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Ethics Essays

Annotated Bibliography: Ethics in Sports Management

Dhillon, S., Aggarwal, A., & Dhillon, M. S. (2020). Ethics in Sports Medicine. Ethics, 54(4). This article has discussed in detail the current situation in sports medicine ethics. Where doctors are still under constant pressure to embrace medical intervention for sportspersons. Medical professionals are faced with serious concerns related to conflict of interest. Where they are expected ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1345

Should Researchers Have Access to Tissues Removed From Patient’s Bodies?

Did you know that clinical research institutes use tissues removed from human bodies for research without the consent of the respective patients? Clinical research is vital in healthcare as it aids in developing knowledge and understanding of human biology. However, the public health sector has consistently faced ethical dilemmas regarding the acceptable extent of its ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 578
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Counter Objecting “All Animals Are Equal” by Peter Singer

Outline In his article “All Animals are Equal,” Peter Singer argues that the need to treat all animals equally like humans is vital and that experimenters should experiment on mentally disabled persons or orphaned infants instead of using animals. He says this is because the humans proposed have no intellectual ability as adult animals. I ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 864

The Effects of Hedonism

Hedonism refers to the ethical theory that pleasure is the purpose and aim of human life. Therefore, hedonists always strive to experience total pleasure and believe that pleasure is the only good in life and pain is the only evil hence the ultimate goal is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Nevertheless, many may argue ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1167

Literature Review: Outline and Title Page Assignment on “Shaping Cultures and Ethics of the Organization”

Abstract The business largely depends on its culture for adequate operationalization of its activities. This means that for a business to survive, particularly in the current competitive century, it must shape its culture according to ethical needs, goals and objectives. Ethics is the study of morality and takes various forms affecting a business, from the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 964

Kohlberg’s Moral Decision Making

Making moral decisions in my life has been quite dramatic, and I would attribute the dynamics in changes in moral decision-making based on Kohlberg’s theory of development. For instance, From the preconvention stage, I could carry out the task I was assigned to avoid getting punished; even though the punishments were not necessarily severe, anytime ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 573

Ethics in Urban Planning

Introduction Urban planning is a significant endeavor that needs a lot of analysis. It requires the planner to design and regulate the use of space (Bush & Doyon, 2019). The urban planners must also ensure they consider the city’s economic functions and the impacts of the urban environment on people’s social lives (Bush & Doyon, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2585

The Ethics of Price Gouging

Introduction Many people consider price gouging immoral since it makes some people well off and others worse off. Whereas others argue that price gouging increases the availability of products to the market because customers can only buy what they can afford. Others claim that it makes low-income consumers suffer the most, and many nations have ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 934

Difference between deontological ethical system (Ethical formalism) and teleological ethical system (utilitarianism)

Deontological ethical systems are directives applied under rule-based ethics that emphasize the relationship between the molarity of people’s actions and the duties of every individual. The term deontology was extracted from another greek word, “deon,” meaning duty, and logos meaning “science.” The deontological ideology calls for individuals to consider doing good deeds and molary upright ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 585

Essay on Christian Ethics

Introduction Making biblically informed decisions for ethical dilemmas in one’s personal ministry context requires the use of the rules and principles to make judgments amidst the messiness of practice and real life. Often, we find ourselves faced by the possibility of conscientious discrepancy with one another, irrespective of having a nearly common foundation with respect ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2099

Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership

The nursing profession is one of the most important parts of the healthcare business. They assist people’s overall health and well-being by offering essential medical services and counseling. However, becoming a successful nurse practitioner requires a high level of leadership ability as well as strict adherence to ethical standards. People’s health is entrusted in large ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1915

Article Review on the Ethics of Abortion

The debate over the ethics of abortion revolves around the question of whether or not the fetus is a living being, the rights of the pregnant woman as opposed to those of the unborn, and the situations of anguish and suffering that may surround a pregnant woman. Many people argue that abortion is a woman’s ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 987

Sonography in Prisons: Detection of Intestinal Drug Containers by Ultrasound Scanning in Prisons Is Unethical

Ultrasound has been and still is a medical field involved in rapid technological changes. These changes have introduced some new ethical issues to be considered by the ultrasound professionals like sonographers. Sonographers in prisons should not be restricted to only identifying the illicit drug packages but must also provide correct information about their quantity and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1557

The Law and Morality in Business

Even though morality in businesses is universally accepted as an essential guide in business activities, morality is reduced to legal regulations. This paper uses the legalist approach by presenting several arguments on the relation between law and morality in business. The efficiency of the legal systems put in place depends on the ethical attitude towards ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1526

Ethics and Human Rights

Abstract This paper focuses on the significance of ethical factors on human rights to promote a universal culture of these rights with deeper roots and broader horizons. The research covers the introductory, historical and theoretical approach to the topic, defining the concept of human rights and how the framework was developed. Ethical principles like universality, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2803
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