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Logistics and Redeployment

While redeployment calls for a reverse logistics process, the current logistics philosophy treats it as more of a forward-leaning procedure across all branches. The inability to communicate effectively results in lost time, resources, equipment loss, and financial loss. This hurts the military’s ability to carry out its mission (Raadschelders, 2021). Redeployment via the military’s aperture will be discussed in this paper. Leadership’s challenges with a nebulous doctrine provide no advice on carrying out the natural procedure (Pap & Venekei, 2018). Furthermore, this study will explain how to encourage dynamic and imaginative leadership without a guiding principle. It’s up to the administration to spread this idea across the company when there is no obvious way.

Redeployment schemes and maneuvers are often misunderstood since it is assumed that they may be used in reverse. Innovation in realignment: The 1st Infantry Groupings returns from Iraq a fallacy (Raadschelders, 2021). Two logistics officers in the military, both of whom have been in combat, criticize the army’s “redeployment philosophy,” which is loosely related to redeployment since personnel in a combat zone will come home at some time. As with forwarding logistics, redeployment occurrences were as diverse as those.

On the other hand, it was determined that redeployment was hampered by limited and widely scattered resources, enormous locational expanses, and ever-changing military personnel formations to conclude wartime drawdowns (Pawelczyk, 2018). As a result, the commanders of this initiative, especially those such as the First Infantry Division, had to be agile, innovative, and creative to complete their objectives.

Joint Publication 1-02, a dictionary approved by the Department of Defense (DOD), defines logistics as “a philosophy…emphasizing quick, concentrated effort, operational and tactical flexibility, and decentralized adaptability” (Pawelczyk, 2018). The gap between the DOD’s combined forces doctrine and the army’s branch-specific concept becomes more apparent when comparing the two definitions. This is proven much more clearly when contrasting Army and Marine Corps philosophy. Military Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) Logistics says that “Marine logistical must be able to establish logistics capabilities where none exist” (both forward and backward) (Pawelczyk, 2018). A significant portion of the Marine Corps’ MCDP, Logistics curriculum emphasizes leadership as an essential component and adaptability and a willingness to learn.

The Marine Corps notes in MCDP: Logistics that “logistics is a commanding duty, not the sole domain of experts or specialists.” The Marine Corps believes that leadership and the environments it creates are the driving forces behind all logistical efforts. Compared to army leaders with no orientation in their ideologies, the organizational mindset becomes clearer (Jenkins, Robbins, & Lunday, 2021). When it comes to redeployment of the 1st Infantry Division, maybe the army should have done more to instill a culture of agility, adaptability, and resilience among its ranks. This kind of culture is established from the top down. Leaders and subordinates can act according to this style of thinking, regardless of their surroundings.

In conclusion, training and combat need redeployment, which is impossible to avoid. Each branch has its unique way of solving the problem. All branches have ideological differences that profoundly affect their cultures regardless of the branch’s corporate strategy. While some feel that the same tactics that have worked for us in the past may operate in reverse, others believe that innovation, creativity, and adaptability are the keys to our future success. How well do you think a leader will perform when not given clear instructions? Both ways of thinking have been developed, and both may be effective. Even still, as with logistics, forward and backward, process improvement is essential, and it all begins with the choices made by the military’s top brass.


Jenkins, P. R., Robbins, M. J., & Lunday, B. J. (2021). Approximate dynamic programming for the military aeromedical evacuation dispatching, preemption-rerouting, and redeployment problem. European Journal of Operational Research290(1), 132-143.

Pap, A., & Venekei, J. (2018). The innovative elements of the conduct of fourlog logistics training 2018 and their application in military higher education. Hadmernok13(2), 105-116.

Pawelczyk, M. (2018). Contemporary challenges in military logistics support. Security and Defence Quarterly20(3), 85-98.

Raadschelders, J. J. (2021). Redeployment of Forces to Germany (REFORGER): Military Exercises with a Diplomatic Purpose (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).


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