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Workplace Essays

Human Relations at Workplace vs. Productivity

Abstract Since the American civil rights era, employees have tussled with organizations for better working conditions and wages. Trade unions have been on the frontline to fight for employees’ job security and to keep organizations in check, not prioritizing profits over people. Unfortunately, during this period, workers resented poor working conditions where people had to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1297

Essay on Workplace Learning

Introduction Hospital organizations ought to understand the role of learning at the workplace as the foundation for recognizing the complexities of dealing with medication administration errors. The generation of insight into the parameters of learning should be within the purview of decision-making and involvement of the stakeholders in translating theory into practice. Learning and workplace ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3455
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Workplace Mental Health

Introduction Tom Oxley, in the TEDxNorwichED, explains the things that are related to workplace mental health. He says that mental health disorders cause Anxiety, depression, and stress that, in the long run, can lead to up to 30% of physical health disorders. The cost of treating people with mental and physical health problems is up ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 556

Adaptability and Its Importance in the Workplace

The ability to adjust to new conditions is a major concern for everyone. People are usually in a position to cope with change for them to suit a certain job or purpose. For any organization to portray its adaptability skills it must subject its antennae tuned to alarm any change from the internal and external ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 630

Leadership and Management in Workplace

Introduction The success of an organization depends on various imperative skills among which leadership and management are important. A globally recognized organization has to deal with a large number of people with cultural diversity and it is natural for them to possess different mentalities regarding any subject. So, the management of the team of employees ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2554
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