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Social Issues Essays

Stigmatization and Discrimination in the 21st Century

In my region, both men and women agonizing from the HIV/AIDS disease encounter considerable similar impediments throughout the continent due to the virus’s alarming surge within and between Africa. The course encompassed comprehensive data on the stigma and discrimination observations of HIV-positive men of bisexuals. WHO estimates that about 37.9 million of the global population ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 867

Stereotyping as a Cause of Discrimination

Introduction Stereotypes are a major source of contention in most societies. Because it establishes specific rules and labels for how an individual must behave in terms of gender acceptance. We notice this distinction between men and women regularly. Stereotypes are harmful to women because they prejudge them. This stereotyping is prevalent in everyday and institutional ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 878
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Literature Review and Development of Hypothesis

The research question under the analysis subjected to the literature review is whether the death penalty acceptance rate varies between gender differences. The study intends to explore a perception that men would agree to the fate of the death penalty than women or children. The study will review relevant theoretical and empirical analysis that covers ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 794

The definition of Discrimination, its the most common forms, and fundamental notions associated with it

Discrimination is a type of prejudiced conduct that occurs when people act on their biases towards a group of people. Because of one’s membership in a specific group, an individual may be subjected to discrimination (Allport, 1954; Dovidio & Gaertner, 2004). Prejudice is a result of unfavorable stereotypes and negative attitudes (prejudice) held about a ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2260

Criminals as a Social Issue and the Nature of Crimes

Criminals are as old as humankind. Demographers stipulate that criminal activities will continue as long as the human race exists. Therefore, humans should be prepared psychologically for criminal deeds. Criminals engage in illegal activities such as theft, murder, rape, etc. The debate on whether criminals are born or made is ongoing. Psychologists have attempted to ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2270

Clip of Trump Mocking Christine Ford in Mississippi

Violence against women is defined in the United Nations as “Any act of gender-based harassment that causes or is likely to cause psychological, sexual, or bodily pain to women, such as intimidation, threats of such acts or arbitrary denial of liberty, whether in public or private life (Cruz et al, 2016).” Violence against women includes; sexual ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1575

Child Poverty and Its Reduction Strategy

Summary Of The Publication The Publication about “Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Ontario, Toronto, ON: Family Service Toronto” mainly talks about the subject of child poverty in the context of ending child and family poverty, which is not a traversable building tougher fundamentals for Ontario families. This Publication begins by demonstrating how ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 619

Child Abuse as a Form of Family Violence and Its Impact on Children Development

Abstract Child abuse is a social problem that is affecting the population globally. Family violence is castigating its growth, thus the need for intervention by various stakeholders. Children suffer the most from domestic violence and child abuse. A long-lasting solution is the only way societies will control the damaging effect family violence has on children ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2270

Case Study on Moral Status

Matters on abortion have raised issues since time immemorial, with some arguing in support of it while others being against it. According to Sofronas et al. (2018), medics are expected to fully understand the concept of moral status and its theories because we closely deal with human beings’ lives every day. In some situations, abortion ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1198

Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished in the USA?

For many years, social and political conversations focusing on capital punishment in the United States have been deeply emotive and divisive. American citizens have held opposing viewpoints on this controversial subject. A Gallup poll conducted in 2006 sought to establish whether American citizens preferred either capital punishment or life in prison without parole. Forty-eight percent ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1100

Impact of Cancel Culture on American Society

Introduction When Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the prolific feminist writer often referred to as the “Unruly literarily daughter of Achebe,” wrote her three-part essay “It’s Obscene,” it was evident that the cancel culture had gotten out of hand. The Nigerian author outlined how the new generation of individuals have weaponized social media and other digital communication ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1579

Attitude Towards Cheating Among Gay Millennials

Popular culture frequently depicts men and women acting inappropriately in sexual situations. A lot of research has been done on infidelity, extradyadic involvement, unfaithfulness and other synonyms for secret romantic activity with a secondary partner while in an exclusive relationship, such as marriage. “Secret activities” can include anything from holding hands, cuddling, kissing, and even ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3431

Are African American Children Less Likely To Become Adopted?

Abstract African American kids are less likely to be adopted when compared with kids from other races. Statistics show that kids of African descent often await twice as long as other kids to be adopted. In addition, Black kids are overrepresented in foster homes. Hence, it is evident that African American children are less likely to ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2897

Philosophical Point of View on Animal Rights

Introduction The argument over animal rights has heated up in recent years. Many studies have criticized whether animals have some rights at all and whether humans have the fundamental obligation to oppress animals in any way they see fit. Developments in biotechnology and scientific diagnostics have only added fuel to the fire of the animal ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 930

Abortion in the First 16 Weeks of Pregnancy

Introduction Abortion refers to a condition when pregnancy is ended to ensure that the child is not born. In the first 16 weeks of pregnancy, the gestation period child has not yet been formed in their mother’s womb. Some nation has allowed abortion in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. However, most scholars and other ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1710
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