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Ethics Essays

Synthesis Essay; Are Zoos Ethical or Not?

Over the years, there has been a heated debate over the ethicality of zoos. Some people argue that they are an important tool for conservation, while others claim that they are nothing more than prisons for animals and a capitalist idea to make money. Thus, the issue of zoos is complex. The main motive of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 995

Personal Ethics Philosophy and Principles

Moral philosophy examines and determines the rightness or wrongness of a person. For example, if someone claims that lying is bad, they must explain or defend why it’s also not right and the consequences. It’s advisable to examine one’s personal ideologies in order to make mature judgmental decisions. (Sivadas et al., 2003). My paper attempts ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 792
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Organ Transplantation Should Be Stopped in the Medical Field

Transplantation is a surgical technique that involves removing an organ from one body and transplanting it into the body of another to substitute a missing or damaged tissue. Autografts are transplanted organs from the same person’s body while allografts are transplantation conducted between two individuals of a species. Living or cadaveric allografts are available. Kidneys, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2563

Is It Ethical for Companies To Test Animal Consumer Products Before Being Marketed to Humans?

Ethics is crucial in every organization as it defines its public image. Ethics portrays a firm’s public image through how the workforce behaves. The way individuals in a company work and make decisions govern their attitudes and desires, impact, and even organize their personal lives and behaviors. Recently companies have violated animal rights by testing ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1477

Ethics and Professionalism in Healthcare

For any business to grow, expand and survive in the current world, the stability of a society plays a very critical role. There are several stakeholders in most companies, and trust is one major issue they all require from the companies. Stakeholder management is needed to oversee the mutual relationship between the company and the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1649

Ethics in Accounting

Consider what you have learned relative to ethics and financial reporting. What is the rationale for the calculations/process used to estimate the $180,000 uncollectible allowance? Effective financial reporting requires accounting professionals to observe ethical behavior in the course of their duties. Management and other key stakeholders rely on financial statements to make decisions, so accurate ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 742

Moral Decision-Making and Ethics in Healthcare

Introduction In Healthcare, the healthcare provider staff are obliged to make patient care decisions, including more than selecting appropriate treatment and interventions. Moreover, healthcare providers are obliged to make ethical decisions that ensure the benefit of the patient, respect the patient’s values, and avoid and minimize patient harm in attempts to ensure positive patient outcomes. ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3714

Ethics: Moral Theories

Theories Several theories are used to come up with a moral compass. One of the theories is referred to as utilitarianism. According to Scarre (2020), the utilitarianism theory focuses on the outcomes of deeds, hence distinguishing right from wrong. In this theory, the most ethical choice is described as producing the greatest good for the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 682

Ethics and Making Moral Decisions in Healthcare

Introduction In Healthcare, the healthcare provider staff are obliged to make patient care decisions, including more than selecting appropriate treatment and interventions. Moreover, healthcare providers are obliged to make ethical decisions that ensure the patient’s benefit, respect the patient’s values, and avoid and minimize patient harm in attempts to ensure positive patient outcomes. These decisions ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3881

Personal Code of Ethics

Aristotle, for many reasons, said selfishness does not consist in self-love, but rather in a monumental of such love. Excellence is a skill acquired by practice and repetition, and we do not act correctly because we possess virtue or excellence; instead, we do so because we have performed correctly in the past. Excellence is not ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1424

Ethics and Power

Over the centuries, there has been a conflict between ethics and power. Research reveals that operative ethics is accompanied by little or no control exercised. However, the execution of more power is attributed to little ethics. Although power and ethics are essential for human survival, they contradict each other. This condition is accredited to the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1781

Respect for Others Reflection

Everyone has personal values. Everyone should consider ethics and social responsibility. When a customer walks into a store, they should feel confident in the company and the goods. Many firms have failed due to a lack of ethics and social responsibility. The Enron scandal is the most prominent illustration of our country’s lack of ethics ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 660

Ethical Decision-Making: Analysis of Captain Crozier’s Decision

Ethical decision making involves choosing an appropriate solution when presented with many deferent alternatives. Ethical decision making could be quite challenging. For instance, in the case of commander Crozier, choosing how to communicate high priority information that concerned the safety of the crew members presented the dilemma. This essay analyses the dilemma that the commander ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1153

The Culture and Ethics Paper

Introduction The recent rapid expansion of the economic environment has encouraged a similarly rapid growth of the global business environment. To manage the ever-increasing global business competition, effective leadership is recognized as the most essential part. Leaders control and take charge of the operations of the organization and good leaders set optimistic goals through strategic ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 769

The Global Manager Essay

Over the past decade, the contemporary working environment has changed dramatically, which has significantly implicated global and international managers. Organizations today have gone global, dynamic, complex, extremely volatile, and highly competitive. Besides these external conditions, most of these organizations face multiple global challenges, including management of diverse employees and lack of some specific competencies. Therefore, ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4236
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