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Computer Science Essays

The Internet of Everything

Abstract The Internet of Everything can be considered a superset of the well-known Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Everything entails interconnecting of people, processes, data, and things through a network. It ties all of these ideas together into a single reality. The Internet of Everything is advancing the Internet of Things’ pillars, encompassing ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3407

Are Computer Games Narratives?

When computer games were being introduced, they mainly comprised of fun games to give a quality experience and lacked extensive narrative elements. Although the games had a small narrative part, they did not influence their success and it was isolated from the main aspects of the game. The need to offer better consumer experiences have ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1222
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Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

Imagine a future where every single second of your life is controlled by an entity that does not think, feel, or act in the same way you do, and whose motivations are so vastly removed from your own as to feel impossibly alien. Imagine being punished for transgressions over which you have no control, simply ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1508

IT Service Quality Evaluation of Delhi’s Healthcare System

Introduction to SERVQUAL in IT healthcare Systems In the last three decades, new and emerging information technologies (IT) have changed the manner in which healthcare organizations perform their daily operations to meet patient needs. In addition to searching for approaches to effectively compete in an increasingly IT-dominated and exponentially growing healthcare field, organizations –both public ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2997

Input and Output Design

Human-Computer interactions (HCI) emerged in the 1980s and are constantly evolving to suit many sectors in the modern world (Sosnin, 2017). (2021) describes HCI as a design field in artificial intelligence that deals with people and computer interactions. HCI involves various disciplines such as ergonomics, human factors, computer science, and psychology. For analysts to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 666

Essay on Database Management System

Introduction Database Management System is a type of software used in building and managing databases. The DBMS makes it easier for users to create, protect, read, update, and delete crucial information in the database (Pavlo et al., 2017). In addition, the Database Management System software helps users define, create, maintain, and control any access to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1439

Government Should Control Machine Learning And AI Development

Outline The research topic is Government should control developments in machine learning and AI. There is currently no legislation aimed specifically at regulating the use of AI and Machine learning. Rather, AI and Machine Learning systems are governed by existing regulations. These include laws governing data protection, consumer protection, and market competition. Bills have also ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4457

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Introduction By 2025, global spending on agricultural systems and technologies, including AI, is expected to increase revenue. Besides, the spending directed towards AI solutions and technologies in agriculture is expected to rise from $1 billion to $4 billion (Columbus, 2021). This will see a 25.5% Compound Annual Growth Rate as expressed by Markets&Markets. It is ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1801

Ethical Concerns in Computing Technology

Introduction As the global socioeconomic landscape heavily shifts under the overwhelming tectonic forces of technology, the other side of computing and computer technology emerges. The explosive adoption of computers and digital communication in the internet-driven generation of consumers exacerbates the situation to abysmally frightening levels. Digital and cyberattacks, internet privacy, social media bullying, and digital ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1637

Digitalization, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence

INTRODUCTION The new advancements in technological innovation are anticipated to alter the future of jobs fundamentally. However, the present debate about the influence of developing technology on jobs is controversial. Some people predict a jobless future, whereas others contend that history might repeat itself and that new technologies will ultimately lead to better and jobs ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2277

The Technology of Cryptography and Methods Used in Cryptocurrency

How does cryptography work? As the name suggests, cryptography is the science that deploys the use of arithmetic to encrypt then decrypt information. This allows one to stock subtle data or enable transit of this information from some of the insecure networks like the internet. To allow the use for the authorized personnel only. According ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 918

Cloud Forensics: Overview of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a term that refers to the process of storing and accessing data online. Cloud computing is what makes it possible for us to access personal computers, tablets, and smartphones, as well as data storage space through the internet. The idea of cloud computing was first introduced in the twentieth century by Nicholas ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1851

A Tale of Evil Twins: Adversarial Inputs Versus Poisoned Models

General Description of the Topic Regardless of the successes in a spectrum of domains, deep learning systems have proven to be inherently susceptible to certain types of manipulations. One of these manipulations is the adversarial inputs, which involves the process of maliciously crafting samples that would cheat the target’s Deep Neural Network (DNN) models (Pang ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 672
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