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Navigating International Jurisdiction in E-Commerce: A Case Study of Lazy Girl Candles


As the global business environment continues to change at an increasingly rapid pace, entrepreneurs operating in such areas as the online marketplace on eBay and Amazon platforms face some specific problems associated with jurisdiction beyond national borders. The influence of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the development history of Cyberlaw govern businesses such as Lazy Girl Candles, which operate in global e-commerce. In addition, it analyzes the issues pertaining to “good faith,” differences in laws between countries, and legal risks arising from direct marketing versus using established e-commerce platforms. Lazy Girl Candles needs to navigate the legal intricacies of international sales in order for them to have a successful and compliant global expansion.

United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

The CISG presents a unified structure for international trade contracts, including online transactions. The applicability of CISG in the case of Lazy Girl Candles selling products on the Internet that ship to foreign countries (Karibi-Botoye, 2021). This convention provides a uniform system of laws regulating contracts for international sales, ensuring legal certainty and predictability in cross-border trade.

Evolution of Cyberlaw

The field of Cyberlaw is emerging, and it deals with legal aspects due to the use of the Internet. As e-commerce goes beyond borders, the emergence of Cyberlaw becomes critical for businesses such as Lazy Girl Candles (Karibi-Botoye, 2021). Knowing the legal environment enables entrepreneurs to overcome difficulties related to online transactions and meet international regulations.

Impact on Business: Duty of Good Faith

Based on the forum discussion of “good faith,” its application still holds relevance in international transactions. However, in different jurisdictions, its interpretation may differ (Karibi-Botoye, 2021). Therefore, Lazy Girl Candles should ensure that it is transparent and ethical in its cross-border dealings to create trust among its international customers.

Differences in Laws across Countries

International shipping of products is subject to a wide range of legal structures. The laws that govern transactions, consumer protection, and contractual obligations can differ greatly from one country to another (Karaahmetoğlu, 2017). Lazy Girl Candles will need to conduct extensive research before adapting to the legal regulations of any destination country.

Physical Goods vs. Intellectual Property

It is critical to distinguish between physical goods and intellectual property. However, the CISG focuses on sales of goods, while intellectual property transactions might be subject to other legal rules (Karaahmetoğlu, 2017). However, Lazy Girl Candles needs to consider these differences when undertaking international e-commerce.

Legal Risks in Direct Marketing vs. Established Platforms

The choice between marketing products directly or via established platforms such as eBay and Amazon creates unique legal risks. Compliance with local regulations is a greater responsibility in direct marketing, and established platforms usually provide the legal framework. Lazy Girl Candles needs to compare the benefits and downsides of every method. By selling directly through your website, you gain more control over the customer experience and brand perception. However, it also shifts the entire legal responsibility to your shoulders (Karaahmetoğlu, 2017). EBay and Amazon provide you with a built-in customer base as well as streamlined logistics, but these platforms have their own rules that might restrict your legal options if there is a dispute. Finally, the decision between direct marketing and giants of e-commerce depends on your risk appetite and resources. It is crucial to weigh the benefits of each approach against potential legal entanglements.

Applicability of U.S. Law

The applicability of U. Although the CISG offers a universal standard, Lazy Girl Candles should also take into account the extraterritorial application of U.S. laws and possible conflicts with local legislation in the relevant country (Karaahmetoğlu, 2017).


Finally, international jurisdiction in e-commerce presents a complex dilemma for companies such as Lazy Girl Candles. The CISG and Cyberlaw are, therefore, essential as a legal basis for cross-border transactions. However, entrepreneurs need to be aware of differences in law, the principle of good faith, or even special risks associated with their business model. However, a deep understanding of all these factors is essential for a successful international e-commerce business.


Karaahmetoğlu, Ş. D. (2017). Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Law & Justice Review8(14). Https://Search.Ebscohost.Com/Login.Aspx?Direct=True&Profile=Ehost&Scope=Site&Authtype=Crawler&Jrnl=13099485&An=124392648&H=3ec2%2fzigdjy%2brmjdjlgtgcmm9g5m4ugf68s0ezt8dvrkpftu1%2fe5jcouznc6l0glqt8ex6iv0s6wfeyhcxjycw%3d%3d&Crl=C

Karibi-Botoye, N., Enwukwe, N. E., & Timothy, B. B. (2021). The Passing Of Risk In The International Sale Of Goods: An Appraisal Of The United Nations Convention On Contracts For The International Sale Of Goods (Cisg). Journal Of Law And Policy1(2). Https://Papers.Ssrn.Com/Sol3/Papers.Cfm?Abstract_Id=3851515


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