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Political Instability Essays

Civilizations Collapse: Causes, Implications, and Precautions

Introduction Civilization fall is a phenomenon which is a recurrent bit in the pages of history, and the remnants of the once great civilizations are left behind (Nicole & Zerboni, 2020). Characterized as the fast loss or decay of complex societies, civilization collapse illustrates the brittleness of human development. While the ruins of fallen civilizations ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2322

Cyber-Induced Political Mayhem

Introduction In the age of technology, in which everything seems to be accessible throughout the world, the amalgam of cybertechniques and dangerous destabilizing machinations attracts colossal attention. Moving us into cyber warfare and its consequences for the political map, Chris Rock’s thought experiment, presented with such eloquence at a hacking convention and then developed in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 778
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Public Administration Reform Under Political Instability

Introduction The administrative bodies must adjust to the never-settling socio-economic situation. The administrative bodies must adjust to the never-settling socio-economic situation. However, the public administration restructuring practice becomes extremely multidimensional under high political risk. Political instability is also characterized by a great deal of many challenges that may impede administrative reforms. This paper presents a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1184
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