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Humanities Essays

The Painting of Marie Antoinette With Her Children

In 1815, Elisabeth Louise Vigee-Portrait Le Brun painted Marie Antoinette with Her Children, which will be the subject of this dissertation. The painting will be examined in depth later in this paper. She had a special affection for this painter because she had painted 30 portraits of the Queen, including this one, and she admired ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1510

The Ordeal of Women in Conventional Marriage

In her “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers,” Adrienne Rich forthrightly expresses the truth of the ordeal faced by women in a conventional marriage. The poem is beautifully written with stunning imagery and an excellent rhyming scheme. The author uses the poem to address the oppression women go through in their day-to-day activities and the requirement of their ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 772
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Happy for Other People

Typically, success and happiness are two concepts that depend on each other. In one of Aesop’s Fables, “The North Wind and the Sun,” the author wants to teach the reader on superiority of persuasion over force. Hundred years ago, the sun and the north wind used to live harmoniously as friends and as siblings. However, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1047

The Newsroom Ethical Cases

Introduction Media ethics is a branch that tackles ethical values and principles of media, including movies. They promote and defend morals such as a general respect for life and the rule of law, and authenticity. Throughout the history of filmmaking, films have been used to represent different aspects in real life and sources and tools ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1050

The New Imperialism Led to Gender Violence

Women in the colonies were referred to as “women,” and this term was used to denote both wives and mothers in its original and simplest sense. In Southwest Africa, there are just not enough German women for the number of German men that arrived. German women were needed in the colonies as early as 1896, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1361

The Movement of Time in ‘The Waste Land’

‘The Wasted Land’ is a classical modernist poem in literature by T.S Stoppard and was first published in 1922. This poem is unique and arguably one of the most important modernist texts and can be viewed as a poem about loss inspired by the war. The poem is divided into five sections that explore the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1562

The Motivation Behind American Horror Films

Americans went through a period of poverty and psychological suffering in the 1970s. Protests, killings, and riots swiftly exposed the country’s violent character. The horror film business was born because of the bad energy left behind by traumatic events. People who experienced the country’s difficulties up close and personal were the inspiration for many horror ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1146

The Media Has the Ability To Initiate Social Change

Social change has been facilitated by media coverage and stories over decades. Besides, multiple communication and social theories elaborate on how the media enables social change. For example, there is a direct connection with how media influences society and people. Thus, the impact of media on social transformation entails multiple perspectives such as approaches of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1258

The Mayan and Aztec in Mesoamerica

The statement “unless the lion learns to write, the stories will always glorify the hunter” rightly applies in the analysis of the Mayan and Aztec communities that lived in Mesoamerica. Early Europeans credit themselves with instituting the initial and higher education centers in Mesoamerica in the sixteenth century. However, these two societies had well-established systems ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1022

The Last Candles of the Night

The Last Candles of the Night is an excellent novel by Ian Bedford. It is a moving and lyric tale of unpredictable love progress, memory pitfalls, and the profound allegiance costs. Besides, a love triangle develops in the novel as particular events sweep them up. Ian’s story contains the tale of a recall hence creating ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 609

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

An emotional and gripping tale of redemption and betrayal, “The Kite Runner,” had me moved and thrilled consequently. Khaled Hosseini tells the story of Hassan and Amir, friends who lived like brothers and were also good at flying kites. The closest friends lived in Kabul, Afghanistan, and this year, they will put all the possible ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 592

The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

The Industrial Revolution, which centered on textile manufacturing in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, took place predominantly without the use of science in England and continental Europe. The alkali business, for example, grew in response to the demand for washing and bleaching raw cotton and wool. Industrial growth, however, could only go so ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 745

The Uniqueness of the Holocaust

The Holocaust is unique. It was the result of a systematic and deliberate effort by Hitler and the Nazis to exterminate an entire people of the Jews. It is important not to diminish its unique horror by comparing it to other events, no matter how terrible those events may have been. The Jews are a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 634

The Historical Significance of the Fourteenth Amendment

The idea of defining freedom and citizenship has been a subject of conflict in the history of the United States. Through the American history, there have been major issues that debates about freedom and citizenship that have revolved in the past. Historical events like the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 pointed the meaning ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1145

The Great Depression

The Great Depression refers to the worldwide economic downturn that started in 1929 and went through up to 1939. Research has revealed that it was the most severe and most extended depression experienced by the developed countries, resulting in immediate changes in economic institutions, economic theory, and macroeconomic policy. Although the Great Depression originated from ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1240
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