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Impact of Culture on Parenting

Parenting nurtures children as they grow by supporting them emotionally, catering for their well-being, and teaching them values and beliefs (Bigner et al.,). On the other hand, culture is the shared set of beliefs, norms, practices, and values used to identify a group of people, especially regarding religion, race, socioeconomic status, or nationality. Parenting styles vary across different cultures because there are different traditions, preferences, and societal expectations (Bigner et al.,). This essay examines how culture may impact how parents raise their children. Would there be any differences if the parenting process was done in a different culture?


Parenting style is mainly influenced by the culture within which a child is being raised and the parents’ responsibilities in raising children (Bigner et al.,). For example, some cultures emphasize the importance of academic qualifications, while others may prioritize skills and practical knowledge. These values determine parents’ educational expectations for their kids and how they will support them. Different values and beliefs in different sets of cultures also impact how children are raised; such principles include religious values, respect for older people, collectivism, and personal autonomy. For example, parents from cultures that value independence may provide their kids with opportunities to foster assertiveness and self-direction. Some cultures support strict punishment for misbehaviour, while others encourage lenient and negotiable punishment. In addition, cultures determine what is considered wrong or right; therefore, parents will try to raise their children to follow what is deemed correct. Sometimes, what is wrong in one culture may be right in another, bringing up the disparities in parenting across different cultures. Gender roles in different cultures affect parenting; some cultures have gender role expectations for men and women. Cultures that view women as weak will have parents teaching their daughters simple tasks such as caring for kids and learning simple courses in school. Same parents will teach their sons how to be strong and independent by practising roles like providing and protecting; they will also embark on more challenging courses like engineering.

Having grown up in a middle-class family in the United States, I appreciate my parents for the job well done; they have raised me with love and have always supported me emotionally. My parents were my first teachers; they instilled in me the principles, values, and beliefs of the American culture. Not to forget the strict “because I said so” whenever I am about to make a wrong decision, I am grateful. I recall one time I had to argue with my father because I requested him to get a laptop for me. He could only say that I was too young to own a laptop; I was so frustrated but remembered I only wanted it for my movies, which was unnecessary. In my culture, parents are strict, and as children, it is a duty to obey parents and other older people.


In summary, culture significantly impacts any actions held in a society, including parenting. This is why adults have their own way of doing things depending on how they were raised, which is directly influenced by the culture in which they were raised. Culture is discipline and the solution to parents’ challenges in raising their children. Respect other people’s opinions and ideas, considering that they might have been raised differently from us. Raising children according to principles of culture shows regard for traditions and the attempt to keep them from generation to generation.

Works Cited

Bigner, Jerry J., and Clara J. Gerhardt. Parent-child relations: An introduction to parenting. Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2002.


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