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Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the USA Fashion Clothing Market

Executive Summary

This research project focuses on understanding customer perceptions, satisfaction levels, and loyalty toward eight clothing brands, particularly Tommy Hilfiger (TH) and its position in the market relative to the other seven brands. The project aims to gather insights into customer attitudes and behaviours towards each brand to inform future business strategies. The project’s key objectives include developing a profile of TH’s loyal customers and comparing it with other brands, describing product preference/use patterns for TH customers, providing a breakdown of market shares based on preferences, mapping the position of TH relative to other brands, comparing social media involvement and distribution channels for TH, and identifying opportunities for TH to improve its position in the market. This research will offer valuable insights into how customers engage with each brand, enabling businesses to develop more effective marketing strategies and improve customer loyalty.

1. Introduction

This project aims to understand better customer perceptions, satisfaction levels, and loyalty toward a selection of eight clothing brands. Specifically, the project will focus on Tommy Hilfiger (TH) and its positioning within the market of the other seven brands. By examining the attitudes and behaviours of customers towards each brand, the project seeks to uncover valuable insights that will inform future business strategies. Through this research, we aim to develop a comprehensive understanding of each brand’s customer base and how they engage with the brands in question.

2. Research Problem

The research problem is to investigate the current state of the fashion clothing market in the USA, focusing on Tommy Hilfiger’s positioning relative to seven other leading clothing brands. The client has expressed concerns that TH needs to catch up in capturing customers’ imaginations and wants to understand how the brand can improve its standing in the market.

To address this research problem, it will be necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the fashion clothing market in the USA, including factors such as consumer trends, preferences, and behaviours. We will need to gather data on the key players in the market, including TH and the seven other brands, to understand their respective strengths and weaknesses (McBee-Black and Ha-Brookshire, 2021).

3. Aim and Objectives

This research project aims to provide valuable insights into customer attitudes, satisfaction levels, and loyalty regarding eight clothing brands, focusing on Tommy Hilfiger (TH) and its position in the market compared to the other seven brands. To achieve this aim, the following objectives have been identified:

  • Prepare a descriptive analysis of the sample.
  • Develop a profile of TH’s loyal customers and compare it with other brands.
  • Describe the product preference/use pattern for TH customers.
  • Provide a breakdown of market shares for the USA fashion clothing market based on preferences.
  • Map the position of TH considering individual brands’ quality, value, and perception (including attitudes, emotional response, etc.).
  • Compare social media involvement and distribution channels for TH regarding consumer characteristics. Predict participation in social media based on consumer characteristics considering the whole sample and TH brand only.
  • Analyze the impact of brand perception and social media involvement on customer loyalty.
  • Identify opportunities for TH to improve its position in the market.

Through achieving these objectives, we hope to understand customer perceptions, preferences, and behaviours in the fashion clothing market and identify opportunities for TH to improve its standing in the market (Jin Ma and Niehm, 2006). By exploring the factors contributing to customer loyalty and brand affinity, we can provide valuable insights and recommendations to inform future business strategies and help TH remain competitive in the market (Armstrong et al., 2015).

4. Data Collection and Analysis

The data collection for this project involved surveying individuals regarding their spending habits on Tommy Hilfiger (TH) products in the last year. The survey was distributed online and targeted individuals who had purchased clothing from any of the eight leading clothing brands. The collected data was then organised and analysed using descriptive statistics, such as frequency counts and percentages, to gain insights into customer attitudes, satisfaction levels, and loyalty regarding TH and its position in the market compared to the other seven brands. The data analysis aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the customer base for each brand and how they perceive and interact with each brand.

Based on the data provided in the table, we can see that 124 individuals were surveyed regarding their spending on Tommy Hilfiger (TH) products in the last year.

Most respondents (41) reported spending between $41 and $200 on TH products in the last year, with an equal number of respondents falling into the $0-40 and $201-400 spending categories (26 each). A few respondents reported spending over $400 (16), while only 13 reported not spending money on TH products last year.

Looking at the breakdown of spending by the individual response, we can see that the most commonly reported spending amounts were in the $0-40 and $201-400 categories, with 10 and 19 respondents, respectively, reporting these amounts. The highest reported spending amount was $400 or more, with 13 respondents reporting this level of spending. The lowest reported spending amounts were in the $1-20 range, with only three respondents reporting spending at this level.

5. Results and Findings

The data collected and analysed shows that most respondents had spent between $41 and $200 on Tommy Hilfiger (TH) products in the last year. However, the data also revealed that many respondents reported not spending money on TH products last year. The highest reported spending amount was $400 or more, with 13 respondents reporting this level of spending. It can be inferred that TH has a diverse customer base with varying levels of spending habits. These findings suggest that TH may need to focus on strategies to attract and retain customers who have not spent money on their products in the last year while continuing to cater to their existing customer base.

6. Discussion

The findings from the data analysis suggest that Tommy Hilfiger (TH) has a diverse customer base, with a significant proportion of respondents reporting having not spent any money on their products in the last year. This may indicate a need for TH to focus on strategies to attract and retain customers who have yet to purchase their products. Additionally, the highest reported spending amount was $400 or more, indicating that TH may also need to focus on retaining and further engaging with their high-spending customers. The data highlights the importance of understanding customer spending habits and preferences to improve market position and customer loyalty.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, the data collected and analysed provides valuable insights into customers’ spending habits and preferences for Tommy Hilfiger (TH) products. The findings suggest that TH has a diverse customer base with varying spending habits. While most respondents reported spending between $41 and $200 on TH products in the last year, a significant proportion reported not having spent any money on their products. These findings suggest that TH may need to focus on strategies to attract and retain customers who may have yet to purchase their products recently while continuing to engage with their existing customer base. Further research is necessary to identify improvement areas and develop targeted marketing strategies.

8. References

Armstrong, C.M., Niinimäki, K., Kujala, S., Karell, E. and Lang, C. (2015). Sustainable product-service Systems for clothing: Exploring Consumer Perceptions of Consumption Alternatives in Finland. Journal of Cleaner Production, [online] 97, pp.30–39. Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2023].

Jin Ma, Y. and Niehm, L.S. (2006). Service expectations of older generation Y customers. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 16(6), pp.620–640.

McBee-Black, K. and Ha-Brookshire, J.E. (2021). ‘I am going to educate the industry’: how an advocate became an essential competitive resource for the adaptive apparel market—Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

Su, J. and Tong, X. (2016). Brand Personality, Consumer Satisfaction, and Loyalty: A Perspective from Denim Jeans Brands. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 44(4), pp.427–446.

9. Appendices

  • How does your spending on Tommy Hilfiger products in the last year compare to the spending of the other respondents in the survey?
  • What factors influenced your spending on Tommy Hilfiger products in the last year?
  • What types of Tommy Hilfiger products did you purchase last year, and for what occasions or purposes did you use them?
  • Have you noticed any changes in the quality, design, or availability of Tommy Hilfiger products last year that affected your spending?
  • How likely are you to continue purchasing Tommy Hilfiger products in the future, and why?


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