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Cinema Essays

The Impact of Franchise Films on the Film Industry

In recent years, the film business has undergone a notable metamorphosis characterized by the emergence of franchise films. As moviegoers eagerly attend theatres to see the next chapter of their beloved cinematic worlds, concerns arise over the potential negative impact these franchise films may have on the film industry (Kohl et al., 2021, p.370). The ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1277

Representations of Genetic Manipulation in Movies

This paper seeks to explore the depictions of genetic mutilation in motion picture films and their convergence with Art, science, and technology. The paper will focus on how filmmakers represent genetic manipulation in terms of its social, ethical, and human identity connotations. The analysis will look into the artistry, science, and technology within cinematic narrations, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3165
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Movie Review: “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)”

Introduction “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” (2011) is a fascinating movie about retirement, aging, and finding purpose abroad. John Madde directs it. The film is a British comedy-drama that portrays a diverse group of seniors who retire in Jaipur, India. As the characters face age-related challenges and opportunities, the film successfully handles adult development issues, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1722

The Movie “Venom” and the Duality of Humans

Introduction In 2018, Marvel Comics released a movie titled “Venom” that shows the power of dual life forms in horror films. Modern movies often show many life forms, for instance, aliens, cyborgs, monsters, and clones, that do not conform to the ordinary experiences of everyday life. Although the cultural and psychological reasons for watching horror ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 722

‘But I Am a Cheerleader’ Parody and Heteronormativity Disruption

The film “But I’m a Cheerleader,” which was directed by Jamie Babbit, makes fun of heteronormativity via the position of camp aesthetics. Megan is a dancer who is brought to a conversion treatment camp. This fan favorite tells her tale. The movie uses bright images, over-the-top acting, and sarcasm to criticize societal norms. The movie ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 863

“Grizzly Man”: The Life and Legacy of Timothy Treadwell

Werner Herzog’s film explores the existing conflict between nature and man. In general, the idea behind the documentary was to demonstrate how man can alter nature, giving rise to inevitable consequences. Treadwell, being the documentary’s protagonist, is viewed with grizzlies (Rivas, 267-284). This is seen through Treadwell’s hobbies. In the documentary, Treadwell spends most of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1635

Taiwan Film Industry

Abstract “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” marks a new watershed for one of Taiwan’s most lucrative film industries. In addition, a merger between traditional culture and modern thinking transcends the frontiers of space to become what we now define as transnational screen sound. In the Shaw Brothers’ magnum masterpiece, Ang Lee brings the genre back to ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3527

Political Discourse, Genre Play, and Documentary Artistry

Political Filmmaking Give me an example of how either ideology or hegemony works through one of the example films. Be sure to define what ideology or hegemony means. The movie adaptation of “1984” by George Orwell presents this idea of ideology as an apparatus used to achieve the goal of ruling through hegemony frighteningly. Instead ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1357

Movie Review: Antwone Fisher

The 2002 film Antwone Fisher, based on a true story written by the real Antwone Fisher, portrays Fisher’s development from an abused and troubled young man to a more self-actualized and healed individual. Directed by and starring Denzel Washington, the movie depicts Antwone’s difficult upbringing, his struggles with anger issues as a young adult, and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1998

The Use of Cinematic Codes in Casablanca

Introduction Cinematic codes are the visual aspects of a film. The visual elements help to cue the film’s audience by giving the desired effect. Through them, the individual watching the movie gets more understanding of what the film producers want them to know. For example, the costumes that the actors put on can help to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1653

International Film Comparison

Abstract This essay attempts to compare François Truffaut’s “The 400 Blows” (1959) with Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s “Amélie” (2001), examining how these films reveal and express themes of individuality, society and self-discovery. By exploring the film structure, cinematography, and design in detail, the essay demonstrates differences between their narrative approaches and aesthetics. It proceeds to examine how ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1742

“Coeur Fidèle” by Jean Epstein Analysis

Brief History The French impressionist cinema movement started in the 1920s. Its emphasis is on subjective realities, and emotional representation is the main characteristic of this movement. It is also essential to mention filmmakers who introduced the movement, including Epstein. They argued that films should be seen as art that creates experience, giving rise to ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3399

Film Media Analysis: Parasite 2019

Directed by Bong Joon-ho, Parasite 2019 is a South Korean black comedy thriller film based on a struggling Kim family that tried to take advantage of an opportunity offered by their son when he worked at a rich family (Park family). The film is filled with greed and class discrimination, which are seen to threaten the newly ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1657

Affective Images Research Paper

Images can convey rich semantic information about certain situations and characters. Affective images are those associated with certain emotions and forces, automatically gaining meanings in our minds without involving cognition. According to Seigworth & Gregg (1), they are “those forces – visceral forces beneath, alongside, or generally other than conscious knowing, vital forces insisting beyond ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2071
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Essays On Cinema

Cinema stands as a form of creative expression that seamlessly balances between entertainment and enlightenment. It serves as a potent medium for influence, constituting a vital cornerstone of contemporary society. Remarkably, it endures the test of time, persisting amidst the transformative waves of technology and the digital age, which have occasionally sought to reshape its essence.

It’s also interesting to see how cinema will be affected by having constant access to content on our smartphones and if there even is a place for it in the future. If cinema was to be eliminated, it would have already happened, and it again shows us how critical it is as an art form.

No matter how much content is being created by social media or streaming platforms, cinemas still help to build out that environment that made them great in the first place. It crafts a transport of escapism for a time when we traverse the reality of our daily lives. It enables suspension of disbelief, where we are willing to be in a mythical story, a magical land, or an action film where we are rooting for the hero.

It’s a place to also ironically disconnect from other media sources and phone addiction and is an excellent option to share with others in a physical presence.

How to write essays on cinema

Cinema is still a relatively fresh concept and has had various ages already happen. You can focus on its illustrious history and multiple periods or look at it from a more modern approach. Since it is an art form, it means it’s open to interpretations, and even writing a key essay on critical movies through the ages and interpreting them would make for a fantastic essay read.

The lasting power of cinema is that it evolves as we do so that it always seems to be relevant.

Topics to think about or choose when writing an essay about cinema:

• The history of cinema
• The art of cinema
• The role of cinema in society
• The future of cinema
• The influence of cinema on other art forms
• The personal impact of cinema

If you’re still unsure about which sub-topic to select or how to begin your essay on cinema, take a look at the examples provided on this page. They can offer valuable guidance in making your choice and inspire you to start writing!

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