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Mental Health Essays

Mental Health Stigma

The community often rejects people with mental illness. This occurs as a result of stigma. People with mental illness may be treated differently, made to feel ashamed, and viewed negatively. Therefore, people have mental health stigma and discriminatory attitudes about mental illness. Behind the videos ‘ Right to fail’ and ‘Hearing voices’ is the journey ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 679
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Stress Reduction Program for Salespeople

Mental health is important for every human being in any setting. Stress may affect individuals’ working abilities because they cannot concentrate on their routine activities. Work stress may be caused by long hours, heavy workloads, tight deadlines, and boring work. Therefore, effective stress reduction methods should ensure that employees are not psychologically affected. People with ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1624

Introduction to Target Community & Program

One of the objectives of Healthy People 2030 is the prevention, screening, and treatment of people with mental health illnesses and behavioral disorders. Healthy people 2030 also aims to improve the health and life value of people affected by these illnesses. Mental illnesses and behavioral conditions affect everyone regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status, or ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2115

Factors Impacting Young Women’s Mental Health in the UK

In the United Kingdom, adolescent mental health problems are well-known. The majority of female pupils in the North of England are affected by this issue. Female students outperformed male students on measures of emotional difficulties, whereas male students outperformed female students on measures of behaviour and hyperactivity (Wright et al., 2020). Fink et al. (2015) ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3389

Depressive Disorder in Adolescents

Depression is a common mental health problem among teens that results in constant feelings of sadness and a lack of interest in everyday activities. There is an increasing prevalence of depression among teens, with almost 50% of teens have experienced depressive disorder once in their lifetime (Beirão et al., 2020). Due to the recurrent nature ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2105

Data Collection and Analysis

Credible and reliable research studies require meticulous research study design and conduction. One of the major areas for consideration for successful research conduction is data collection and analysis. Proper data collection and analysis involve formulating the main research question and its related questions to determine the answer to the main research question. This assignment identifies ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1869

Cultural Considerations in Mental Health Nursing

Cultural sensitivity tends to act as a vital aspect in the process of treatment and psychiatric patients due to the various cultural considerations arising from our different backgrounds. There is a need to understand the patient’s family’s view concerning the problem. All cultures seem to have their health belief systems that they believe to be ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1065

Client Biopsychosocialspiritual Assessment

Barkley (2019) asserts that a bio-psychosocial spiritual assessment is conducted at the start of mental health treatment, often as part of the intake stage. The assessment includes various questions that clients are asked to respond to genuinely. Due to its complex nature, it might take longer to carry it out, unlike a more traditional therapy ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2776

Mental Health in the UK

INTRODUCTION Mental health is an area of service that is not as well known or understood by people, but it is essential to people who are living with mental health issues. It is a service that can help restore or maintain the health of individuals or their families who experience mental health problems. The term ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4782

Best Communication Practices for Patients With Depression

Sharing the PICOT Question In patients with depression (P), how effective are decision aid tools (I) compared to no decision aid tools (C) in promoting better communication between depressed patients and nurses (O) within three months of testing such decision-aid tools and strategies (T)? Completing a Literature Review Despite an increase in the volume of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1042

Social Media and Its Effects on Mental Health

Abstract Social media technology was developed to improve communication and research by making them more efficient. Studies show that most young adults spend most of their time having their cell phones, making them more prone to depression, anxiety, and stress. Today among many young adults, there is extreme observable accessibility of behavioral phenomena’ deformations derived ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2594

Case Vignette: Evidence-Based Tools and Assessments

Case Solution We may learn from the case vignette that Anna is having some trouble balancing her job and personal affairs. She is struggling with the challenges of returning to work as well as the changes in her family’s relationships. This hypothetical case description concludes with the mention of Anna developing a “superwoman” coping style, ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3725

Advocacy for Individuals Living With Disabilities

Dear Senator, As a well-trained clinical mental health counselor, I am writing this letter to spearhead the needs of individuals living with disability. According to the American counseling association, a counselor in mental health has a vast number of standards that must be followed. One of the standards is to ensure equal opportunities for individuals ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1038
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