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Environmental Issues Essays

Sustainability: The Use of Cloth Bags Over Single-Use Plastics

Sustainability is an endeavour that everyone should adopt for the development and growth of society in a forward-leaning manner, which gives rise to my project on using cloth bags instead of single plastic bags. One way to ensure this is by reducing and eradicating single-use plastic bags. Countries across the globe have introduced laws to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1384

Water Conservation of Farmers

Introduction Sustainable agriculture entails the farming practices that allow for nutrient replenishment and fertility for supporting future population. Due to the continual growth of populations across the world, farming practices should integrate measures for environmental protection and conservation of natural resources, such as water reservoirs and rainwater. The sustainable agricultural practices established in light of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3043
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Title: The Future of Renewable Energy: Advancing Towards Sustainability

Introduction: The World is confronting a basic point in resolving the major problem of energy utilization and its effect on the climate. As worries about environmental change and asset consumption develop, the discussion over sustainable power versus conventional petroleum products has become progressively extraordinary. This exposition investigates the upsides of embracing sustainable power sources as ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1154

Managing Public Health Challenges in the Aftermath of Earthquakes

Introduction Earthquake is of the most devastating natural catastrophes whose effects can last for years or even decades. A well-thought-out emergency and disaster management strategy is required since earthquakes can threaten structures, infrastructure, and human lives. Earthquakes may claim thousands of lives once they occur, and after the occurrence, the effects on the affected population ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1513

Effects of Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is the phenomenon of a gradual increase in the Earth’s average temperature. It is an unusually rapid increase caused by the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels. It causes profound alteration to the environment, eventually impacting human health. Many hazardous effects will happen in future if it continues. Rapid industrialization, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1182

Brownfield Site – The Allston Railyard (Beacon Park Yard)

Though brownfields are available, they have often been among the most challenging development projects, primarily due to the complexity of achieving sustainable development (Caparros-Midwood et al., 2019). Due to changes in the landscape used by the railway corporations where operations have ceased or relocated to other areas, it is easier to map brownfields for development. ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3675

Aviation Sustainability in Airline Market Operations: A Comprehensive Study

Introduction Aviation sustainability has emerged as a vital concern in the airline industry, driven by the need to address environmental impact and societal expectations. This dissertation proposal explores the concept of aviation sustainability in the context of airline market operations. The research will investigate the current practices, challenges, and potential strategies for improving sustainability in ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2310

Issues That Arise With Earthquakes

There are many forces on the planet, and they have both positive and negative ramifications on people’s lives. Earthquakes are some of the negative ramifications resulting from the many forces on the planet. Natural occurrences like earthquakes have fascinated and bewildered people for ages. The enormous rock slabs that make up the Earth’s surface, known ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1362

Effect of Fractionating Fluids, and Additives on the Effectiveness/Environmental

1 Abstract This study was purposed to examine how using different fracturing fluids and additives impacts the effectiveness and environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing operations. Hydraulic fracturing is also utilized in low-permeability sediments and other subsurface formations for increased vapor extraction efficiency and remediation of contaminated sites. The process of hydraulic fracking is preceded by ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4417

Environmental Ethics Article Review

Increased Carbon Dioxide Emission Resulting from Global Warming There have been reported cases of atmospheric carbon dioxide, an ethical issue that causes increased global warming and climate change. As the Washington Post, dated 5th June 2023, has outlined, Human activities increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to natural processes that can eliminate it. As a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 715

The Green Revolution and Bio-Revolution

The Green Revolution and Bio-revolution changed world food production. The 1940s–1960s Green Revolution increased crop yields to relieve global food shortages (Hamdan et al., 2022). The late 20th-century bio-revolution, the Gene Revolution or Biotechnology Revolution, used genetic engineering and biotechnology to increase agriculture and food supply. Globalization revolutionized agricultural and food production through the Green ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1332

Tap Water: A Healthy, Environmentally Friendly, and Cost-Efficient Beverage

Introduction: Even though tap water has many health advantages, it is generally neglected as a beverage option. Despite its convenience and the fact that it is sometimes overlooked, it has several benefits that set it out as the best option. This essay argues that drinking tap water benefits your health since it is a healthy beverage, friendly to the environment, and cost-efficient. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1270

Draft an Argumentative Research Essay on Why Electric Cars Are Good for the Environment

Introduction: The growing concerns about the worsening effects of climate change in recent years have given rise to an urgent push to curb our carbon footprint, spurring a discernible shift in the automotive industry aimed at developing more sustainable modes of transportation. Electric vehicles are coming to the fore, having emerged recently as an increasingly ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2193

Fracking’s Hazards and Environmental Impacts: An Appeal for Regulation and Alternatives

Introduction Researchers and consumers are exploring and using fossil resources like natural gas to address rising global energy demands. Fracking hydraulics is a controversial process for extracting natural gas from deep below. Fracking advocates claim it can meet short-term energy needs, but a closer look shows considerable environmental problems. (Wansley)This article raises awareness of fracking’s ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1202

Digital and Sustainable Innovations in Agribusiness

Introduction Addressing climate change and ensuring the long-term availability of vital natural resources heavily relies on advancing agribusiness practices. Optimal progress necessitates introducing innovative products or implementing novel systems/methods that enhance profitability, efficiency, and productivity while attaining sustainable outcomes throughout the industry. The adoption of an agribusiness innovation approach by farmers facilitates strategic development infused ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5638
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