Enhancing Understanding of Climate Change and Marine Ecosystems Through Creativity and Kinesthetic Learning

Kinesthetic Element – Interactive Experiment or Demonstration For the kinesthetic element of my assignment, I planned and executed a small experiment related to my topic: how climate change is affecting marine ecosystems. I chose to experiment in order to determine the consequences of ocean acidification on the shells of marine organisms. The shells of clams, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1418

The Far-Reaching Impacts of Climate Change: A Call to Action

Climate change, caused by artificial human activities, is becoming one of the most significant challenges of our time. The consequences are seen throughout the planet, impairing ecosystems, economies, and societies in a diverse and complex way. The essay elaborates on the comprehensive ramifications of climate change on the environment from social and economic perspectives. Environmental ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1009

Arizona and Jamestown Drought

The Arizona and Jamestown droughts occurred at different times and in different geographical setups. However, I share some insights on their effects, with the Jamestown drought being the hardest hit. The two have negatively impacted the environment, an economy based on different industries, agricultural activities and the ecosystem. This work focuses on the two droughts, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 989

The Environmental Impact of Wildfires and Climate Change’s Role

The discussion is on how wildfires in British Columbia significantly affect the soil, vegetation, and hydrological cycles. Wildfires have changed landscapes, and shrubs take the place of trees; the buildup of snow changes, and water movement is disturbed. Also, thick smoke and polluted drinking water harm humans, while deforestation releases stored carbon into the environment, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 731

Emergency Management Local Office

Introduction The local emergency management office is a valuable partner in times of hazard and disaster. Its strategic decisions and preparation also play a decisive role in protecting the community from various threats, including natural and artificial disasters (Canton, 2019). These organizations operate as the most reliable pre-emptive defense, head-to-toe response coordination, and mitigation of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 949

The Case Against Canada’s Overseas Waste Export

The issue of plastic pollution has now reached the international spotlight, with Canada being one of the countries to blame for this environmental disaster (Bergmann et al., 2022, p. 5). In recent years, Canada has drawn criticism over its garbage export program, which has incited discussions on whether Canada should keep this issue on its ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1358

Community Disaster Recovery Plan for Tall Oaks

I am the senior nurse at Tall Oaks Medical Center. The hospital administrator asked me to make a plan to help our community recover after the lousy flood we had. Many people lost their homes, and some even died. The hospital needs to work with our town’s leaders to improve things. I have to present ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2874

Natural Catastrophes in Earth’s History: Samos Earthquake

1. Introduction Samos is one of the Islands of Greece located south of Chios on the Western end of Turkey, as shown in Figure 1. On 30th October 2020, Samos experienced an earthquake of 7.0 magnitude1. The quake led to the destruction of property and loss of lives based on how it later caused a strong ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 864

A Community Nurse’s Perspective in Brownsville, TX

Major Natural Disaster Threats Facing Brownsville, TX Due to Its Geographic Location Brownsville, TX, faces several potential natural disasters due to its geographic location near the Gulf Coast in southern Texas. As a coastal city, one of the biggest threats is hurricanes and tropical storms that form in the Gulf and can make landfall in ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1481

Warning and Critical Incident Response: Understanding the Process and Challenges

Introduction In critical situations like natural disasters or emergencies, when the safety and well-being of individuals and communities are at stake, effective warning systems become paramount lifelines, helping to minimize risks and ultimately saving lives. Within this framework, this paper explores the complex workings of warning processes in critical incidents, paying attention to the dynamics ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1707
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