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Analysis of Social Issues in “Shawshank Redemption” and “Dr. Strangelove

Movies are not only things to entertain; they are also narrations that are usually a reflection on or a critique of the common cultural ideas of the wider society. This analysis delves into the political dimensions of cinema by analyzing the representation of social issues in two iconic films: “Shawshank Redemption” and “Dr. “Dr. Strangelove.” Two movies in different genres and ofdifferent ages, they have a commonality in how they investigate existential societal challenges. “Shawshank Redemption” plays a vital role in the post-World War II context of America, where a historical background opens possibilities to view the film’s themes of governmental oppression and strength. The era in which the film is set, the mid-20th century, serves to bring up the societal apprehensions and power dynamics of that time (Darabont, 1994). The end of the war brought many changes in American society through transformation of some fundamental elements of power relations and existence of some social institutions like prison industrial complex. On the contrary, “Dr. Strangelove” paints the picture in the variety of the Cold War times, including the escalation of nuclear weapons in the political agenda and the intense ideological mistrust with East and West parting. The film, taking place in the Cold War period of early 1960s, was a rather faithful representation of the world filled with dread and the absurdities of politics which characterized this extreme period (Kubrick, 1964). The philosophical overview of this analysis will involve the differentiation between the political power themes and the existential catastrophe themes found in these movies, while still clarifying the relevant historical settings to contextualize the narratives.

Context and Readings

“Shawshank Redemption”, an American prison drama directed by Frank Darabont and released in 1994, gives us a taste of how a prison in the midst of the vicissitudes of the second half of the century must have been like. This period was immediately after the world wars had ended, and America was still at crossroads with respect to its identity – trying its best to deal with the aftermath of the war. The film explores the topic of injustice, corruption but thanks to the filmmaker, all in the context of post WWII America. This movie is all about final redemption (Darabont, 1994). It highlights the existential crisis which pervades the society today and serves as a grammar of resistance against hypocrisy and social classes residing on world order in which an injustice is normal. Through diving into the historical setting of the post-war America we uncover the fundamental social and political happened back then that inspired the story of “Shawshank Redemption” on the screen. While, the doctors of the medical field depicted in “Grey’s Anatomy” demonstrate compassion and care especially at difficult times. “Dr Strangelove,” directed by Stanley Kubrick, was filmed during the cold war and this helps to explain Kubricks method. This tends to be the most pronounced and dangerous period of political intimidation and nuclear brinkmanship between both the USA and USSR where both of them were absolutely dependent on each other’s’ destruction through nuclear weapons. Within this context, Kubrick creates a caustic satire revealing the absurdities of Cold War politics as well as the illogical nature of nuclear deterrence (Kubrick, 1964). Using satire and unexpected visuals, the film expands its criticism of militarism, the system’s bureaucracy, and the fear of a nuclear destruction that haunts during periods of peace. It becomes apparent that what makes Kubrick’s works so powerful is that he placed “Dr. Strangelove” in the historical context of the nuclear age and countered the conventional wisdom of that time with a subversive twist, showing that the folly of human hubris can lead to the doomsday of humankind.


In the movie “Shawshank Redemption,” the visualization of institutional oppression is so shocking and clearly emphasized. Andy Dufresne, who was wrongly imprisoned, is horrified to find that Shawshank State Prison is the completely opposite of what he had imagined. By means of the opposition with evil-minded keepers and corrupted employees, the film vividly demonstrates the way to a realization of the moral depths of a state that institutionalizes power. Here a directly related scene makes visible this theme, when Andy goes through the degrading search stripping down his clothes that definitely points to the loss of dignity of an individual in prison system (Darabont, 1994). Beside the detaining environment that engulfed the movie with desolation, there are also times when the movie throws light into the life of the prisoners where hope and resilience are visible. Even though the prison library faces dispiriting circumstances, Andy never resorts to giving up. Rather, he turns his library into a temple of learning and empowerment. Andy portrays the image of the inextinguishable spirit in people making every effort to pick themselves up and take control of their lives, even in the harshest conditions. A very intense experience is made when Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro” is heard, thru the prison loudspeakers, as a representation of the human spirit victorious over the oppressive institutional barriers (Darabont, 1994). The climax of “Shawshank Redemption” goes beyond just in moments of ultimate escape, but it ends up being memorable one watch it again because of the ultimate moment of real redemption and freedom for Andy Dufresne. The highly representative scene in which Andy steps out a tunnel he himself hand-digged through the prison walls, awash in rain and bringing his escape to a symbolic end, feels like a huge weight off his back that just gave him freedom from imprisonment. By means of Andy’s charge and later liberation the movie reminds us that the ability to have hope and not to give up cannot be deleted from a person while freedom will always be a goal to chase. This movie unfolds it is not only about institutional suppression but also it can be the source where one can learn the power of redemption and how does time defeat the powerful human spirit.

