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What Are the Differences Between African American and Asian American Parenting Styles Regarding Parental Involvement in Children’s Education?

Doucet, F. (2008). How African American parents understand their and teachers’ roles in children’s schooling and what this means for preparing preservice teachers. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 29(2), 108–139.

This study investigates African American mothers’ involvement and interest in their children’s education. The authors suggest that African American moms’ involvement in education is critical to their children’s academic achievement. The study employs a qualitative technique, examining interviews with African American mothers to investigate how they perceive their engagement in their children’s schooling. The study also digs into African American moms’ perspectives on the role of teachers in their children’s education. The findings show that these mothers value teacher assistance and communication, but they also underline the necessity of their active participation. The authors emphasize the need for preservice teachers to understand African American parents’ viewpoints and experiences to support and engage them better. Overall, the research advances our understanding of the complex and varied connections between parents, teachers, and children in the setting of African American education.

Mistry, R. S., Biesanz, J. C., Taylor, L. C., Burchinal, M., & Cox, M. J. (2004). Family income and its relation to preschool children’s adjustment for families in the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. Developmental psychology, 40(5), 727.

The impact of family income on preschool children’s adjustment and behavior is investigated in this article. The study examines the impact of parental income on children’s behavior problems and social competence using data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. According to the data, family income considerably impacts children’s behavioral adjustment. Furthermore, the study shows that children from lower-income families had more significant behavioral issues than those from higher-income families. According to the authors, this could be related to limited access to resources and higher levels of family stress in lower-income homes. However, the study implies that family income is not the only factor influencing children’s adjustment and that other family and environmental factors may also be involved. The authors emphasize the need for policies and programs that address economic inequality and assist low-income families in ensuring favorable outcomes for children. Overall, the study emphasizes the need to consider socioeconomic issues when studying children’s growth and adjustment.

Slaughter‐Defoe, D. T., Nakagawa, K., Takanishi, R., & Johnson, D. J. (1990). Toward cultural/ecological perspectives on schooling and achievement in African‐and Asian‐American children. Child development, 61(2), 363-383.

This article presents a historical overview of Asian American parenting and how it has changed. The author contends that cultural values, beliefs, and America’s shifting social and economic landscape have influenced Asian American parenting. The article also examines the various parenting methods among Asian American parents and how they affect their children’s development. Furthermore, the article emphasizes the importance of using a cultural and ecological perspective while examining the academic attainment and schooling experiences of African and Asian American children. The authors recommend that these viewpoints consider cultural and socioeconomic elements that influence parenting methods and interactions between children and their larger social and physical contexts. The essay also analyzes the potential negative consequences of a deficit viewpoint on African and Asian American children’s academic achievement and recommends a more strengths-based approach. In conclusion, the article provides important insights into the intricate interplay of culture, parenting, and academic accomplishment among African and Asian American children.

Suinn, R. M. (2010). Reviewing acculturation and Asian Americans: How acculturation affects health, adjustment, school achievement, and counseling. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 1(1), 5.

This study examines gender and acculturation differences in the time and conditions of Asian American adolescents’ first sexual encounters. The factors that affect Asian American teenagers’ sexual behavior are analyzed using data from a national survey of Asian American adolescents. According to the findings, gender and acculturation are significant determinants of the date and conditions of Asian American adolescents’ first sexual encounters. However, the study also highlights the need to consider the diverse experiences and perspectives of different Asian American subgroups and the role of contextual factors such as family and cultural values to understand adolescent sexual behavior. This is particularly important in the case of Asian Americans. The author contends that a more sophisticated knowledge of acculturation and its effects on Asian Americans is essential for enhancing their health, adjustment, academic success, and counseling. In general, the study’s findings highlight the significance of addressing the sexual health needs of Asian American adolescents with a culturally sensitive and educated approach.

Kim, S. Y., Chen, Q., Wang, Y., Shen, Y., & Orozco-Lapray, D. (2013). Longitudinal linkages among parent–child acculturation discrepancy, parenting, parent–child sense of alienation, and adolescent adjustment in Chinese immigrant families. Developmental psychology, 49(5), 900.

This article examines the long-term relationships between parent-child acculturation disparity, parenting, parent-child sense of estrangement, and teenage adjustment in Chinese immigrant families. The study employs a longitudinal methodology to examine data from Chinese immigrant families over three years. The findings imply that parent-child acculturation differences significantly impact parenting methods and adolescent adjustment. The study also emphasizes examining parent-child alienation as a mediating element in the association between acculturation disparity and adolescent adjustment. According to the authors, recognizing these connections can help inform interventions and programs to improve outcomes for Chinese immigrant families and their children. They advocate for therapies that emphasize communication and understanding between parents and children and foster biculturalism rather than assimilation. Overall, the study emphasizes the intricate interplay between acculturation, parenting, and adolescent adjustment in Chinese immigrant households and the necessity of fostering positive outcomes through a family-centered and culturally sensitive approach.


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