Minor irritations that may have caused minor displeasure in the past now often lead to aggressive responses. Irrespective of the trigger, individuals often express rage by the display of unsafe, disrespectful feelings or by losing control. Client service professionals in the airline, hotel, and healthcare industries are rapidly seeing an increase in client anger and conflicts among individuals. There is a rise in the frequency of hostile confrontations within our community, as reported by law enforcement and social service organizations. The prevailing social, political, and economic uncertainty, according to Murphy (2023), has caused individuals to become very agitated, leading to sudden outbursts of anger. Anger is not only caused by a single incident but rather a buildup of several events that eventually lead to an outburst when it exceeds a threshold. The airlines, healthcare, and hospitality sectors need to develop successful ways of managing irate clients by cultivating a soothing demeanor. Instead of fixating on the unreasonable behavior of individuals, it would be more beneficial for them to comprehend the impact of rage on these individuals and use this understanding to assist customers in regaining their calm.
Extroversion quantifies an individual’s level of energy, friendliness, and sociability. Extraverts get energy from social interactions and channel their energy outwardly towards the external environment. Their personality is characterized by a strong sense of self-worth and a tendency to be assertive and sociable in the presence of a large number of people. When dealing with furious extrovert clients in the aviation, healthcare, and hospitality sectors, it is crucial for customer service providers to not only analyze their responses but also make an effort to comprehend the cause of the provocation. Below is a set of soothing techniques that staff might cultivate to pacify irate extroverted consumers in their respective professions.
Extroverts are often linked to a sociable and affable demeanor. To regain their composure, customer service personnel can cultivate empathic listening techniques via attentive behavior. Extroverts often restore their inner peace by openly discussing their worries. They get pleasure from expressing their concerns, drawing upon their talkative, audacious, and self-assured dispositions. By demonstrating attentiveness and understanding the reasons behind their anger, distress, or discomfort, one might initiate a more effective solution rather than exacerbating their emotions through threats or disregard. Customer service professionals may provide a more rational explanation for the cause of the customer’s displeasure based on their logical thinking. By delineating the underlying causes of consumer frustration, customers are empowered to have more control over their feelings of displeasure. Explaining a delay in an order at a restaurant may provide consumers with a deeper understanding, enabling them to manage better the factors that may provoke an intense response.
Conversely, placing furious extroverts in close proximity to other consumers will assist in their emotional regulation, leading to a beneficial outcome. Extroverts possess a charismatic nature and get pleasure from expressing themselves via social encounters. Being in the presence of a huge crowd, individuals often experience an increase in their self-confidence and restore their emotional stability via the management and control of their feelings. Extroverts get energy from engaging in social interactions that include discussing personal or external issues that have the potential to provoke their rage. Customers’ expectations about airline, healthcare, and hotel services, as well as product satisfaction, may sometimes lead to disappointment if these expectations are not fulfilled, causing them to feel anxious or unsettled. Encouraging them to be in the company of others may help them express themselves, reduce their annoyance, contribute to resolving their distress, and address their anger. Typically, listening to furious extroverted consumers and placing them in the presence of other customers often leads to positive outcomes. This approach not only resolves their concerns more compassionately, but also strengthens their loyalty, as they see that their complaints were addressed more fairly.
Murphy, K. (n.d.). The Best Ways to Deal with Angry Customers. Retrieved September 15, 2023, from https://www.goldenstateortho.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/The-Best-Ways-to-Deal-With-Angry-Customers-WSJ-COPY.pdf