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Networking Essays

Security Approaches in Networking

Network security is a critical aspect of the contemporary world, connected with businesses that depend on digital infrastructure and communication networks. Security networks deal with many threats that might occur in the form of malware and phishing attacks, data breaches, and unauthorized access. Hence, well-planned security systems must be implemented to safeguard the organization’s critical ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 971

The Impact of NIL on Athletes

Introduction Traditionally, college athletes were prohibited from being compensated for using their name, image, or likeness. After decades of resisting changes, Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) rule was enacted in 2021, allowing states and institutions of higher learning to implement laws that allowed college athletes to receive NIL benefits. This significant shift occurred during the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2585
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Managing Information Systems & Technology

Introduction Companies are now increasingly allowing some of their employees to work remotely. The emergency of covid 19 caused the rethinking of how work can be restructured to respond to organizational needs. This has necessitated many firms to develop IT infrastructure facilitating remote work (Korty et al., 2021). This working approach allows employees flexibility in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 744

Internship Criminal Justice

Embarking on an immersive journey within the Santa Clara County Public Defender’s office as part of the Investigative Intern program provided me with firsthand experience of the intricate workings of the criminal justice system. Under the guidance of a supportive supervisor, I delved into a myriad of tasks, from reading police reports to conducting interviews ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3322

Strengths and Limitations of Linked as a Social Media Tool

LinkedIn, developed in 2003, is a networking social media tool that connects prominent professionals with their respective fields of operation within varied industries, intending to enable professional communication, mentorship, and potential job opportunities (Crant, 2014). Moreover, LinkedIn is a platform businesses use to market their products and services to recruit potential employees and interact with ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 720

How the Concept of Festivalisation Is Applied in the Staging of C2

Richard St-Pierre, the CEO of C2, once coined, “Festivalization is just a new fad for the event world to become more relevant…So, why? Because we wanted to reinvent what a moment in time was. So, if we simply tweak what an event should be, well, you don’t get this” (Sheivachman). To everyone, the word conference ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2485

E-Commerce and Networking Site Security

E-commerce sites such as eBay or Networking sites like Telegram contain different security needs because of their varying users, their roles, possible threats faced, and the information they collect. This work aims to discuss the security needs of e-commerce and Networking sites and how they compare and differ. The security needs for social networking sites ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 698

Network Organizations and Impact on Environmental Processes

The connection between environmental protection policy and practice may be seen in the concept of “network organizations,” which describes the structures that monitor the involvement of businesses in long-term initiatives like environmental preservation. Furthermore, “network organizations” describes the broader setting where individuals form groups and make plans to accomplish shared goals (Derr, 2021). Their functions, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2215

How Post-Pandemic Era Impacted Business Organizations.

Introduction Is any facet of the economy that was not adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic? The business world encountered a dramatic change after the lockdown, and travel bans were declared in most nations worldwide. Most businesses temporarily shut down before working at home was discovered, which birthed all other technological advancements like virtual meetings ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1709

Installing or Improving Additional Networks

Introduction Nearly all homes and small businesses today have a local network and an Internet connection. The small area network in the home or office enables several devices, such as PCs, tablets, and other devices, to connect to the Internet and one another. A local area network, often known as a LAN, is a collection ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1199

Advances in Wide Area Networks; SD-WAN Alternative for Traditional WAN

Introduction Communications are now a critical component of many businesses’ ability to stay in business, yet the infrastructure and technologies that make this possible are often overlooked. An agile data transfer and an infrastructure that enables it are required by all service providers. For this reason, the company’s headquarters, regional offices, and data centre must ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2527

Networking in Public Health

Use of networking in the public health field The significance of stating “no man is an island” is continuously proven to be why people need to make a collective effort to achieve success. While networking and knowing the right individuals provides a gateway or access to career opportunities, there are considerable gains from successful networking ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 625
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