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Customer Service Essays

A Critical Evaluation of Research Methods for Determining the Public Reaction to the Adoption of ChatGPT in Automating Customer Service.

1.0 Introduction The purpose of this report is to critically analyze the various research methodologies for collecting data for determining the public reaction of a company dismissing its customer service employees on the adoption of ChatGPT in automating customer service. The report opens with a background to the evaluation which explains why research on this ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 978

Analyzing Amazon Business Processes

In the online retail industry, Amazon is a giant that has transformed not only shopping but also technology. To delve into the intricacies of its operations, this essay will conduct an in-depth analysis of three critical business processes within Amazon: SCM, customer service, and data safety. These processes together provide the skeleton of Amazon’s smooth ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1682
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PayPal vs. Skrill

Online payment has been an instrumental tool in today’s world, where technology has evolved to greater heights. Many online payment systems are currently available on planet Earth, such as PayPal, Payoneer, Authorized.Net, and Skrill. However, which system can one use? Whether making or receiving payments remains a major question to consumers and merchants. In this ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 753

Responsible Development, Use and Representation of Chatbots

Introduction Chatbots’ widespread use in modern life is a huge advance in human-technology interaction. As conversational AI systems become more common, ethical, responsible, and accurate use, development, and representation challenges arise (Chokri, 2023). This essay uses science, politics, communication, sociology, philosophy, and history to explore chatbot technology. This essay aims to establish and support a ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2764

Demand and Order Management’s Impact on Customer Service

Nike is a huge brand in the sporting world. Its products are top-notch, and its designs always come with hot collaborations with elite athletes (Adefioye, 2023). Not only does Nike offer outstanding products, but it also makes a point of providing high-quality customer service. These are the best ways to stimulate consumer loyalty and establish ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 556

Dethroning Uber Eats

Customer service is the most critical element in business, especially in the food industry, where consumers expect the best. Online delivery platforms aim to enhance convenience by taking the product to the consumer. However, this may be characterized by various challenges, such as delays and wrong orders. Notably, consumers at Uber Eats continuously complain about ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 653

Comprehensive Marketing Strategy for New Healthcare Facility.

Team Description In designing a marketing team for a new healthcare facility, the structure is paramount for the effective delivery and management of marketing initiatives. The team could be envisioned as follows: Marketing Director: At the team’s helm is the Marketing Director, responsible for overarching marketing strategies, stakeholder engagement, and aligning marketing objectives with the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2096

From Help Desks to Chatbots: Enhancing Customer Service in the E-Commerce Industry Through AI Advancements

Introduction Rapid artificial intelligence (AI) improvements have transformed various industries, and the e-commerce sector is no irregularity. This literature review investigates customer service transformation in the e-commerce industry, explicitly directing the transition from usual help desks to AI-based chatbots. Adopting AI chatbots in e-commerce has raised main questions about their impact on customer ideas, user ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1959

Personalized Customer Care

Introduction An overview of the many businesses today reveals the nature of their personalized content to their customers, offering them a competitive advantage in marketing. Personalized customer services through mass media platforms and adverts focus on technological aspects in capturing the specific audience for specific people who might be potential customers in the future. For ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1612

Organizational Behaviour Analysis of Heritage Marina Hotel

This paper examines the organizational behaviour of Heritage Marina Hotel, a hospitality organization viewed as mediocre in performance. Heritage Marina Hotel is a San Francisco organization running hotels and hospitality services. A diversified group of hospitality experts who have worked in the field for a long time and have collected extensive knowledge in the north ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 713

Personal Business Plan

Business name: Best Choice Eateries and Deliveries Executive summary This personal business plan outlines what I plan to do after I leave university. The name of the business in mind is Best Choice Eateries and Deliveries, which will work according to the needs of many people who need more time to make meals. The company ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1794

Poor Customer Service in the Hospitality Practice

Introduction Imagine going out with friends and coming across a fancy restaurant, deciding to order something to eat, and enjoying each other’s company. The host greets and escorts you to a table where you will be served your food. However, when you try to order food, you notice that the waiter needs to be more ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1567

The Environment of Supply Chain Risk Management During the Past Decade

Introduction This paper delves into the supply chain risk management (SCRM) environment during the past decade, as presented in chapter two. We will look at themes behind Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM), specifically focusing on the themes of customer-centricity, social media monitoring, and integrating social media into customer service. Social media monitoring is discussed as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 709

Enhancing Employability Skills Through Business Communication

One of the reasons I’m taking a business communication program is to advance in my profession by finishing a corporate communication course. My verbal and writing communication skills will improve as I learn about and put these skills into practice. These skills will boost my confidence and make me more appealing to prospective employers (Guffey ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1046

Dealing With Workers and Customers in a Restaurant Environment

The restaurant industry is a complex, multifaceted, and challenging business sector that requires effective management of both workers and customer relationship management interventions. The paper explores seven critical challenges associated with dealing with employees and customers in a restaurant and provides solutions and recommendations to address them. High Turnover Rates A profound challenge in the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1011
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