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Social Media Essays

Digital Marketing and Its Impact on Small Businesses

Executive Summary Small businesses major challenge is marketing due to the high costs involved in the process. The traditional forms of communication, such as radio and television, have a higher cost that small businesses cannot afford to reach their customers. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of digital marketing on small ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1778

Cause of the Growing Data Leakages From Social Media Databases

In the contemporary digital world, social media has taken over several lives of people, mainly social media users, making them feel insecure about the information they share through these online communication channels. This emerging new phenomenon of engaging in social media presents significant risks associated with the privacy of personal information due to increased levels ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1620
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Taking Care of Digital Identities: Social Media and Identity in the Digital Age

Introduction Social media users carefully create their virtual personas in the digital age. A revolutionary story develops in this world of pixels and hashtags. From TikTok’s fascinating influencers to Instagram’s Instafamous, the commercial and authentic dancing Big data meets the attention economy, creating “online authenticity.” The digital age’s transformative potential lies in its complex relationship ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1831

The Use of Influencers To Promote Business on Social Media.

Introduction. An influencer has a large social media following and presence capable of swaying public opinion. Influencers are increasingly becoming popular in modern marketing as the world is increasingly dependent on the Internet for various services. Using influencers on social media is an increasing trend where marketers use influencers and their ability to sway public ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1616

Effects of Social Media on Teens

The use of social media platforms has grown rapidly in this current society. The perception of how social media affects teenagers differs among people, as some believe social media has a negative impact, while others believe it has a positive impact on teens. Depending on how it is used, social media is good for teens. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1382

Title: Building Brand Awareness Strategies on Social Media for Swiss Cleantech Startups

Introduction Building a strong brand presence is essential in the fast-paced world of Swiss cleantech firms, where environmental sustainability and innovation coexist. This is especially true when it comes to social media. For businesses looking to gain market exposure, managing brand awareness strategies on social media is becoming increasingly important as the cleantech sector expands ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2127

The Effects of AI on the Labor Market and the Distribution of Workers

Research Topic 1: The Increasing Use of AI in the Corporate World. There have been sea changes in many sectors due to the introduction of AI, which has altered the workforce dynamics and the nature of employment. The topic’s revolutionary potential for the international labor market is why it is so important to me. There ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 686

The Effect of Social Media on Human Psychology

Part 1: Thesis and Introduction My research question for the final project relates to “The Effect of Social Media on Human Psychology.” I chose this study topic since every aspect of a digital transition globally affects information dissemination, people’s interactions, and the creation a digital virtual space. Through social media, people tend to share more ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3104

Literature Review: Social Media and Athletes’ Mental Health

Introduction and overview The modern techno environment has influenced the inception of different modes of communication courtesy of the available technology. As such, rewards for heroes have grown tremendously, given the amount of recognition that a single successful event predisposes an individual to. The global audience can recognize individuals and immediately reward them for their ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3568

Digital Media and Work

The emergence of digital media channels has brought a new era of marketing, transforming how marketers go about their daily duties, relate with customers, and create economic gains. Traditional marketing channels prevailed earlier on in history, with no personalization as well as involvement options that present-day digital media offers. Social media, search engines, mobile devices, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2047

Applying the Page Principles To Develop an Effective Public Relations Plan for BMW With a Focus on Social Media

I Executive Summary As social media continues to evolve, corporations such as BMW must find ways to draft policies that are agile enough to match this dynamism. Due to lack of commonly acclaimed across the world class policies BMW independent or jointly develops policy’s which will be all encompassing and enable rational decisions based on specific situation. In ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3064

Harmony Brews: Where Tradition Meets Tim Horton’s Excellence

Introduction It’s essential for a Bachelor of Business Management student who majored in Marketing to start a marketing expedition for Tim Horton. This brand is ready for reorientation in the foreign market. The initiative aims to go beyond the conventional territorial boundaries and promote sustainable products worldwide. For this marketing initiative, I will detail the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1828

Social Media and Digital Resistance

This clever weblog, published with the aid of Karen Sternheimer, referred to as “Social Media and Virtual Resistance,” discusses a few issues with how humans use social media. Sternheimer skilfully creates an exciting story that digs into the complicated consequences of social media, bringing up important questions about how it influences intellectual fitness, cyberbullying, frame ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1269

How Has the Portrayal of the Female Body Changed in Magazines and Social Media From the 1990s to the Present Day? (1990–2023)

Introduction It has taken over thirty years for a metamorphic change in how the female’s body is depicted. The 1990s, especially the magazine-led era, have been instrumental in the present-day control of society’s perspective on the female form. This literature review will embark on an elaborate tour to elucidate the complex changes in the representation ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2101

Homegrown Violent Extremism

The security and well-being of North America are being threatened by homegrown violent extremism. The increase in domestic terrorism may be attributed in large part to the recruitment and radicalization of people brought about by the internet and social media. This paper will focus on radicalization and recruiting to assess the influence of social media ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1367
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