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Social Issues Essays

Progress Assignment: The Terrorism Threat

Introduction Terrorism remains one of America’s biggest threat since the 9/11 attacks. However, the history of terrorism in America goes back several decades, and over the years, the concept has considerably evolved. Undoubtedly, the US government has over the years committed resources towards dealing with the threat because of the potential threat that it poses ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1907

Poverty and Inequality

Poverty is a state or situation wherein an individual or a group lacks the necessary funds and necessities for just an introductory class of society. The excessive utilization of funds and chances amongst individuals of the social context is referred to as inequality. Economic growth is the most effective tool for decreasing poverty and raising ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 612
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Income and Poverty

A person is considered to be in poverty if they have little or no money, goods, or other means of support to maintain themselves. Poverty is also defined as the status of someone who does not have enough money or material possessions to be deemed socially acceptable. In his novel Utopia, Sir Thomas More proposed ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1040

Impact of Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence in contemporary society features as one of the biggest social problems that affect the way that families function. In retrospect, it leads to a myriad of issues that significantly affect how individual members of a family interrelate. Currently, there exist divergent views of the underlying causes of domestic violence. On the one ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 854

How To Achieve Greater Racial Justice

Institutions, educators, and professionals are frequently faced with some challenging questions in relation to how to deal with concerns of race in contemporary society. In this regard, issues about being labeled racists are bound to leave several people uncertain whether it is better to mention race or notice skin color in day-to-day interactions. Similarly, questions ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1049

Higginbotham’s Letter on Confederate Statues

ASALH’s president Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham wrote a letter to the citizens of ASALH concerning their stand on the Confederate monument. She responded towards white chauvinist trudge in Charlottesville with its discriminatory and anti-sematic catchphrases in protest of the elimination of Allied General Robert E. Lee statue. The president stated that the association for analyzing African ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 586

Gender Norms Essay

Gender norms have been around for as long as population, culture, and society have existed within different societal settings. These norms refer to the societal expectations of acting, speaking, dressing, and perceiving an individual based on the sex given at birth (Cislaghi 407). Men are generally expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold. How do ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2228

Erase Black Racism

This paper will examine the 1921 Tulsa Oklahoma Race Massacre, History of Black Lives Matter movement, and murder of George Floyd to illustrate the essence and challenges of learning these topics and how they strengthen the importance of liberation struggle. Revealing stories learned from the creation of the Black Wall Street indicates the pooling of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1171

Crime Against Children

Crime or violence against a child takes different forms, and it is an offense committed to a person bellows the age of 18 or a minor. Mostly it takes place in the family, churches, home, schools, public places, and even on the streets (Cannon et al., 2017). This may be done by either doing or ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2200

Are Hispanic Immigrants Stealing American Jobs?

Introduction America is still going through a reckoning regarding a range of issues key among them social and racial injustice. The reckoning has unfortunately been attended by harmful and dangerous stereotypes mainly against minorities. It has behooved many people to undertake the refutation and examination of these harmful stereotypes. The Hispanics have been the recipients ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1631

Impacts of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is often portrayed as a routine of violent conduct directed towards an intimate partner in a romantic or familial relationship. The abuser usually exercises dominance and influence over the victim. It might take the form of psychological, bodily, financial, or sexual dysfunction. Rarely are occurrences isolated; rather, they often rise in regularity and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 924

How Racism Affects America’s Global Policy-Making Goals

As we advance, American ethics and racial politics will focus on the dynamics present in the African American community and the world in general. Race should be considered not an aspect of international relations, but a central organization feature in the world. Considering the three crucial IR paradigms, which include constructivism, realism, and liberalism, one ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 674

Factors That Contribute to Police Misconducts

Introduction Police misconduct is increasingly becoming a common concern worldwide. Actions by the police officers in Hong Kong against the public cause mixed reactions nationwide and in the international community. In September 2019, the renowned Citizen’s Press Conference declared that public satisfaction with Hong Kong police was as low as 0.02 per cent on a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1332

Debate on Gun Rights

Gun control is a significant issue that has been a debate in the United States. While some individuals support that people should be allowed to use firearms, some dread the idea. Both parties have several reasons to support their arguments. Those who support the ideas see owning a gun as one way to make people ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 997

A Critical Review of Sara Ahmed’s Complaint

Introduction Globally, women have fewer chances for economic participation than their male counterparts. Women have less access to primary and higher education, less political representation, and increased health and safety risks. Men too encounter discrimination, as evident in the testimony collected by Sara Ahmed. Sara Ahmed assesses the trajectory of complaints about abuses of power. ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3567
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