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Rain Man: A Journey of Family, Growth, and Acceptance

Movie Summary

Rain Man is a critically acclaimed movie that tells the story of Charlie Babbitt, a car dealer who is selfish and ambitious. After his father’s death, he realizes that his father left a large part of his inheritance to a stranger, whom he later finds out to be his estranged brother (Levinson, 1988). He embarks on a trip road together with his autistic-savant brother Raymond after their father’s death. Charlie finds out that Raymond has been institutionalized for a significant part of his life. At the end of his rope, Charlie takes his inheritance and demands what he thinks is due as his inheritance. The plot is based on Charlie’s plans to deceive Raymond to get money so that he can send him to a mental institution, considering him a mere tool for attaining his goal. Nevertheless, as the journey continues, Charlie’s perspective gradually changes when he observes Raymond possessing almost perfect memory and computational skills. However, like other people with a similar mental condition, he tends to show little emotional expression and avoids eye contact. The story turns into a journey of self-discovery for Charlie, who faces his problems and fears while starting a relationship with his brother. Although they travel together, Charlie unfolds a more thorough cognizance and sense of respect for Raymond’s talents and shortcomings. Through their joint journeys, Charlie identifies what is essential for him – family, compassion, and caring – and repents and realizes it is possible to change. Rain Man is a film that covers the themes of family, acceptance, and the intricacies of human relationships. It is thought-provoking and invites viewers to review their prejudices and attitudes towards disability and empathize with people who see the world differently. In the end, the film illustrates that love and compassion are the keys that unlock the doors of self-improvement and consequently lead to unbreakable bonds between people.

Character Analysis

Using the social constructionist lens to examine the film, it is clear that society regards Raymond as disabled and, therefore, an inferior being. In the book “Deviant Behavior,” Thio et al. (2018) assert that definitions of deviance are constructed socially based on social norms enforced by society. In the case of Raymond, the fact that society sees him as an autistic person determines how it treats him and, hence, how others perceive him. Ray’s actions often include stereotypical behaviors, including repetitive or routine tendencies. Outstanding memory and unusual sensitivities related to sensory systems are seen as different from normal behavior and cognition. In the movie, you can see how ordinary people behave differently: they feel uncertain, embarrassed, and even frightened by Raymond’s unconventional communication style and strange way of interacting with them. For instance, if he memorizes and recites phonebook entries or exhibits his arithmetic skills, others consider him strange or incomprehensible. Also, Charlie’s first response to Raymond illustrates the common social way of treating and pushing away people who do not conform to the patterns of behavior that are considered normal. Charlie perceives Raymond as a tool to access his inheritance, and it is hard for him to accept Raymond as an equal in the family who should be looked after and empathized with. Nevertheless, the film depicts how Charlie changes, finally accepting Raymond’s humanity and that despite the disability, he still deserves to be treated humanely.

Connections to Deviance Concepts and Theories

The movie Rain Man emphasizes the chief ideas and theories of deviance presented in the textbook. Similarly, one of the ideas is the labeling theory, where people may embed themselves with deviant identities and behaviors in reaction to society’s negative labels and expectations (Thio et al., 2018). The film Rain Man may well depict the constructivist labeling theory. Labeling theorists state that deviance is a dynamic process of symbolic interaction between deviant and conventional others, in which the traditional label of deviant is any person who breaks the law or moral behavior (Thio et al., 2018). Socially accepted norms are violated by people who have a mental illness, and therefore, these people are thought of as deviants. The textbook explains that “moral lepers” is an expression used to refer to the mentally ill, and thus, they are stigmatized due to their mental condition. The mentally ill are viewed as dangerous, violent, unpredictable, and worthless, even though a person is either old or young or well or ill-educated. This idea is evident in the film because Raymond had previously been sent to the mental asylum by his parents, who feared that he would attack Charlie once again. For the mentally ill, psychiatrists can use any means, for example, drug therapy or electric shock treatment, to control or cure them. We experience this in the film when Raymond, for a time, could not verbally communicate which option he wanted: to stay with Charlie or be sent back to the institution. Dr. Bruner decided what Raymond ultimately felt and wanted, no matter what he felt or what he wanted. Raymond’s experiences are also a representation of how people perceive autism as abnormal, which affects their self-identity, self-worth, and their social interactions. Also, the film depicts social control tools, which maintain deviant behavior in order, and Charlie encounters legal and ethical dilemmas while looking for financial success. In addition, Rain Man stresses social support and acceptance as a means of the reduction of deviance. The film depicts how empathy, understanding, and unconditional love can challenge the stigmatizing views of others and create a more inclusive society by the example of Charlie’s relationship with Raymond. Through understanding Raymond’s individuality and praise of his assets, Charlie eventually overcomes his prejudicial habits and obtains redemption in the bonds of family and friendship.


When I watched Rain Man, this movie provided a better understanding of family dynamics, personal growth, and the complexity of human relations. Through the film, I learned about the unprejudiced qualities of empathy and listening to the views of others, which helped me to reconsider my ideas on the given situation. Throughout the story, however, I have been taught that the natural riches are not in worldly possessions but in the connection with people who care for us. How Charlie’s character was changed from a selfish and opportunistic to a loving and caring caregiver proves to everyone the possibility of redemption from being stereotypical. In general, Rain Man unveils deviance, disability, and human relationships from a new perspective. It demonstrates how society follows certain norms, and empathy can help feel and understand people despite diversity and disability. Via a socio-constructionist lens, we can observe how society constructs and validates deviant labeling, defining individual identities and experiences. In the end, the movie is a good source of reminders about how significant it is to respect diversity, refute myths, and inclusivity.


Levinson, B. (Director). (1988). Rain Man [Film]. United States: United Artists.

Thio, A., Taylor, J., & Schwartz, M. (2018). Deviant behavior (12th ed.). Pearson


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