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Taking Care of Digital Identities: Social Media and Identity in the Digital Age


Social media users carefully create their virtual personas in the digital age. A revolutionary story develops in this world of pixels and hashtags. From TikTok’s fascinating influencers to Instagram’s Instafamous, the commercial and authentic dancing Big data meets the attention economy, creating “online authenticity.” The digital age’s transformative potential lies in its complex relationship between self-presentation, identity, and validation. A sophisticated argument suggests that big data and the eye economy irreversibly change self-presentation and authenticity. According to the argument, the rise of micro-celebrities on TikTok and Instagram represents a fundamental shift in online identity. The story explores the issues of authenticity and identity commodification. The commercialization of authenticity complicates social media influencers’ lives as they strike a balance between self-expression and brand cooperation. TikTok and Instagram demonstrate how big data and the attention economy have changed the construction and commercialization of online authenticity, complicating the fragile equilibrium between self-presentation and profitability in the digital age.

The Construction of Online Authenticity

Influencers must distinguish between authentic self-expression and lucrative brand collaborations on social media. Arriagada and Bishop’s (2021) “influencer imaginary” examination illuminates the complexity of this marketing phenomenon. This conceptual framework illuminates how influencers expertly balance financial goals with credibility and sincerity. The influencer’s imagination guides digital tastemakers to balance their responsibilities as consumption promoters and authenticity judges smoothly. The influencer imagination has three essential tales by Arriagada and Bishop. First, influencers see themselves as valuable information providers, filling market gaps with insights into various products and services. Second, influencers strive to differentiate themselves from celebrities and marketing by establishing a relatable, honest image. Influencers constantly negotiate self-definition with agencies, audiences, and their own changing identities. This complex dance between their commercial and authentic selves constitutes a constantly negotiated self-presentation, mirroring the platform economy’s ever-changing needs. Influencers’ journeys go beyond digital self-expression to strategic orchestration, where authenticity is a commodity and the influencer imaginary is both a shield and a sword in their search for fame and resonance in social media. The ever-changing platform economy requires influencers to manage self-presentation while balancing self-expression and lucrative collaborations. After this exploration, Hearn (2017) examines Twitter’s verification checkmark as a marker of online credibility. This emblem, examined in the following section, reveals the complicated relationships between virtual identity and dependability, revealing the changing landscape of online authenticity.

Hearn (2017) delves deeply into the significance of Twitter’s verification checkmark as a convincing symbol of validity in the broader context of digital identity, delving into various facets of online authenticity. When carefully applied to public figures or enterprises, this symbolic verification logo has a powerful influence on users’ opinions of online credibility that goes beyond its simple aesthetic value. Within a system where virtual identities are constantly inspected, the checkmark appears as a reassuring emblem, categorically stating that the verified account corresponds to its declared identity. However, behind the surface of this seemingly simple sign is a complex interplay of energy dynamics and transparency issues that are fundamental to Twitter’s verification process. Since this process is inherently opaque and arbitrary, it raises significant concerns about eligibility requirements and ultimately gives the platform significant influence over credibility assessments. This paradox exposes the complexities entwined with virtual identity and reliability, offering an insightful look into the complex landscape of online authenticity in a dynamic virtual environment.

The Commercialization of Authenticity

In influencer marketing, the “influencer imaginary” provides a strategic framework to handle the complex relationship between commercial interests and honest self-presentation in the digital environment. This imagination is multidimensional, and Arriagada and Bishop’s (2021) detailed investigation illuminates key dimensions that influencers master. This includes building deep relationships with their audience, projecting an “average individual” mentality, and striking a balance between promoting consumption and authenticity. According to Arriagada and Bishop, the influencer imaginary is a sophisticated set of methods to create a sense of intimacy and relatability among followers. Unlike celebrities and advertisements, influencers interact with their audience through personal stories and reports. An “average individual” mindset helps influencers maintain and create the perception of authenticity in their online personas. Influencers can reliably reconcile their roles as consumption advocates and authenticity arbiters using this model. Influencer imagination helps influencers reconcile business goals with honest self-presentation in the ever-changing digital landscape. This strategy entails revealing insider insights, boosting product endorsements, and portraying influencers as regular people. The influencer’s imagination goes beyond self-presentation, helping influencers manage industrial network ties and balance authenticity and financial feasibility. The influencer imaginary helps influencers balance authenticity and financial success by showing how the platform’s economic dynamics shape digital authenticity and providing insights on maintaining credibility, influence, and relatability in the ever-changing digital world.

Arriagada and Bishop’s examination of the “influencer imaginary” reveals an influencer’s strategic armory within the vast terrain of influencer advertising. This comprehensive structure becomes the foundation upon which influencers establish close connections with their target audience. Influencers strike the challenging balance between corporate ambitions and the preservation of authenticity by sharing personal stories and developing a sense of relatability. The “influencer imaginary” is a valuable tool that allows influencers to walk a fine line between being intake champions and authenticity arbiters. Influencers not only improve their credibility but also make their product recommendations more persuasive through the disclosure of behind-the-scenes features and the deliberate portrayal of themselves as everyday people. This strategic approach goes beyond self-presentation and actively shapes influencer relationships within commercial networks. As influencers interact with the influencer’s imagination, they maintain credibility and strategically negotiate the complexity of the virtual terrain, cultivating influence and relatability within the ever-changing digital marketing arena.

