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Emotional Regulation Essays

Investigating the Benefits of Journaling for Goal Setting and Achievement

Journaling is writing down thoughts or feelings as they happen in everyday life. Apart from writing, goal-setting journaling can be done electronically or visually. Journaling initially gained popularity as a self-care and self-development strategy, enabling one to regulate emotions and gain meaningful insight (Alt & Raichel, 2020). Journaling is also known for its mental health ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1342

Supporting Children’s Challenging Behaviors

In early childhood education, teachers often have to deal with troublesome behavior from young children. Some of these actions, like hitting other kids during playtime, are ways of communicating, even if they are bad. Figuring out the true motives behind this kind of behavior is important for making support plans that work and encourage positive ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 644
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Effective Ways To Deal With Angry Customers

Minor irritations that may have caused minor displeasure in the past now often lead to aggressive responses. Irrespective of the trigger, individuals often express rage by the display of unsafe, disrespectful feelings or by losing control. Client service professionals in the airline, hotel, and healthcare industries are rapidly seeing an increase in client anger and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 675

Music and Parent-Infant Bonding

Introduction The intersection of music with parent-infant bonding represents one of the most intriguing objects of scientific investigation, lying at the crossroads of the greatest part of diverse disciplines, from psychology to musicology and neuroscience. My interest in the field is triggered by the fact that music is one of the basic human cultural phenomena ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2784

Development of Self-Control Discussing Differences in Manifestation at Different Stages

Introduction Self-control is a person’s ability to control their desires to achieve better long-term objectives. It encompasses regulating personal thoughts, emotions, and desires to achieve longer-term benefits while foregoing immediate gratification. Studies have established that self-controlled behaviors develop in early childhood stages and persist until adulthood. Low self-regulation standards in early childhood are linked with ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1753

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Rationality and Decision-Making in the Workplace

Introduction Emotional Intelligence (EI) has emerged as an important thing inside the workplace, affecting how individuals perceive, manage, and evaluate their feelings. It is considered crucial as highbrow intelligence, influencing fulfillment and happiness in expert settings. In this research paper, we can explore how feelings affect rationality and choice-making within the workplace, assess procedures for ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1125
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