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Humanities Essays

Global Media Interconnection and Its Impact on Journalism

Introduction With the advent of the Web 3.0 era, mobile Internet has not only profoundly changed the behaviour, channels and psychology of hundreds of millions of audiences in accessing information but has also profoundly changed the social structure, leading to transformative effects on society as a whole in many fields such as politics, economy and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2812
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Synthesis Essay; Are Zoos Ethical or Not?

Over the years, there has been a heated debate over the ethicality of zoos. Some people argue that they are an important tool for conservation, while others claim that they are nothing more than prisons for animals and a capitalist idea to make money. Thus, the issue of zoos is complex. The main motive of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 995

State of Indigenous People in Canada

Introduction This research seeks to answer the following research question; For a particular group: what is the degree of poverty; how has this shifted over time; which members of the group are more likely to experience poverty and why; how effective are the current policies in decreasing poverty and what policies would be better. Therefore, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3141

Essay on Space Race

The space race was a competition to acquire dominance in space travel between the US and the Soviet Union (cold war rivals). Its roots may be traced back to the post-World War II nuclear weapon rivalry in the twentieth century. The technological edge shown by spaceflight achievement was seen as necessary for nationwide safety, and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 744

Sorting Through Experience in Naomi Mitchison Memoirs

This discussion focuses on the two most important autobiographic texts of Mitchison, who was a creative novelist of brilliant adaptability. She was a renowned professional author of various autobiographical narratives. During her late seventies, she wrote and published three books of autobiography which included “All Change Here: Girlhood and Marriage (1975), Small Talk: Memoirs of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3105

Ancient Greece: Socrates

The ancient Greeks were obsessed with wealth, physical beauty, and past glories. This affected their thinking and even felt threatened by Socrates way of thinking and solving problems because they felt he undermined their way of life, leaving a trail of uncertainty. His teachings on the other hand emphasized more on the mind, how to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 551

Social Network Phenomenon

The idea of quitting social networking sites could mean the end of the world to many people, especially the young generation. The number of people joining social media platforms continues to balloon each minute globally. However, the trend is facing unprecedented backlash, especially due to the violation of privacy by big data companies such as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 674

Social Media Platforms As Mediums of Anti-Rape Feminist Movements

The expanding presence of feminist movements is a demonstration of how the increasing use of social media has aided in the initiation of conversations, particularly among the younger generation (Jackson, 2018). Despite the fact that social media platforms were designed to be used for communication, activists all over the world have found ways to utilize ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2720

Social Media Is Changing How People Communicate

In today’s world, there are more than 2.8 billion social media users. This implies that more than a 3rd of the globe’s populace is using various forms of social media to interconnect. In other words, the world has changed to temporary stories of today thanks to social media platforms. For instance, Twitter is a rapid-patrolled set-up ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1044

Short Fiction Archetypal Analysis Essay

In literature, an archetype is a literary technique that uses a character’s distinctive and recognizable attributes or traits to create a new character. Psychoanalyst Carl Jung used the word “archetype” to describe what he considered an element of the collective human memory of universal experiences. It is common in literary circles to refer to people ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 927

Schenkerian Analysis of Schubert’s ‘Nacht Und Traume’

Introduction Schenkerian analysis is a tonal musical assessment method that relies on Heinrich Schenker’s (1868–1935) principles. The objective is to demonstrate how the work links to an idealized deep structure, the Ursatz, in order to show its organic consistency. This primordial framework is basically the same for any tonal composition, but a Schenkerian analysis demonstrates ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1060

Romeo and Juliet, Who To Blame

In Romeo and Juliet, there are many explanations for the deaths of the two teens, but there is one important one that stands out above all the rest. In this tragic story, two young people from opposite families fall in love and marry secretly, without the knowledge of their parents or guardians. Things, however, do ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 900

Roman Women in a Changing Empire

Women’s roles evolved dramatically from the creation of Ancient Rome and the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century. The Romans kept the city’s creation myth, which revealed the city’s views regarding women, like the Sabine women, who were supposed to have founded the city’s values by acting with intellect and bravery to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 958
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