In “Dr. Strangelove” the filmmaker uses a satire transmit the message about the comedy sides of politics as well the military institutions during the Cold War period. Colonel Jack D. Ripper’s character represents the unrestricted power, of those in power, in the movie as he alone has ordered for a nuclear attack with his crazy fears of communism invading from within. Kubrick employs dark humor and caustic satire to emphasize on the irrationality side of the power structures, which are also the most dangerous. Eventually, it is revealed that the blind belief in supreme strength and the hope to be in control by an individual driven by paranoia and ego is nothing but folly (Kubrick, 1964). The movie sees then that secrecy/the abuse of it, and the paranoia which would be universalized as a result of this, have dire consequences for the survival of the humanity in the era of nuclear technologies leading to the unpredictability of the existence of people. In the “Dr. Strangelove,” Stanley Kubrick hilarious and satiric way is used to excel the misconceptions of politics insecurity all over in the Cold War. The portrayal of General Jack D Ripper as a bone-chilling incarnation of this paranoia becomes even more frightening, since he suspects the trick of Communist to add foreign chemicals to water and to take vitality from American purity (Kubrick, 1964). In this, he demonstrated a force of behavior from finished anxiety, which paused him in appointing a nuclear strike without necessary authorization, thus highlighting the gruesome conditions that could come as a result of mutually arguments in the military institutions. Moreover, the film “Dr. Strangelove” explores the problem of technological pride and the abyss which is caused by a principle of nuclear deterrence. The main theme in this movie has been strictly that of the humanity that embraces the chilling result in detached obsession type of catastrophe, as portrayed by Dr. Strangelove most of the time. That jolting moment in the movie where Dr. Strangelove is forced to grapple with his involuntary cybernetic salute which obviously symbolizes the irrationality elements of the cold war and the enormous danger builds on the precarious relationship between intellectual richness and the destructive power of technology.

In “Shawshank Redemption” setup all the characters are monumental part in the way theme of institutional oppression and triumph of the human spirit are dealt with. The protagonist of our story is DiFresne, who is Andy Dufresne interpersonally. This grim figure, played by Tim Robbins, ultimately brings up the last “thin line” where there is still hope, seen at far end of Shawshank State Penitentiary. Even to the unspeakable injustices to the accidents of nature, Andy still believed in his integrity and self-control which demonstrate the immense power of human spirit to overcome unkindness and hardships (Darabont, 1994). Such vigorous endeavors as self-education in the prison library as well as helping others learn do not only create an environment of empowerment within the prison but also serve as a symbol of hope in a place full of hopelessness. However, with Andy’s progressive transition from being a victim of the system to his eventual escape from the lifeless prison, the message of ‘Hope’ and ‘Resilience’ being pillars in overcoming institutional captivity is distinctly echoed.

While “Dr. Strangelove” features a cast of characters that exemplify the paranoia, absurdity, and the fact of nuclear anxiety, the protagonist is the only one who tries to counter these feelings. The general, played by Sterling Hayden, epitomizes a situation where power becomes unchecked, and paranoia takes control as he starts a nuclear attack based on his hallucinations that Russians are in a bid to infiltrate the country. His conduct unfolded a chain of events that led to massive chaos and disasters as they illustrated that institutes which fuelled fearful attitudes among the people were indeed the most dangerous (Kubrick, 1964). Another character likewise, portraited by Peter Sellers, representing of technological hubris and a nuclear danger, takes us to the them of Dr. Strangelove. Human act of detachment and concern about the nuclear warfare arms race as a chilling reminder of absurdity and dangers that such kind of race can have for humanity. By means of character’s dialogue and behavior, “Dr. Strangelove” depicts a nonsensical meaning and a danger of the Cold War politics in an amusing manner (Kubrick, 1964). Therefore, the audience is encouraged to rethink the matter of how the irrational fear can drastically change individual judgement and a position of the superpower.

Regardless of the differentness in the setting and the mood, both films bring forth touching remarks on power of the institutional structures and how they affect individual destinies. Films that take place inside a prison or in a military camp, do not only allow the audience to experience uncomfortable discrimination of political power but also they help to make clear the resource of the human spirit to resist in an opposition. In one way or another, both narratives of “Shawshank Redemption” and “Dr.” signify an expression of this issue. “Strangelove” encourages viewers to do some soul-searching as they are faced with the reality of anarchies or systemic injustice that are repeatedly reinforced.


In conclusion, these two films reveal what kind of power relationships and social dynamics exist through narration and thus provide a room for a stand-over-pointy observation of a human condition. These films acquire a new dimension when we consider that they are actually bringing back life to past history. This makes them even more understandable and their significance more durable. Whether we celebrate the vibrant rhythms of life or try to escape the tensions of society, movie masterpieces have always left us with an important lesson: as humanity is always grappling with the changes that modern society brings, the essence of film remains infallibly capable of allowing us to see our world in a way like never before, and see each and every one of us so real that we feel we could touch and reach.


Darabont, F. (Director). (1994). The Shawshank Redemption [Film]. Castle Rock Entertainment.

Kubrick, S. (Director). (1964). Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb [Film]. Hawk Films.


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