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E-commerce Essays

Navigating International Jurisdiction in E-Commerce: A Case Study of Lazy Girl Candles

Introduction As the global business environment continues to change at an increasingly rapid pace, entrepreneurs operating in such areas as the online marketplace on eBay and Amazon platforms face some specific problems associated with jurisdiction beyond national borders. The influence of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 860

Case 2: Reinventing E-Commerce: Amazon’s Bet on Unmanned Vehicle Delivery

Case Synopsis This case study explores Amazon’s deliberate investigation of autonomous vehicle delivery, which has the potential to completely transform the e-commerce industry. This project has the ability to significantly change the dynamics of how items are delivered and moved. The tale revolves around the complex issues and auspicious prospects associated with the implementation of ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2658
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The Impact of E-Commerce on Small Businesses

Introduction To comprehensively understand the impact of e-commerce on small businesses, it is crucial to conduct a multiple case studies analysis using a qualitative research design. The approach raises awareness for small businesses on the opportunities and challenges of the technology and its significance in the modern market context, such as increasing profits in the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2644

User Interface Design Project

1. Introduction Explanation of the purpose of the project This assignment aims to examine, analyze, and design a user interface for the Amazon e-commerce website. To analyze the current state of Amazon’s user interface design and suggest adjustments to make it more efficient and user-friendly, the project intends to apply the theoretical knowledge and skills ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4855

Walmart Web Strategy

Executive summary This report talks about Walmart’s methodology and web-based entertainment presence. Walmart’s procedure depends on an expense initiative plan, which centres around giving quality items at low costs. Walmart’s virtual entertainment system utilizes interactive media content, like recordings and pictures, to drive higher commitment and advance items or arrangements. Walmart’s new online entertainment technique ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1592

Digital Marketing & Social Media Project

Introduction Understanding the market share for growing sales is crucial business in any business. The company Tesco is not an exception in this case. The renowned and world-known retail organization Tesco is not an exception in this case. That is the reason, the company is intending to enhance digital marketing planning and also reduce the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3481

Research Report on Amazon

Executive Summary Amazon is an e-commerce company established in 1994 by its founder Jeff Bezos. The Company leads globally in e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, digital streaming and artificial intelligence. The Company has its headquarters in Seattle, Washington, DC. Amazon began as an online bookstore but has since diversified and become one of the largest ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3626

Strategic Analysis for Verizon Communications

Introduction Verizon is a multinational telecommunication company that operates in the B2C ecommerce industry. It deals with a portfolio of customer-centred products and services such as business 5G devices, smartphones, and internet dial services. Most of its services are offered online through the online retail platform and Verizon Wireless. Since Verizon operates in a competitive ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2464

E-Commerce and Networking Site Security

E-commerce sites such as eBay or Networking sites like Telegram contain different security needs because of their varying users, their roles, possible threats faced, and the information they collect. This work aims to discuss the security needs of e-commerce and Networking sites and how they compare and differ. The security needs for social networking sites ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 698

The E-Commerce Impact on Traditional Businesses

The e-commerce industry has recently grown in popularity, revolutionizing how businesses and consumers conduct transactions and necessitating the growth of many businesses and job creation (Jain et al., 2021). It has undoubtedly had a significant impact on both businesses and consumers. It has introduced new selling channels to retailers, which may, in one way, be ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2578

Case Studies (DEA Method)

Executive Summary This report will analyze the insights from three case studies using the DEA method. First, the report started by analyzing the case study, which talks about how agencies must change faster to keep up with the post-pandemic media landscape, as the pandemic got most of them unprepared. The second case study analyzed is ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1521

Building E-Commerce Store

Situational Analysis (Swot and two) Fashionable for men’s wear is the website that draws my interest. This site can provide different fashions of the means to wear that include all types of clothes and other techniques that include shoes and socks. When majoring 0in the swot analysis, remember that we will focus on strengths, weaknesses, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2580

The Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management

Introduction E-commerce, often referred to as “e-business,” involves the purchasing and selling products and services through an electronic network, typically the Internet. It may also entail electronically transmitting payments or data from one person to another. These corporate transactions may be business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business B2B, consumer-to-consumer C2C, or consumer-to-business (C2B). Online shopping has grown significantly due ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1621

The Role of E-Commerce Towards Environmental Preservation and Sustainable Development in China

Introduction With the expansion in the number of people using e-commerce, the variety of items accessible, and the capacity to compare costs, buyers have developed and now always want sustainable or green e-commerce. Ingaldi and Ulewicz (2019) established that building a company brand is more important than ever since customers want to be associated with ... Read More
Pages: 29       Words: 7876
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