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Gender Roles Essays

Cultural Background Paper

Abstract The present paper investigates my intersecting cultural upbringing between the two most powerful identities, Egyptian and Coptic Orthodox Christianity. As a result of living in Egypt during my adolescence, I was able to acquire knowledge of the cultural practices, norms, values, gender roles, and religious beliefs that were prominent in the Egyptian and Coptic ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2548

Redefining Work-Life Balance in the Age of Remote Work

The COVID-19 epidemic has significantly augmented the prevalence of telecommuting, substantially reshaping the distinction between the professional and personal domains for many workers. As work infiltrates the home spaces formerly dedicated to family and leisure, maintaining a balance between different areas of life has become more complex but crucial for overall well-being. Research indicates that ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1942
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Analysis of Mermaids From Contemporary Examples and Myth Legends

Introduction Mermaids are believed to be creatures of the deep sea, Which have features similar to that of a human being and that of an aquatic being. It is believed that these creatures are half human beings and half fish, where the upper body is made up of human-like features and the lower part is ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 928

Reflective Paper on the Documentary: Mickey Mouse Monopoly

How we receive messages from different media and the reactions they generate, have significant effects on our worldviews. Mickey Mouse Monopoly is a documentary examining how Disney’s longtime broadcasting of certain themes and messages can affect viewers’ thoughts and opinions on activism, gender roles, and other social issues (Loggerenberg). It examines these concerns in great ... Read More
Pages: 2       Words: 548

That Cloud of Smoke Is Not a Mirage

The document in question is a 2022 New York Times article by John Ortved titled “That Cloud of Smoke Is Not a Mirage,” which serves as a valuable primary source for understanding the competitive and aggressive advertising tactics utilized by significant cigarette companies in 1980s America. It also provides insight into the larger social context ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1026

Gender, Identity, and Cultural Change in 1960s Dirty Dance

Introduction Dirty Dancing (1987) endures as one of the most iconic coming-of-age romance films set during the pivotal cultural moment of the early 1960s. When the film begins, 17-year-old Frances “Baby” Houseman eagerly anticipates summer vacation with her affluent Jewish family at Kellerman’s, a posh resort in the Catskill Mountains. While her stern physician father ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3923

A Comparative Analysis of Unveiling Gender in Etruscan Burial Evidence

Introduction One of archaeology’s most interesting areas of study is the social construction of gender in ancient Etruria. This central Italian civilization initially appeared in the 8th century BC and survived through the 3rd century BC (Gianni, 2014). This age, which falls between the Archaic and the Iron Age, is an excellent glimpse into the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2734

Catherine Beecher, “Duty of American Females,” and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

Catherine Beecher and Elizabeth Cady Stanton became influential activists for women’s affairs in the 19th century. Beecher, who was a conservative person, believed in the fact that the gender roles were god-ordained and therefore gave men superior positions compared to women, who were said to take charge of the domestic and moral duties. However, Stanton ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 897

The Autonomy of Family Planning and Male Reproductive Rights Among Latino Men Aged 20

INTRODUCTION For decades, Latin America’s rates of childbirth has increased compared to other states. The country has a birthrate of 2.96, which is higher than that of other states. Family planning in this region faces resistance from catholic solid ideals. A Latin-American male aged 20 having2-3 children is considered an appropriate family size (Smith & ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3566

How Has the Portrayal of the Female Body Changed in Magazines and Social Media From the 1990s to the Present Day? (1990–2023)

Introduction It has taken over thirty years for a metamorphic change in how the female’s body is depicted. The 1990s, especially the magazine-led era, have been instrumental in the present-day control of society’s perspective on the female form. This literature review will embark on an elaborate tour to elucidate the complex changes in the representation ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2101

Research on Food As Power

Across the globe, power has been accumulating around food production based on the supply and demand of its key components, such as the inputs, the raw agricultural produce, and even the processed products found in groceries (Hendrickson et al., 2008). Regarding power and food relationships, culture tends to serve a great purpose. It portrays itself ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 978

Gender: Unraveling Historical Narratives, Societal Expectations, and Intersectionality

 Abstract This research endeavors to provide a nuanced exploration of gender issues, delving into the multifaceted dimensions that shape contemporary discourse. Grounded in a thorough literature review, the study navigates historical trajectories, societal expectations, and evolving perspectives surrounding gender roles. By employing an intersectional lens, the research investigates how gender intersects with various identity markers, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2690

Women’s Struggles and Triumphs

In Betty Friedan’s notable work, “The Feminine Mystique,” she reveals insight into an issue that tormented American ladies during the twentieth century. This problem, which she aptly calls “The Problem That Has No Name,” was a sense of dissatisfaction and yearning that many suburban wives silently suffered from. Amid their household chores, childcare duties, and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 864

Mrs. Minnie Wright

Mrs. Minnie Wright is an unseen key personality in the Susan Glaspell publication called “Trifles”. It deals with the tale of a woman that seems to have just lost control of her feelings and snaps, slaying her abusive spouse. Her drive for murder goes even far beyond the murder of her birdie. The canary is likewise ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 825
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