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Political Science Essays

Blame Avoidance Strategies Employed by c

Introduction Avoiding blame is a behaviour that comprises a variety of integrity protecting activities by those who hold office in light of activities that attract blame. According to Weaver (1986), the motivation of blame avoidance is a result of avoiding the losses that result from blame. These losses usually involve a career in public service ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3984

Spinoza’s Political Philosophy in the Tractatus Theologico-Politics

Spinoza stands out among most philosophers who existed at his time for several reasons. Perhaps he is better known for his work, principles, and arguments concerning ethics. Here, Spinoza’s monumental work was carried out and structured in a confounding way to explain ethical attributions and relations with God. The monumental setting of Spinoza’s work was ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2881
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Logical Fallacies in Politics

Logical fallacies are information an individual uses to sweet talk or convince another person and seem true, but when logic is applied, the data is only a trick( Van Vleet 2021). They are often used to trick people into believing in something they otherwise would not have been accepted. Politicians mostly use logical fallacies to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1460

Homeland Security and Homeland Defense

Following the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was created and became the federal agency responsible for coordinating the nation’s security efforts. Today, just past the twenty-first anniversary of the horrible event, the United States confronts an evolving threat of terrorism and targeted violence. Despite the challenges, the department has made ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1483

Faith and Diplomacy – a Critical Analysis

Madeleine Albright, author of ‘Emerging’, considers not lightly, the potential of religious belief in the diplomatic process. She has dedicated one chapter, ‘Faith and Religion’ to this effect, “The challenge for policy makers is,” she says, “to harness the unifying potential of faith while containing its capacity to divide.” She deigns to believe that religion ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1147

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Global Diplomacy

Introduction It is the age of technology. With the increase in automatization more and more countries across the globe have developed and are developing systems that no longer require human beings to operate. Indeed, these new creations are not only automated but also autonomous. Significant developments in artificial intelligence (AI) over the past two decades ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4711

Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

Nuclear Revolution in Strategic Thought There is no argument the birth and subsequent development of nuclear weapons has impacted the conditions of human existence. Undeniably, these weapons have instigated new customs of conduct in international politics and foreign relations in addition to influencing national and individual ideologies pertinent to the realities of the nuclear age. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1970

Gap Analysis of the Canadian Defence Policy vs. Guidance

The Government of Canada fcouses on protecting the people inside and outside its boarders. The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has the mandate of protecting the country and defend its sovereignty. CAF conducts its operations to secure the country and its people based on the Canadian Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE) and the Canadian Special Operations ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1343

Retaining High Potential Operators in CANSOFCOM

For over 30 years, the Special Operations Forces (SOF) Culture has prioritized humans being more critical than hardware in their five truths. The individuals are at the core of all SOF truths, which values cooperation, quality, rigorous training of every force member, and competency (Berardinelli, 2018). The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) has attained ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2027

The West and Iran

The western presence in Iran before the 1979 Iranian revolution can best be described as ugly primarily because it escalated tensions that led to the ouster of the Shah. These tensions emanated from the initial idea that the Shah’s regime was perceived as oppressive and dictatorial, coupled with giving Western companies valuable concessions over Iranian ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2070

The US War on Terror in the Middle East

Introduction Terrorism can be understood as the intentional utilization of violence to develop a general fear climate in a population, mainly to achieve a specific political objective. Throughout the world, terrorism has been exercised by revolutionaries, religious groups, and nationalistic (Fridlund, 2018). In addition, there are cases where state institutions like the police, intelligence services, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2044

The Study of the Spiral of Silence Theory in Real-World Designs, and Popular Culture

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, a German political scientist developed the spiral of silence theory in 1974. She stated that individuals and social groups would exclude or isolate members based on their opinion. This factor limit people from expressing their minority opinion as they feared they would be isolated in public (Noelle-Neumann, 1974). The concepts are analyzed in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1240

The Cold War Features in Tandem With the ‘New Cold War’

The world has witnessed various fundamental events that have shaped modern international relations: the Cold War is one such event. The Cold War between the United States as well as the Communist Soviet Union was fueled by postwar disputes, clashing philosophies, and territorial expansion fears. Several decades later, there are still cold wars worldwide due ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2301

The 1996 Welfare Reform

Introduction When President Clinton signed the Assistance Reform Act of 1996 on August 22, 1996, he made significant changes to the American welfare system (The New York, 2016). The funding of the TANF program is one of the issues addressed by the 1996 reform (Bryce, 2017). In addition to whether states will be able to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1038
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