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Science Essays

Blood and Organ Donation Within the LGBTQI+ Community

According to the Centre for American progress, every day in the United States 43, 200 people- one every two seconds need lifesaving-blood transfusion (Cray, 2012). Similarly, 18 people will succumb to illness while waiting for a donor organ (Cray, 2012). The above statistics show how crucial organ and blood donation is in the country and the ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3076

Adult Nursing: Leaderships and Managing Care

Introduction The purpose of the accompanying commentary is to inform readers on the value of networking, effective leadership, and skill management or delegation in a healthcare setting and help them understand and make sense of these themes. It is also written to assist the writer in critically writing and analyzing the given pieces in a ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4323
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Addressing Issues in Health Care

Introduction In the healthcare setting, initiatives to enhance safety improvements and quality are paramount to counter all the related healthcare problems. In the contemporary world, technological advancements, specifically in the medical field, have led to a radical improvement in the delivery of services (Scales & Schuman, 2014). Despite these advancements, society is in the initial ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1537

Childhood Obesity as a Health Care Problem

Introduction Childhood obesity is a health condition that occurs when a child is above normal health—when their weight in kilograms does not balance with their height concerning their age (Kamal, 2017). Childhood obesity has been a prevalent condition in most parts of the world, forming a basis for several health consequences. The selected healthcare problem ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2790

Health Care Becoming a Luxury Rather Than a Right in the Current Global Healthcare Systems

According to Kaiser Health News, health care has become much more costly of a plethora of variables, including the fee-for-service system, disease load, plus breakthroughs in both advanced medical advancements, along with insurance taxes, to highlight just some. Likewise, in my viewpoint, health care is a privilege rather than a right. Vastly, health care is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 719

Evidence Based Practice Implementation

Introduction The healthcare system has undergone significant changes over the years, with the primary goal of the transitions to ensure better care to the population and improved clinical outcomes for various illnesses. The primary targets are the most frequently occurring chronic illnesses, that require comprehensive interventions to improve the prognostic outcome and reduce the extent ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1356

Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Children

The advancement of technology has led to an increase in the amount of time children spend in front of a screen. Although parents believe that technology is essential for children’s development, too much screen time affects cognitive development, academic performance, and their social life (Jay, 2018). Children who spend too much time on screen time ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1171

Digitalization, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence

INTRODUCTION The new advancements in technological innovation are anticipated to alter the future of jobs fundamentally. However, the present debate about the influence of developing technology on jobs is controversial. Some people predict a jobless future, whereas others contend that history might repeat itself and that new technologies will ultimately lead to better and jobs ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2277

Current Trends in Nursing Practice

In 2010, the United States took a huge step towards changing its healthcare delivery model by enacting The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The legislation aimed to enhance the quality of patient care, expand access to healthcare, and make health care affordable. This paper will highlight the current federal regulation or emerging healthcare ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1341

The Technology of Cryptography and Methods Used in Cryptocurrency

How does cryptography work? As the name suggests, cryptography is the science that deploys the use of arithmetic to encrypt then decrypt information. This allows one to stock subtle data or enable transit of this information from some of the insecure networks like the internet. To allow the use for the authorized personnel only. According ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 918

Critical Analysis of the Lack of Teamwork as a Human Factor That Impacts Interprofessional Collaboration and Service-User Safety

Introduction The lack of teamwork heavily affects inter-professional collaboration and patient safety. In the context of healthcare, interprofessional collaboration is the practice of handling patient care from a team-based perspective. This simply means that healthcare providers carry out assessment and treatment of patients as a group and they focus on the whole process of treating ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2510

Critical Analysis and Reflection on Health Care in Canada

Critical analysis In every nation, healthcare systems are significant and play a significant role in the nation’s performance. In Canada, healthcare systems have advanced and evolved based on different approaches used to improve them. The efficiency of the systems has been designed by the various policies that have been implemented and analyzed. Raisa Deber indicates ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1136

Complimentary Therapy as a Muscle Relaxation Technique for Improving Patients’ Wellbeing

In western healthcare, complementary alternative therapies have been used to achieve relaxation. However, many of the alternative therapy remedies applied in healthcare have limited scope. As a result, nursing professionals need to have comprehensive knowledge about the different therapies carried in different cultures globally. With the correct information, many therapeutic approaches will be used globally. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 683

Distribution, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Colon Cancer

Anatomy of the System(S) Involved Age CRC, like many cancers, tends to increase in danger with age. The overall incidence increases exponentially for each successive year’s age category till the age of 50years and then increases by around 30%. The exception would be maturity level 50-54 years vs. age 55-60 years of age. Still, there ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1515
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