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Social Media Manipulation Essays

Solutions to Social Media Manipulation

Introduction Since the advent of social media in the late 1900s, its proliferation has unfolded at an unprecedented rate, making it an indispensable constituent of modern life. In two decades, social media has experienced a colossal evolution, shifting from exchanging direct electronic data to retail (e-commerce) to virtual space and one of the unequaled marketing ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1546

Critical Thinking Exercise: The “Real” Fake News Analysis

The revelations are attractively presented in the three investigative videos produced by the New York Times to document the disinformation war, how it was embarked upon, and how it unfolded. The primary and secondary texts follow up the complicated threads of fake news, disclosing the historical genesis of such campaigns from the Cold War Soviet ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1166
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The Global Misinformation Battlefield

Introduction In a time ruled by connections and social media, it is clear how important social media sites are in making stories worldwide. However, this new connection brings many problems. It is mainly shown by the spread of misinformation everywhere. Misinformation is when people mistakenly share wrong or confusing information, while disinformation means intentionally sharing ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 5909
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