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Gender Discrimination Essays

Examining the Socio-Demographic Factors Influencing HIV Case Rates in the United States and Around the World

Introduction HIV/AIDS is still a lingering global health problem, and contention infection rates depend on a number of factors that include gender, race/ethnicity, mode of transmission, regional location, and age. All the mentioned variables are a necessity when designing and producing focused prevention and treatment procedures for effective epidemic control. The subject of this extensive ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 725

Sexual Orientation and the Law

Bill C-150 was introduced in 1967, which decriminalized homosexuality. It was implemented after a long argument between proposers and opposing representatives (Dillbary & Edwards, 2019). For instance, the case of Everett George reinforced different points of view on same-sex sexual activity. Considering the reasons that contributed to the legalization of homosexuality, my perspective is that ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2158
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Hidden Figures: Celebrating African-American Women’s Contributions at 1960s NASA

“Нidden Figures” is a biographiсal drаmа film released in 2016. Нidden Figures, directed by Theodore Melfi, is a compеlling biographiсal drаmа thаt brings to light the rеmarkablе аnd prеviously untold true story of three brilliant African-American wоmen working аt NASA during the 1960s. The film’s сentral thеsis revolves around celebrаting the unsung heroes of the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 717

Essay on Gender Equity

Gender identifies who we are in terms of male and female features that are socially made. They are the customs, behavior, and responsibilities linked with being a male or female and the connection with one another. However, some individuals do not fit into traditional binary concepts of the gender of male and female, and they ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2860

Theory Article: Poverty

Poverty is a condition where people lack the financial possessions to support a chosen standard of life. People in a state of poverty lack the resources to afford the basic commodities in life, such as clothes, food, and shelter. Poverty is spread worldwide, and governments are ratifying policies to eliminate it. The prerequisite for poverty ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1635

Role Attainment of African American Female Superintendents

Introduction to Problem of Practice The role attainment of African American female superintendents in rural U.S. school districts is a critically important issue of representation and equity in education. It is evident that there is an underrepresentation of people of color, particularly African American women, in superintendent roles compared to teachers and principals (American Association ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1536

How the UK Laws Have Encouraged the Removal of the Glass Ceiling Effect for Women in the Workplace

Introduction Background The phrase glass ceiling is considered a metaphor that has been extensively used to refer to invisible barriers that have been established against a particular demographic, mainly female employees, within the work environment to prevent them from occupying certain positions in the organisation or advancing beyond a specified level in the organisational hierarchy. ... Read More
Pages: 30       Words: 8190

Gender Discrimination in the Catholic Church

The article examines one of Pope Francis’ recent decrees on formalizing women’s leadership in the Catholic church. The decree amends the Code of Canon Law that governs the administration of the church’s operations and allows women to serve in minor leadership roles such as Bible reading during mass, altar service, and the distribution of communion ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 928
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