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Annotated Bibliography: Smartphones, Social Media Use and Youth Mental Health

  1. Abi-Jaoude, Elia, et al. “Smartphones, Social Media Use and Youth Mental Health.” CMAJ, vol. 192, no. 6, Feb. 2020, pp. E136–41,

The article “Smartphones, Social Media Use, and Youth Mental Health” by Abi-Jaoude et al. investigates the evidence that links the use of smartphones and social media to mental health problems and suicidal ideation among adolescents. This research is important because smartphone and social media users significantly impact children and adolescents. Although the majority of the available data were empirical, making it impossible to demonstrate a correlation between the two variables, the results of a few long-term, controlled, and randomized studies suggest that social networking and smartphone usage may be to blame for the increasing prevalence of mental discomfort among adolescents. The authors investigate the therapeutic implications of the existing research to assist practicing physicians in working with children and their families to avoid the potential adverse consequences of using social media on mental health. This article will serve as a source of ideas for me to incorporate into the proposal portion of my research project.

  1. “Podcast: The Link Between Social Media and Mental Health | McLean Hospital.” Podcast: The Link Between Social Media & Mental Health | McLean Hospital, 12 Apr. 2022,,on%20so%20many%20of%20us.

Jenn talks to Dr. Lisa Coyne about the impact of social media on our mental health. To summarize the interview between the two. It is clear that human beings are social, and our mental health and pleasure are contingent on our social connections. Social interaction decreases stress, anxiety, and depression, increases self-esteem, offers comfort and happiness, eliminates loneliness, and even lengthens life. In contrast, social isolation can harm your mental and emotional health. Many of us engage with people via Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram. Each has benefits, but social media will never be able to replace face-to-face interaction. Face-to-face interaction produces hormones that alleviate tension and improve mood. Ironically, social media can increase feelings of isolation and loneliness, aggravating mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Lisa argued that if one spends too much time on social media and experiences depression, dissatisfaction, frustration, or loneliness, one may need to modify their online behavior.

She offered a solution to the problem by embracing the act of regulating our time on social media. She goes ahead and describes that we can do so which is through trying to engage involving activities outside social media. With the aid of this primary source, I can evidently provide a practical recommendation for the problem of social media’s negative effect on young people’s mental health.

  1. Wongkoblap, Akkapon, Miguel A. Vadillo, and Vasa Curtin. “Researching mental health disorders in the era of social media: systematic review.” Journal of medical Internet research6 (2017): e7215.

This article’s authors claim that mental illness should be ranked alongside cancer and diabetes as one of the main causes of mortality worldwide. This article explains that understanding user behavior patterns is an increasingly crucial social media application. People frequently express their emotions and opinions through their interactions on social media, which has contributed to its popularity. This article examines how this information has been exploited to classify and forecast users’ emotional well-being, given that social media provides a wealth of data for the study of mental health.

To study how social media can be used as a source for mental health data, a systematic literature review was undertaken by searching social networks using keywords linked to prevalent mental health disorders. This study sought to examine the limitations of the predictive analytics methodologies currently employed in the field of mental health. The most prevalent form of data collection was found to be textual analysis, with the study providing a total of 5,386 articles.

Consequently, this study demonstrates that despite an increase in the amount of studies investigating mental health problems via social media, typical difficulties continue to exist. The conclusion, made by this study will help to evidently propose that despite of many solution proposed in existing literature there are need of new approach to the problem since the suggested solutions are infective.

  1. “Episode 065: Is Social Media Good for Mental Health — Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Podcast.” Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast, 6 Nov. 2019,

When investigating social media, like other difficult topics, one will be able to discover a magazine that supports any given side of the debate. Excessive social media time has detrimental effects. There is an advantage to restricting daily screen usage to less than two hours.

Some indicators of an unhealthy reliance on mobile devices include: Nomophobia: the anxiety one experiences while unable to reach their cell phone; Telepressure: anxiety induced by the feeling/belief that messages, emails, etc. are unimportant. The interviewer claims that we need to respect rest! As it is essential for mental wellbeing.

The use of mobile devices and other screens will disrupt sleep. The interviewer recommends that not to use screens within an hour of going to sleep for 3-4 weeks and see if you sleep better. This source. I will use to provide evidence of the effect of social media on mental health, such as reduced sleep time.

  1. Kumar, Navin. Media Psychology: Exploration and Application. Routledge India, 2020.

This book examines media psychology as a field of research and provides an introduction to the field’s historical developments and contemporary applications. It investigates topics such as consumer behavior, mass media and advertising, media and culture, media messages and their influence on individual and group behavior in the context of India, as well as a variety of other significant subjects. This article takes a look at the emerging concept of digital altruism while simultaneously stressing the significance of media psychology in connection to citizenship and pedagogy. The author also investigates a variety of research approaches that have been utilized in this field to objectively evaluate the effect that messages from the mass media have on persons as well as the impact that individuals have on the functioning of the mass media.

This book would be helpful to students and academics studying media studies, consumer behavior, digital marketing, corporate communication, and corporate communication, as well as psychology, media psychology, mass communication, and media psychology. This indicates that the book will provide me with facts and statistics regarding the topic at hand.


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