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Business Essays

Fisco Financial Bank

Methodology At Fisco Financial Bank, I worked as the overall financial management. Being in this bank position, I could carry out all the analysis of the finance flow that was taking place in the Bank. Having a good comparison of the finance flow of the Fisco Finance Bank, I understood that there was a striking ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1219

Financial and Department Resource Methods

Successful departmental and financial resources administration, including fire departments, is essential for any business (Dewi et al., 2019). Several techniques have been employed throughout history to manage financial and departmental resources. Some of these techniques, including capital budgeting, program-based budgeting, and line-item budgeting, are effective and still in the fire service and economy today. Although ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1684
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Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

The process of documenting, gathering, and summarizing the numerous transactions resulting from business operations throughout time is referred to as financial accounting. It is a specific kind of accounting (Aichner et al., 2021). These activities are summarized by preparing financial statements, such as the income statement, cash flow report, and income statement, which show the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1709

Expatriate Training Program – Coca-Cola

Introduction Expats are in high demand due to Coca-Cola’s rapid worldwide growth; they are sent to various nations to oversee the company’s activities there. Training before an expat’s departure is essential in preparing them for the language, cultural, and professional changes they will encounter in their host nation. This plan will include the training requirements ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1423

Crunchy Fries Limited Marketing Plan

Introduction After reading feedback from part B, I am confident to proceed to part C of the marketing plan. That is because the feedback indicates that all components of Part B were covered satisfactorily. The brand strategy covered all four branding elements satisfactorily; the primary and secondary target markets were also accurately identified and explained ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2089

Competitive and Problem-Solving Approaches to Negotiating and Bargaining

Introduction Negotiating and bargaining are essential skills in today’s global business environment. Chapter 8 of the book, “Management Across Cultures,” discusses several styles and techniques for global negotiating and bargaining (Steers et al., 2010). This essay will compare and contrast two approaches to bargaining and negotiating: competitive and problem-solving. The strengths and weaknesses of each ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 943

Case Analysis: “Using Importance-Performance Analysis To Develop Health Care Marketing Strategies.”

Introduction Providing high-quality healthcare services that satisfy patients’ various needs and expectations is a convoluted process that necessitates continuous improvement. Healthcare providers need help pinpointing areas for improvement in their services, mainly when there exist differences in perceptions between providers and patients regarding the importance and performance of healthcare services. To overcome this issue, healthcare ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2604

Autocratic and Democratic Management Style

The autocratic style is a management style where an individual leader does decision-making and control, and employees have no control over decisions. In the autocratic style, employee input is rarely considered, and decisions are entirely dependent on the individual leader’s ideas and judgment (Abd Rahim,2020). The autocratic style of management is applied in many parts ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 739

Apple Marketing Plan

Purpose/Mission The Apple Company intends to introduce a new product into the market: the latest Apple phone version. The purpose of Apple introducing the latest Apple phone version includes having a competitive advantage, attracting new sales, and impressing consumers. Apple has a variety of competitors. For instance, by releasing an updated Apple phone, Samsung has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1621

Anti-Money Laundering

Introduction Financing entities are entrusted with the responsibility of eradicating misconduct by withholding support. They strive to institute measures that prevent them from processing corrupt payments. However, financial systems are vulnerable to crisis, especially when they are unable to absorb shocks. Anti-money laundering compliance requirements increase complexity and costs for banks globally. Despite the regulatory ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1831

An Analysis of Two Companies

Executive Summary This essay compares and contrasts two companies, Sunrise Company, and Valve Corporation, based on their categorization, communication flows, company culture, and company handbooks. Sunrise Company is a service organization that specializes in construction projects, while Valve Corporation is a video game developer and digital distribution company. The essay highlights the different communication flows ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1365

Amazon (Amazon Inc.) Report

Amazon offers clients in various niches and sectors as a leader in global technology. The Company’s online retail activities, selling everything from books and electronics to clothing and food, provide its income. With Amazon’s entry into the cloud computing industry, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a platform for remote data processing and storage for business ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1783

Airbnb’s Effects on the United Kingdom’s Economy

Over the decades, the hospitality industry has transformed immensely to conform to the rapid economic trends experienced globally. In the United Kingdom (UK), its footprint in the country’s gross domestic product is felt. Before the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, businesses such as cafes, food service outlets, restaurants, hotels, and other accommodation establishments generated approximately ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1129

Adaptive, Transformational and Transactional Leadership Theories

Executive Summary This paper analyses adaptive, transformational and transactional leadership theories. Adaptive leaders employ various techniques to control, shape, or direct their followers’ behaviour in various ways. In turn, transformational leaders attempt to change the nature of their followers’ behaviour by inspiring them through certain ideologies or behaviour patterns or by influencing them personally—significant transactional ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1754

Walt Disney Company

One of the biggest entertainment companies in the world, The Walt Disney Company, has had an immense influence on popular culture. However, the company was dealing with several issues that jeopardized its success in the early 2000s (Collis & Hartman, 2017). Poor financial performance, declining ABC network ratings, and a hostile Comcast bid were some ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2276
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