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Mental Health Essays

How Food Affects Mental and Physical Wellness

Abstract Many people are today faced with several physical and mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, sleep disruptions, or even mood disorders. While there are pharmaceutical interventions that may help solve these challenges, it is critical to look at the ways of preventing such diseases or other non-pharmaceutical interventions for treating them. Food plays a ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1728

How Does Social Media Affect the Mental Health of Adolescents?

Article Summary: The role of personality traits and social support in relations of health-related behaviours and depressive symptoms In recent times, social media has become a common form of communication. Globally, nearly all adults and teenagers are on at least one social media platform. However, spending too much time on social media has been associated with ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1415
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American Schools Need Later Start Times

Experts have occasionally stated that middle to high school children is biologically programmed to remain awake later than younger children. For them, waking up earlier for school makes them chronically sleep deficient. The same researchers have conducted correlational studies showing that prolonging school start times can help these children in many of their lives. The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 959

The Social Influences That Affect the Gut That Leads to Mental Declines Such As Depression and Anxiety

Globally, mental health disorders have become a public health concern as they are the leading source of disability. Therefore, mental health needs a new approach to intervention and treatment. However, it has been hard to prevent or treat mental health when the healthcare practitioner does not know its primary cause. The psychiatric diagnostic manuals on ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3151

Social-Emotional Learning and Policy in Student Well-Being

Introduction Sheffield school for the disabled comprises challenged students in one way or another. Most students are mentally disabled, while some are dumb. It is a medium-level public school with a population of about 2 500 students from the primary to the high school level. It is located in Victoria, Australia. It is a part ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2880

Mental Health Conditions Among Australian Youth

Introduction Mental health problems are highly prevalent among Australian youth aged 15–24 years (Shepherd, 2022). Recent reviews of the literature reveal high rates of mental health issues and suicidal behavior among this population, with many young people receiving no help or treatment despite high prevalence, serious consequences and strong evidence for effective interventions. The aim of ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2362

Mental Health Challenges Post COVID-19

Introduction A serious threat to mental health was posed to the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a changing and yet significant increase in issues of mental health among the vulnerable groups and the general population as suggested by multiple lines of evidence. The consequences are a result of speculative and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1288

Mental Health and Race: Annotated Bibliography

Chen, William C., et al. “Association of mental health diagnosis with race and all‐cause mortality after a cancer diagnosis: Large‐scale analysis of electronic health record data.” Cancer 128.2 (2022): 344-352. The article provides a clear discussion of racial disparities related to mental healthcare, particularly for patients with cancer. The authors used a large-scale evaluation in a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1299

Research Proposal: Meeting the Physiological Needs of Homeless People

Introduction Homelessness is sometimes thought to be restricted to those who are “living in squalor” on the outdoors, but it is only a minor portion of the issue. Homeless people are regarded to be one of current societal most vulnerable people, especially those that are sick, have a poor income, are jobless, are lonely, or ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1124

Medically Assisted Death in the Context of Mental Health Challenges

According to van Veen et al. (2020), Medically Assisted Death (MAiD) is among the controversial topics among ethicists and physicians. Overall, assisted death has been a heavily debated topic globally. However, there is an increasing focus on MAiD among psychiatric patients. Physician-assisted death is acceptable in a growing number of countries. A key argument in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1803

High Divorce Rate

Introduction Divorce rates in Singapore have been increasing in recent years, according to data provided by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). The majority of this population is young couples who have been married for less than ten years. This trend is a cause for concern for society. There are numerous problems associated ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 717

Group Counseling Proposal for Foster Youth

Introduction Group counseling is a type of therapy that involves meeting with a group of people to discuss common issues and concerns. Group counseling provides a space for people to share their experiences and learn from one another in a supportive and confidential setting. It can be an effective way to address common issues such ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3402

Work/Family Conflicts During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Abstract We conducted a literature review to analyze the sources of work and family conflicts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, we investigated these conflicts’ effects on children’s mental health and academic progress during their remote learning encounters. We discovered that the COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of most schools and employment organizations. Consequently, most ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2480

Psychoeducation Interventions on Bipolar Disorder

Mental health disorders including bipolar disorders are the contributing cause of disability worldwide. The growing mental health treatment gap, in which more than 70% of people in need of mental health services do not have access to care, contributes to the documented global burden of disease associated with mental disorders (van Luenen et al., 2017). ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2901

Annotated Bibliography: Smartphones, Social Media Use and Youth Mental Health

Abi-Jaoude, Elia, et al. “Smartphones, Social Media Use and Youth Mental Health.” CMAJ, vol. 192, no. 6, Feb. 2020, pp. E136–41, The article “Smartphones, Social Media Use, and Youth Mental Health” by Abi-Jaoude et al. investigates the evidence that links the use of smartphones and social media to mental health problems and suicidal ideation among adolescents. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1081
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