Marwick’s (2015) notion shapes Instagram as the attention financial system is examined, showing how authenticity, attention-seeking, and digital reputation dynamics interact. His concept of the attention financial system emerges as a vital factor in traversing the vast virtual landscape, significantly shaping the phenomenon of Instagram in the modern virtual age. This attention-seeking climate drives people to methodically select content on platforms such as Instagram to gain recognition and visibility. Within this dynamic, the line between authenticity and spectacle becomes increasingly blurred as customers interact in the pursuit of a hobby. The symbiotic relationship between the search for Attention and self-presentation exacerbates influencers’ problematic situations in retaining audience engagement. While Instagram increases visibility, it also raises important questions about the legitimacy of online identities. The constant pressure to provide attention-grabbing information raises concerns about its impact on intellectual health and shallowness. This study delves into the intricate dynamics of the eye economy, revealing its challenging balance between the pursuit of interest, the expression of one’s true self, and the capacity consequences of digital reputation within the quickly expanding virtual terrain.

The Impact of TikTok’s Algorithm on Digital Identity

TikTok’s algorithm transforms digital identity and self-presentation in the platform’s lively environment. The algorithm’s unique ability to rank material significantly impacts individuals’ digital identities. Abidin (2021) found that TikTok’s algorithm prioritizes high-engagement content with humor, intrigue, and aesthetic appeal. This intentional prioritizing drives influencers to generate visually appealing and engaging content that matches the algorithm’s tastes. Thus, the algorithm becomes a crucial factor in forming digital identities on TikTok, where attention-grabbing content is a strategic imperative and the key to effective self-presentation and influence in the dynamic community. As influencers and algorithms work together, TikTok’s algorithm shapes digital identities and self-expression in TikTok’s fast-paced, visually-driven world.

Abidin’s analytical discoveries reveal TikTok’s algorithm’s complex dynamics and content preferences. The algorithm’s emphasis on humor, curiosity, and visual appeal creates a unique digital landscape that encourages and nearly compels users to create content that effortlessly engages and resonates with their audience. This intentional design creates a symbiotic relationship between influencers and the algorithm, developing content-creation techniques to balance honest self-expression and algorithm preferences. TikTok’s algorithm shapes influencers’ content strategy, highlighting the need for engaging content in the active TikTok community. TikTok’s algorithm shapes self-presentation and identity in the ever-changing and visually dynamic ecology in this delicate dance between creativity and algorithmic impact.


Finally, the multidimensional examination of online authenticity across multiple virtual systems revealed a revolutionary story formed by the convergence of big data, the ocular financial system, and the commodification of authenticity. Micro-celebrities on TikTok and Instagram are proof of the enormous impact of big data and economic devices on modern-day identity and authenticity. The delicate dance between self-presentation and profitability, shown in the influencer’s negotiation of the “influencer imaginary” and the scrutiny of Twitter verification, emphasizes the complex challenges influencers confront in maintaining credibility and authenticity within the digital ecosystem. The pervasiveness of TikTok’s set of standards also highlights the shifting nature of online authenticity, in which the eye economy needs influencers to create attractive content for Instagram’s reputation. As the virtual generation continues to evolve, these key findings highlight the dynamic and intricate dating between the industrial and the real, demonstrating the transformative power of virtual structures in shaping the virtual identities of individuals navigating the rapidly changing virtual landscape.


I revised my work, “Social Media and Identity,” making several essential revisions to improve clarity, consistency, and analysis. I changed the introduction to make it more engaging and concise, setting the paper up. The rewritten introduction better conveys the paper’s main topics, including the digital age’s revolutionary potential and social media’s complicated self-presentation, identity, and validation. After comments, I strengthened the thesis statement to give readers a roadmap. The updated thesis emphasizes explicitly the paper’s premise that big data and the attention economy irreversibly affect self-presentation and authenticity, particularly in the context of TikTok and Instagram micro-celebrities. I restructured important arguments to improve flow and coherence. Each significant argument has a topic phrase, relevant proof, and in-depth analysis. This reorganization smooths concept transitions and improves paper logic. I also clarified and unified the paper’s language to make challenging ideas more approachable. In the third key argument, TikTok’s algorithm is discussed more. The updated study incorporates Abidin’s (2021) results on how TikTok’s algorithm prioritizes high-engagement content, affecting self-presentation. This update expands on the assignment’s emphasis on a rigorous examination of algorithms’ effects on digital identity. These revisions aim to strengthen the paper’s argument, clarify it, and add pertinent content. Based on feedback and assignment directions, the changes enhanced and cohesively explored the relationship between social media, identity, and authenticity in the digital age.


Abidin, C. (2021). Mapping Internet celebrity on TikTok: Exploring attention economies and visibility labors. Cultural Science, 12(1), 77–103.

Arriagada, A. & Bishop, S. (2021). Between commerciality and authenticity: The imaginary of social media influencers in the platform economy. Communication, Culture and Critique, 14(4), 568-586.

Hearn, A. (2017). Verified: Self-presentation, identity management, and selfhood in the age of big data. Popular Communication, 15(2), 62–77.

Khamis, S., Ang, L., & Welling, R. (2017). Self-branding, “micro-celebrity,” and the rise of social media influencers. Celebrity Studies, 8(2), 191–208.

Marwick, A. E. (2015). Instafame: Luxury selfies in the attention economy. Public Culture, 27(1), 137–160


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