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Cyber Warfare Essays

Cyber-Induced Political Mayhem

Introduction In the age of technology, in which everything seems to be accessible throughout the world, the amalgam of cybertechniques and dangerous destabilizing machinations attracts colossal attention. Moving us into cyber warfare and its consequences for the political map, Chris Rock’s thought experiment, presented with such eloquence at a hacking convention and then developed in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 778

The Global Misinformation Battlefield

Introduction In a time ruled by connections and social media, it is clear how important social media sites are in making stories worldwide. However, this new connection brings many problems. It is mainly shown by the spread of misinformation everywhere. Misinformation is when people mistakenly share wrong or confusing information, while disinformation means intentionally sharing ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 5909
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