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Fashion Industry Essays

Culture Is Not Determined by Economics, but Their Relationship Is Symbiotic

Introduction Culture and economics are two different but interrelated aspects of society. People’s attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and customs are called culture, while economics concerns the production and distribution of goods (Nunn, 2020). Even though they do not need each other, their relationship to one another is symbiotic: both have an impact on and reshape the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1951

Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Sustainability for a Resilient Future

The global fashion industry, an intricate and dynamic economic force, has been grappling with many pressing challenges, further exacerbated by the relentless COVID-19 pandemic. This multifaceted sector, renowned for its creativity and innovation, faced disruptions that rippled across its supply chains, resulting in canceled orders, plummeting demand, and profound financial losses for both significant fashion ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1662
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Biro Fashion Supply Chain Strategy

Introduction The Singapore fashion industry is one of the most developing industries in the world, where the focus on quality fabric and fashion has grown over the years. One of the significant contributors to this industry is the company called Biro Fashions which was founded in the year 2013. The company is owned by two ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2182

Fashion Retail Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues

Introduction The paper examines the fashion retail industry’s complex legal, social, and ethical issues. It analyzes how these factors affect this sector’s firms. The paper will use Mainers, Ringleb, and Edwards’ “The Legal Environment of Business” and “Practical Stake: Corporations, Political Spending, and Democracy,” as well as other sources, to give a full overview of the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1195

How Important Are Stars and Celebrities to Fashion? How Does the Rise of Social Media Transform the Significance of Celebrity Fashion?

Introduction Celebrities have long served as brand ambassadors and have influenced fashion trends in the entertainment and fashion industries. Celebrities now have a new platform to influence the fashion business because to the expansion of social media, especially video-sharing platforms like Instagram and TikTok. To obtain a better understanding of this topic, important terms must ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3430

Impact of Media on Fashion Among Teenagers

Introduction The evolution of clothing styles is perpetual, and teenagers’ interest in clothing trends is nothing new. The way we conceive of and define fashion is constantly evolving. Teenagers’ reactions to this trending style are complicated (Rees-Roberts et al., 2020). In most cases, peer pressure plays a significant role in determining the decisions teenagers make ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1761

Hip-Hop People and Baggy Clothes

Hip-hop culture has significantly influenced the garment industry (Ford, 2019). Since its inception in the 1990s, the loose, baggy silhouette closely linked with hip-hop has been an enduring and significant fashion trend. Several societal issues, including age, ethnicity, gender, class, religion, and immigration, are brought up by the connection between hip-hop individuals and baggy garments. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1567

Managing Digital Business

Executive Summary The proposed digital solution for the company would be coming up with a Singapore fashion portal app that will help the company differentiate itself from other competitors in the industry by only dealing with local designers and fashion labels. Through the application, the business will offer unique selling points such as personalized styling ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3981

H&M in Fast Fashion

Executive Summary This executive summary presents an overview of a strategic study of H&M, a prominent fast-fashion store. The research focuses on the company’s competencies, resources, competitive advantages, and worldwide strategy. Critical resources and competencies of H&M include brand reputation and consumer loyalty, a worldwide supply chain, efficient logistics and inventory management, and sustainable and ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4430

What Is Sustainable Procurement?

Section1; Background Sustainable Procurement Sustainable procurement refers to the process of acquiring goods and services in a manner that lessens the amount of damage done to the environment, society, and the Economy by such goods and services. In recent years, sustainable procurement has gained a lot of support in response to growing concerns over climate ... Read More
Pages: 29       Words: 7759

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the USA Fashion Clothing Market

Executive Summary This research project focuses on understanding customer perceptions, satisfaction levels, and loyalty toward eight clothing brands, particularly Tommy Hilfiger (TH) and its position in the market relative to the other seven brands. The project aims to gather insights into customer attitudes and behaviours towards each brand to inform future business strategies. The project’s ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1465

Gucci’s Marketing and Branding

Part 1: Gucci’s Online Presence and Digital Fashion Marketing Activity Gucci continues to be the leading luxury online brand thanks to the efforts the company’s digital marketing team has put in to ensure it stays ahead of its competition. Its success has been attributed to its constant drive to innovate and experiment online, leveraging digital ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 4976

Digital Marketing Metrics (MAR7509-A)

Introduction: Lululemon is a company that deals with men’s and women’s technical athletic apparel. The company in itself is yoga-inspired, and it originated from an establishment that was a design studio by day and operated as a yoga studio at night. It later became a store in the year 2000 November. The company was founded ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2178

Greenwashing in Fast Fashion Brands

The fast fashion industry is undergoing massive growth triggered by the constant need to reshape consumer needs, behaviors, and preferences. Fashion companies are pressured to consistently produce new designs in large volumes to meet this high demand. The massive production of these clothes exerts extreme pressure on the environment (Sagapova & Buchtele, 2022). Pressured to keep ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3710

Application of Consumer Behaviors in the UK Fashion Industry

Executive summary Burberry is a fashion industry based in the UK that produces wear accessories such as coats, suits, trousers, and leather products such as shoes. Burberry started its operation in 1856 in London. The growth of Burberry came during the First World War when its wear accessory became common in the military. The primary ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3630
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