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Stress Essays

Bio-Psycho Understanding of the Negative Emotion of Anxiety

Anxious people have anomalies in the manner their brain manages emotions automatically. Anxiety, for instance, is characterized by extreme emotions of fear as well as uncertainty; persons suffering from the disease dwell in a condition of constant anxiety and frequently battle to cope with their everyday lives. Patients are anxious and worried and react disproportionately ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1770

Stress and Self-Care

My relationship with stress Stress is the physical reaction of our bodies to the strain of a certain circumstance or incident in our lives. Inevitably, stress is a part of the human experience, and it may act as an incentive for me to finish my obligations (Markle, 2020). The type of work that nurses do ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1281
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My Stress Management Experience Through Yoga in a Month

Methodology Subject I am a male aged 24, with a strong conviction to health and wellness. My recent past has predisposed me to stressful situations especially challenging family and relationship issues coupled with learning burdens. My recent visit to a doctor revealed signs of early arrhythmia. My favorite physical activity is Yoga due to its ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 873

Identify Your Relationship With Stress and Develop a Personal Self-Care Plan That Includes Key Strategies You Will Implement To Support Your Well-Being

Self-care is the ability of people to prevent disease, promote health, maintain health and cope with illness (WHO,2021). It also includes everything possible, enabling one to stay physically and mentally healthy, maintaining proper nutrition and hygiene (WHO,2021). Self-care can also be described as all the steps one needs to manage life stressors and manage her ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 854

Nursing: How To Prevent Stressors to Resulting in Negative Consequences

Many students and scholars try to explain the relationship between stress and stressors, in that many people tend to use both terms interchangeably. Studies show that stressors are the causes of stress. The body’s stress response is likely triggered when one encounters stressors. This will, in turn, cause multiple psychological changes that will let the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 668

What Is Stress?

Stress is regarded as any progress that creates physical or mental pressure in the person who is encountering it. It is a physiological response that happens when your body is needed to play out an assignment or focus (Scott, 2020). Work-related stress, also known as occupational stress, is described as an individual’s negative reaction to ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3158

Stress Management Essay

Introduction Stress at the workplace and school environment causes harm to individuals. Some of the major stressors include workplace uncertainties, technological advancements, office politics and the workloads experienced. With stress, productivity is also lowered, which negatively impacts the profit lines of organizations. Both employees and organizations need to have stress management plans to ensure stress ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 944

Psychological Stress and Burnout in Medical Students: A Five-Year Prospective Longitudinal Study

Undergraduate students experience psychological challenges during their training. Several studies show that many students do not complete their studies or fail their exams due to stress and burnout. Besides, some researchers have noted higher psychological distress among medical students, which varies with gender and educational level. In the article “Psychological stress and burnout in medical ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1042

Stress in the Nursing Students Program

Introduction Research indicates that stress levels in nursing schools are higher than those enrolled in any other school. The interactions created between study and student conditions at the school can compromise their emotional and mental health. These relations comprise the self-sufficiency of the students’ regarding tasks, the level of fulfilment to accomplish work activities and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1476

Combination of Storytelling and Music Therapy To Reduce Stress in Children With HIV/AIDS and Discrimination in Surabaya

HIV/AIDS is a global contagious disease that has no cure. The disease can affect both adults and children and is associated with adverse physical health conditions. Previous studies show that the number of infected children in Indonesia is large. Therefore, they have psychological and physical stress due to bullying and the lack of acceptance of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1092

Psychological Stress and Burnout in Medical Students

Undergraduate students are prone to psychological distress during their training. Previous studies have shown that students pursuing courses with complex syllabuses and many study years, such as medicine, are highly associated with stress and burnouts and are likely to drop out of school. Besides, Fares et al.1 state that the intensity and the pre-disposing nature of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1058

Effects of Social Networking on Mental Health

Abstract In the past decade, society has witnessed a dramatic upsurge in the use and application of social networking. Similarly, there has been an evident increase in mental health issues across the globe. This particular paper explores the relationship between social networking and mental health. Applying Repko and Szostak’s interdisciplinary research process and theory, the ... Read More
Pages: 25       Words: 6672

Significance of Psychometric Analysis of Undergraduate Nursing Students Using Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale

Mental health issues have become prevalent, especially among college students. Nursing students are subjected to psychological morbidity or stress that tends to progress even as they continue their training (Chouhan et al., 2021). The issues they encounter are not only based on individual life instead extend to difficulties in learning. As a result, they are ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1719
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