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Analysis of Experiences Using the Feminist Theories

Sociology as a philosophy has become more popular in academic discourse in recent years. Sociological theories are essential in social sciences because they help us study the social sphere of human interactions by applying various analytical tools and concepts (Dillon, 2020, p4). Therefore, analyzing sociological issues that people experience in their daily lives provides a comprehensive understanding of the social frameworks in society and could help find solutions. This paper aims to use feminist theories, particularly standpoint theory, to analyze my lived experiences that I recorded on a common day to understand what factors may have influenced these activities and why.

The standpoint theory is one of the feminist theories developed by Dorothy Smith. It discusses society’s structural and social organization with what it holds as the male-dominated system (Dillon, 2020, p. 311). The theory is based on various concepts such as patriarchy, sex and gender-based discrimination, and objectification, which results in structural inequalities between men and women. The theory holds that the world has been historically organized and structured by standards that inherently exclude and objectify women while, on the other hand, providing immense privileges to men (Dillon, 2020, p312). The theory is critical of the structure of society and aims to shift away from the male perspective of the world towards that of the experiences of women.

One Thursday morning, on the 8th of February 2024, my mother woke up earlier than anyone else and started preparing breakfast. After a few minutes after my mother left her room, my father also woke up and headed straight to prepare for work. After making breakfast, my mother went from room to room and woke me and my younger sister up so we could prepare breakfast. We gathered at the dining table for breakfast, where my mum and sister served as my dad and I chatted about his damaged car engine. After breakfast, my dad instructed us on instructions expected for us and oft for the town for work, and I headed out to mow grass as my mum and sister cleaned and organized the house. Based on the standpoint theory, the concept of patriarchy is clear at home, in which my dad takes the role of the absolute leader. He gives directives based on his perspective and expects us to adhere to them. The concept of sex and gender differences is also visible, illustrated by the adherence to traditional gender-based roles and activities defined by all the movements we made. The social norms posit that women are expected to handle kitchen chores, as my mother and sister did, while I went out to mow grass, which is socially associated with manhood, and my dad headed for town. The family dynamics show that my dad is at the top of the hierarchy and can issue orders to everyone else.

On the afternoon of the 8th of February 2024, I left home for work and arrived at my workplace at 2. pm. I found a security team of 4 people at the gate whom I greeted, and 3 of them were men. I headed to the reporting office and chatted with my supervisor, a 47-year-old man who gave me the instructions for the shift, and I also greeted his secretary, a young woman working on a laptop. I later joined my coworkers, and as the team leader, I gave a briefing statement on the activities we were bound to carry out. In my workplace situation, the standpoint theory’s concepts of patriarchy and gender role discrimination are prevalent. For example, the higher positions, including security management, are headed by men, and my manager was also in charge of the organization during the afternoon shift. Women hold traditional jobs like secretaries and are answerable to their superiors. The hierarchy of communication is set in a patriarchal format, with men giving orders and women only reporting. According to the standpoint theory in my workplace, societal expectations have helped shape the organizational culture in a patriarchal system.

On the same day, the 8th of February, I went out in the mid-morning hours to play basketball, as I had a few hours remaining until the afternoon, and therefore, it was appropriate to conduct my leisure activities. Before we played a game, we engaged with friends in interesting debates on sports that had been played the last weekend. My sister had offered to go with me but opted to return home because she wanted to follow her favorite TV show. Using the concept of patriarchy, I find that my sister felt left out of the stories we had as boys, and she chose to leave. Based on the gender discrimination concept, it is expected that women should not engage in the activities of men; therefore, my sisters followed the system by opting for a TV show.

Several consistent observations are related to the standpoint theory based on the three contexts. The patriarchal societal organization is consistent in every situation, where men dominate in every aspect (Dillon, 2020, p311). Additionally, the structural gender-based discrimination on roles and activities is also consistent, such that women are viewed as 2nd class individuals who are subject to male domination. On the other hand, there are differences in every situation. For example, male dominance was more at home and in the stadium than in the workplace.

This analysis has helped me gain the ability to see most things that we ignore daily from a different perspective. I have developed the skill of analyzing every experience that comes my way and appreciate that many factors affect our social world. I have also changed my mind on several issues after learning about women objectification, which may be a major cause of misrepresentation in society.

Conclusively, the standpoint of feminist theory is based on the differing perspectives between men and women on how they view the world, and it aims to shape the world through the lenses of women to solve the perceived structural inequalities and oppressions. From the analysis, it is clear that the patriarchal organization of the world has historically kept women on the sidelines, excluding them from the picture. Sociological theories are essential because they can help us diagnose the various social issues that exist in society and provide insights on how to approach them.


Dillon, M. (2020). Introduction to sociological theory: Theorists, concepts, and their applicability to the twenty-first century. John Wiley & Sons.


Date/Time of the Day  Context (Where) Activity/Event (What) Reflection/Analysis 


Early in the morning, at 7. am

I am at home with my family members, including my dad, mum, and younger sister. At 6. am, as always, my mum woke up and started doing her usual morning duties like any other day.

After a few minutes, my dad also woke up, and I heard him speaking aloud as he opened the main door. He went out to check on our dogs and then returned to the house, heading straight to prepare himself.

My mum came over and started waking us up as I heard her talk in my sister’s room, asking her to wake up. She knocked on my door and returned to do her duties. I went to the bathroom and prepared myself for the day’s activities.

We all met at the dining table as a family, and according to our family’s tradition, only the father was allowed to talk more.

My sister and my mum served us with breakfast.

Dad gave his briefing on what he expected of us, and he left.

My sister and my mum left for the kitchen and began cleaning

I headed out and began mowing the grass as my dad instructed.

Some observations can be seen here in the context given.

My mum always wakes up a few minutes before everyone else.

My dad wakes up, and anyone else must wake up. Moreover, he holds more power than anyone and is good at issuing orders.

Gender differences in roles are seen in my sister and my mum.


Thursday at 10 am.

The local basketball stadium with my friends, with the company of my younger sister. After finishing our duties, my sister and I left home at 10. am, and on arrival, we found people already at the stadium, including my friends.

We stayed in a group of 8 boys, and my sister was also close by since she knew all my friends. When we started talking with fascination about last weekend’s events and games, my sister got bored and told me she was leaving for home to watch her favorite TV show.

My sister chose to join me in the men-dominated games event.

She quickly found out that she was not welcome as the activities and talking points of the day were much more exclusive to her.

She felt socially excluded and left.


Thursday in the afternoon starting at 1.30 pm.

At the workplace, during the afternoon shift I left home at 1.30 pm and rushed for my company as I was scheduled for an afternoon shift.

I arrived 15 minutes before 2. PM, and headed straight to the security section. I signed in and chatted with the security personnel, finding three men and one woman in uniform.

I headed to my supervisor’s office, who briefed me on the day’s activities. I chatted a bit with the secretary, who was quietly working.

I headed straight to my workstation, found my assignment, and gave a briefing as instructed by the supervisor.

Men are also very dominant in the workplace, although not as much at home.

Security personnel are overwhelmingly men.

Secretaries are women.

Most people in positions of power are men.


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