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Parenting Essays

Do Curfews Keep Teens out of Trouble?

Over the years, juvenile delinquencies have increased all over the world. These crimes are always attributed to negative peer pressures, social media influence, drug abuse, and free movement till late for teenagers. As such, most parents and law enforcers have created curfews to deter young people from committing crimes or getting in trouble. Curfews have ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1545

The Association Between Spanking and Children’s Adjustment

Introduction Spanking is a common method used by parents worldwide to punish toddlers and young children. Several studies have established the strategy’s effectiveness in improving child behavior. Most researchers in the US have linked spanking to externalizing and internalizing behavioral problems, including antisocial behavior and increased aggression in young children. While most researchers discourage spanking ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 927
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Life-Span Psychology

Bonding with and nourishing your baby can be achieved naturally through breastfeeding. Uncertainties and anxieties about breastfeeding are reasonable, particularly when you receive ambiguous feedback from your loved ones and acquaintances. Breast milk provides a complete range of vital nourishment and immune defenses necessary for a newborn’s healthy growth and advancement. Breastfeeding fosters skin-to-skin interaction ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 611

Parents Coping With the Loss of a Child

The pain of losing a child can be overwhelming regardless of the child’s age. Though there is no proper way of grieving and the amount of grief that should be experienced when a child dies, parents are left with an overwhelming that they will never see their child again and the loss of future hopes ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1913

The Impact of Social Constructions of Gender and Sexuality on Parenting

Introduction. Contemporary society has seen important changes in family patterns, with gender and sexuality dominating parenting. Social structures of gender and sexuality shape parenting practices and affect the child’s progress. Therefore, it is key to observe how gender and sexuality influence parenting and its implications on the family. The issue has evolved, and these changes ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3677

Positive Parenting Versus Authoritative Parenting

Carroll’s (2021) paper “Effectiveness of Positive Discipline Parenting Program on Parenting Style, and Child Adaptive Behavior” examined the effects of such a program on parenting styles and the children’s ability to adapt to their environments. The research concluded that the positive discipline parenting program improved children’s adaptive behaviors like social skills, emotional regulation, and academic ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 977

What Are the Differences Between African American and Asian American Parenting Styles Regarding Parental Involvement in Children’s Education?

Doucet, F. (2008). How African American parents understand their and teachers’ roles in children’s schooling and what this means for preparing preservice teachers. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 29(2), 108–139. This study investigates African American mothers’ involvement and interest in their children’s education. The authors suggest that African American moms’ involvement in education ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 953

Single Parenting and Divorce: Effects on Child Well-being and the Role of Co-Parenting

Abstract This research paper examines whether children can obtain everything they need from a single parent and the influences of divorce on children. The literature study validates that children raised in single-parent families can experience impairments such as scarcity, lesser educational performance, and emotional and communal anxieties. The paper argues that divorce negatively impacts children’s ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2077

Attachment and Child-Rearing Styles

Regarding parenting, there is a vast deal of difference among families. Culture significantly impacts how families exist and how the kids are reared. Over the past few years, the population in the United States has made a make-up. Deviations driven by socio-economic status, immigration, and single parenting are some factors linked with the various child-rearing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 986

Family and Intimate Relationships

Introduction I recently read “Modern Romance” and found it insightful and relevant to my experiences with dating and relationships. I shared this book with my uncle, who is over 50 years old and has been married for over 30 years. He was intrigued by the concept of online dating and how technology has changed the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1988

Understanding Adolescent Behavior: A Guide for Parents

Adolescence is a critical stage in the development of an individual. During this stage, the brain undergoes significant changes, leading to physical, cognitive, and emotional changes in the adolescent. Adolescence is often characterized by “acting out” behaviour, which can cause concern for parents. To support their teenager during this time, parents need to understand the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 775
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