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Business Essays

Consumer Behavior Theory Analysis Apple ‘Get a Mac’ Case Study

Introduction Consumer behavior refers to the psychological analysis of how people make purchasing decisions, including their motivating factors. Through consumer behavior analysis, a brand can understand the consumers feeling towards their product or service offering, their motivating factors, environmental factors in consumers’ immediate environment that influence their buying behavior, and consumer decision making either in ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3626

French and Raven’s Five Bases of Social Power

French and Raven’s five bases of social power have been widely used in organizations to achieve results or compliance among the employees. These powers influence the employee’s behaviors hence affecting the organization. Managers apply these powers to motivate and exercise their authority over their subordinates. Different organizations apply reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and experts power ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 635
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Focusing on Group Relations

Introduction By definition, groups are either two or more individuals that are interdependent and interacting to achieve a given objective. Groups in work situations are either formal or informal. The designation of a formal group is a workgroup, which is based on a hierarchical structure that has designated tasks relating to its function, At the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1301

Financial Planning and Financial Gurus

Financial planning is something that all of us are passionate about. We can accumulate wealth throughout our lives, either to spend on things we enjoy in our older years or to leave money to our progeny so they may have a head start on their own lives. Many “personal financial” gurus exist, and we will ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 803

Financial Capitalism in North-Western Europe and Financial Intermediaries

Introduction Capitalism, also referred to as a free enterprise economy or free-market economy, is a type of economic system dominant in the western world where most of the production is privately owned. The economy uses operation markets to guide production and distribute income (Brick, 2015). Studies indicate that modern capitalism emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3720

Equity Portfolio Management Analysis

Introduction The assignment seeks to create two portfolios: a passive income portfolio mirroring the STI as close as possible while the other being the best performer, which would beat the first portfolio. Therefore, the researcher seeks to calculate the rate of return over five years period on the STI, which was discovered to be 6% ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4080

Environmental Management System (EMS)

Introduction In a globalized market, ISO 14001 is increasingly being used to certify Environmental Management Systems (EMS). Implementing EMS ISO 14001 in a small company manufacturing lithium-ion batteries will attract many advantages, particularly when the company is seeking to expand into the European market. This report focuses on the benefits and costs that the firm ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1869

ENERGY STAR Target Finder Analysis

Executive summary Building energy star simulations let the system designer evaluate the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) technology and control techniques before making the final design decision. The degree of sophistication of these tools differs from one another. Some tools examine specific HVAC system components, such as motors, based on simplified assumptions about the component’s ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2065

Essay About Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a famous entrepreneur and innovator who co-founded Tesla and PayPal. However, he sold the PayPal company for $1.5 billion. Additionally, he also co-founded SpaceX and Neuralink and founded the Boring company. All his foundations have made a greater impact in the world today. Currently, he is the CEO of the two companies, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1135

Marketing Plan of UNIT9 in the UK

Executive Summary UNIT9 is a multidisciplinary registered small-medium enterprise (SME) film production company in the United Kingdom. Established in the last twenty years, the company has evolved technology models used by popular media, such as television business production firms, Hollywood studios as well as gaming production studios, to build personalised, integrated solutions to promotion deadlines ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4041

Easy Pay Grocery Center – Case Study

Introduction International business prospects are plentiful in every market, regardless of their size. Product availability and affordability are two of the five international marketing orientations, which are all based on the manufacturing concept. The product will be mass-produced at a low cost and with a high rate of manufacturing. Consumers can expect a high-quality product ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2580

Digital Transformation Drivers

Digital transformation is the process of enhancing or renovating current processes via the use of digital tools and technology. This process entails enhancing or even wholly replacing antiquated, sluggish, arduous, and often manual procedures with more straightforward, efficient, and frequently automated ones. Digital transformation is critical in reacting to the disruption of work and business ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 644

Should Government Run Deficits To Fund Policies and Programs?

The government should run the deficits in funding policies and programs in the country. The growth of fiscal deficit can enhance a dead economy by providing more finance to the people who are in the position to invest and purchase more investments. The use of long-term deficits can have a detrimental effect on the growth ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 906

Customer Value and Order Winners Case Study of Amazon

Introduction By combining supply chain operations and logistics with client satisfaction, businesses may achieve and even surpass consumer demands. In logistics, there are four components to customer value: service, quality, time, and cost (Matarazzo et al., 2021). Quality refers to a product’s efficiency, functionality, specifications, and how well it meets the client’s needs. The term “service” ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2484

CSR During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) addresses the arrangement of activities that give a social advantage set up by organizations without an administrative commitment. The fundamental comprehension of the idea of CSR exists in the center conviction that organizations have absolute confidence towards the local area and the general public from where they accumulate their prosperity. In ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2983
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