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Political Science Essays

Analysis of the Canadian Federal Government Response on Policies During COVID-19

Introduction Canada is viewed as having a far wider geographical area than it actually has. It has more defined authority divisions between administrative and common states, with regions overseeing the great majority of public administrations, including health care. Canada’s governance ranges from completely centralised rule over neighbouring nations such as France to broad provincial sovereignty ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2503

Analysis of Henry A. Wallace, Speech on the Truman Doctrine (1947)

This paper will examine the effects of presidential opinions. Following the conclusion of World War II, communists and monarchists vied for control of postwar Greece’s government. The Soviet Union supported the communists, while the United Kingdom and the United States of America supported the monarchists. Considering that it shares a border with Turkey in the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1775
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United States Role in the United Nations Operations

Identify an article on a recent development regarding the relationship between the U.S. & U.N. (e.g., tensions over global warming/climate change, peacekeeping missions, monies to sexual and reproductive health services…). Share the link with us, providing a summary of the situation. According to the article by Zachary and Shendruk (2020), the United States is the largest and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1424

United States Policy on External Affairs

Towards the end of the 19th century and 1920, the United States of America continued its firm policies of not meddling in other people’s business. European countries were more conflict-prone to America, and their disputes could draw the United States into another war that merely had little American interest. Hence during the 1920s U.S, foreign ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 683

Understanding Putinism and Its Future

Introduction Under international law order, territorial sovereignty, as espoused under United Nations Charter, is a fundamental principle that requires other states not to meddle with another nation’s affairs unless the prevailing circumstances allow such actions (Goldsmith and jack 1999, pp 29). For a recent couple of weeks, Russia invaded Ukraine for the same reason that ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1295

Train or Educating Leaders

Over time, the US Army has achieved tremendous military breakthroughs. From the 1980s to the present, education and training structures have transitioned from analog to digital. More breakthroughs in military education and training are expected in the next years. At the start of a soldier’s career, schools and courses often focus on training to prepare ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 738

The Main Reasons for the Political Tensions in Fiji and the Role Christianity Plays

Christianity should be inclusive yet elusive to many since there are fundamental aspects that drive perception. Fiji’s experience offers essential insights into discussions about political instability and appropriate ways to organize the state in international communities (Ngin, Chanrith, et al. 299). In current multiracial studies, very little attention is paid to colonial roots and policies. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2084

The Difference Between Soft Power in UAE and Turkey

Soft power is the capacity to shape other individuals’ experiences with the ability to inspire and attract. Countries deploy political and cultural assets to accomplish objectives that cannot be done through the use of threat or force. The attractiveness of entertainment, education, and culture are among the elements that impact public diplomacy and global relations ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2393

State Versus National Powers in the United States

Nullification is the impression that a state can decide to go against and disobey bylaws approved by the national regime devoid of contemplation of state regulations. If the state discovers the national laws are illegitimate, it can go against them. At the time the Constitution of the United States was being written, contained within it ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1053

Security and Development Always Mutually Reinforcing

Introduction Security is defined as the quest for autonomy from risk and the capacity of nations and communities to preserve their autonomous identities and practical uprightness in the face of transformational forces that are perceived as hostile. Where else, development involves activities constituting situation positive transformation. Proponents of the security-development paradigm claim that security and ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4109

Politics and Political Science

Define the concept “Politics” Politics is the general state of affairs in a country. It is an art of how the government is structured and how it functions. This art studies political parties in a country. In this regard, politics involves studying the norms and laws of a country, governance structures, and management of a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 957

Policy-Making Process

Introduction Public policy is a design of legislation, governmental procedures, plans of action, and financial preferences addressing a certain issue proclaimed by a governmental organization or its civil servants (Wong and Lo, 2021). The state’s or public officials’ policies are only relevant inside a state or a certain environment. A concerned group initiates a public ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1403

Domestic Policy in the United States

Domestic policy can be referred to as the tactics and arrangements taken by the national policy to deal with needs present in the nation itself. In general, the federal government has established domestic policy, regularly in talks with local and state governments. The procedure of addressing the United States’ issues and relations with other countries ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 840

Political Advocacy Program Research Proposal

Abstract A political advocacy program is a strategy that is designed by an individual or agency with the sole aim of influences decisions that are made governing political, economic, and social institutions. The program is meant to lobby legislators’ debate on a particular issue of interest and certain pieces of legislation that need urgent redress. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1033
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