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The Environmental Impact of Wildfires and Climate Change’s Role

The discussion is on how wildfires in British Columbia significantly affect the soil, vegetation, and hydrological cycles. Wildfires have changed landscapes, and shrubs take the place of trees; the buildup of snow changes, and water movement is disturbed. Also, thick smoke and polluted drinking water harm humans, while deforestation releases stored carbon into the environment, speeding up climate change. About the growing frequency and intensity of wildfires, the discussion addresses the interdependence of wildfires, ecosystem dynamics, and climate change, as well as the pressing need for a thorough understanding to address environmental concerns (The National, 2019).

Climate Migrants

The Video talks about how climate change affects people, emphasizing those compelled to migrate because of environmental problems. Yurub Abdi Jama, a 35-year-old Somalian herder, joined tens of thousands of others who were forced to flee their homes due to severe drought. Additionally, global warming is thought to cause an increasing number of extreme weather events, including storms, floods, wildfires, and droughts, which result in widespread displacement. Again, United Nations research shows how the poorest regions are disproportionately affected by the growing income gap brought about by climate change. There is a reason for serious worry about the possibility of mass migrations and the absence of international legal protection for climate migrants (AFP News Agency, 2023).

Climate Change Linked to Extreme Drought

Globally, there were severe droughts in the summer of 2022 caused by human emissions that caused extreme soil moisture droughts to occur 20 times more frequently than in the past. At the same time, the World Weather Attribution research emphasizes how urgent it is to deal with the growing consequences of climate change within eight years. As a “threat multiplier,” climate change contributes to problems such as the effect of the war in Ukraine on the world’s food and energy supplies. Again, permanent or everlasting droughts could result from complex adaptation strategies and a lack of preparedness. Scientists stress that swift action is desperately needed to stop climate change and its devastating environmental and economic effects (Global News, 2023).

Meaning of Climate Change

The Video highlights the substantial rise in carbon dioxide levels since the Industrial Revolution while discussing how urgent it is to address climate change. It attributes the increase to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and the expanding world population. The “Greenhouse Effect” causes the temperature to rise by 1 degree since pre-industrial times by retaining heat in the atmosphere. The film emphasizes the adverse effects on the world, including increasing sea levels, harsh weather, and the limited influence of the Paris Agreement because of certain nations’ lack of commitment. It underlines how crucial institutional changes are to preventing climate change (Guardian News, 2022).

Floods due to Climate Change

Climate change is making flooding more destructive worldwide, mainly because of two things. First of all, as air temperatures rise, the atmosphere can retain more water vapor, which increases rainfall and the difficulty of drainage. Second, increased water volume and ice cap melting due to global warming raise sea levels, which worsen coastal flooding during storms like storms. River flooding, flash floods, or water at the surface flooding, and coastal flooding are the three primary forms of flooding. Furthermore, flooding can hurt the economy, infrastructure, and mental health and can be avoided by taking both artificial and natural defences, such as reducing the water flow rate. Ultimately, reducing the consumption of fossil fuels is essential to addressing the global warming crisis and reducing the likelihood of increasingly deadly floods in the world (Al Jazeera English, 2017).


AFP News Agency. (2023). Climate migrants: Who are they and where will they go? [Video].

Al Jazeera English. (2017). What is climate change? Start here. [Video].

CBC News: The National. (2019).The environmental impact of wildfires and climate change’s role. [Video].

Global News. (2023). Climate change linked to extreme drought in new study. [Video].

Guardian News. (2022). Climate change is making floods worse: here’s how. [Video].


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