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Business Essays

Corporate Social Responsibility in Business

The social responsibility of business can be described or explained as the way companies, through their activities, maximize shareholder value, that is, by acting in a manner that benefits society, not just the bottom line. Being socially responsible for a business or a company can bring added advantages that portray a good company’s image and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2782

Corporate Culture at Walmart

Walmart is a multinational retail company with its headquarters in the United States. The company was opened in 1962 by Mr. Sam Walton. Since then, the company has continued expanding its operations across the globe through franchises. Currently, the company operates more than ten thousand stores across the globe, including online stores. Moreover, the company ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1650
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Consumer’s Purchase Decision-Making

Introduction Energy digitalization refers to the renovation which takes place within the energy sectors and the usage of energy in general that involves a transformation from traditional manual, including binary methods, to intelligent remote controls, management, and monitoring. Currently, sectors dealing with energy are evolving to enhance energy consumption as they try to achieve strategies ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4213

Ethical Question: Can Companies Take Social Responsibility in Protecting the Environment?

Introduction Companies exist for the sake of profits. However, they are also members of society. Most companies face an ethical dilemma regarding environmental conservation. Their duty to society requires them to preserve the environment, while they can choose to ignore that and save money for investments that will reap profits. Nevertheless, companies can use some ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 832

Communication Skills Are Essential to Being a Successful Accountant; Discuss Three Soft Skills Necessary for Today’s Professionals

Introduction Like other professionals, accountants are required to have soft skills besides the technical and specialized skills that significantly assist in effectively and successfully performing their job in different contexts. According to Berry & Routon (2020), Soft skills are fundamental for development as an accountant due to playing a significant role in improving workplace communication ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2560

Common Hazards and Threads in Workplace

Employees face numerous potential workplace hazards and threats daily. Employers are responsible for identifying and assessing potential hazards in the workplace and implementing controls to reduce or eliminate the risks (Sorensen et al., 2021). Employees also play a role in preventing accidents and injuries by being aware of the hazards in their work environment and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1047

Codes of Conduct and Codes of Ethics

A code of ethics is a set of guidelines for acting morally and responsibly in the workplace. The firm or organization may outline its values, problem-solving procedures, ethical principles derived from those values, and employee expectations in a code of ethics document. A code of ethics, sometimes known as an “ethical code,” can cover many ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1003

Coca-Cola Corporate Communication Strategy

Introduction The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leading multinational beverage corporation. Since it started, the company has been well known for its manufacturing, retailing, and marketing of nonalcoholic beverages and soft drinks. Coca-Cola is among the world’s world-leading beverage and marketing companies due to its spectacular vision, which has helped shape its brands. The company ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1225

Explanation of the Value and Function of Appropriate Communication in Professional Contexts

Communication is integral in the workplace, especially in the policing job. The Public Information Officer (PIO) has to manage communication at the crime scene by ensuring the information is aired on media to the police departments, victims, and their families. Accurate information allows for positive outcomes in the de-escalation of emergencies. The case study presented ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 858

Change Strategy and Implementation: RN Turnover Rates

Introduction Recognizing the causes and solutions to nurse turnover is a significant challenge for healthcare administrators. This is known as turnover, when nurses leave their jobs for whatever reason, including retirement, career changes, or personal preferences. Research findings show a direct link between managing nursing turnover and high-quality patient care. It is important to keep ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2349

Case Study Report on Netflix

Abstract This report provides a critical discussion of the company’s HRM system. Additionally, the report aims to provide some of the most significant suggestions that can help the company’s board address most of the challenges experienced within the HRM system. This report primarily uses the secondary research methodology, which will play a critical role in ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1971

Buyer Decision Process of a Product or Service

The desire to purchase any good or service is paved by problem recognition. Prior to the issue recognition, nobody has the ambition of satisfying any want or need. Whether internally or externally prompted, the problem recognition response tends to be the same: a need. Therefore, problem recognition is inevitable, and in case it tends to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1848

Essay on Business Intelligence

An artificial neural network is a computing model that consists of processing elements that perform based on settings activated through their system in functions. The neural networks work in hand with animal brains by biological connection depending on the functions trained on. The artificial neural system can be used for classification functions in establishing patterns ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1138

Business Culture and Business Process

Organizations are changing quickly because of globalization, technology and cutting-edge production, morphing into new workflow processes and structures. Organizations are increasingly becoming diverse in sexual orientation, veteran status, ethnicity, race, age and gender. The business environment is becoming different from what people were taught about. As such, it is important to know the organization’s business ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 601

Business and Entrepreneurship

There are many different routes one can pursue to be successful in business and entrepreneurship, which is constantly growing. However, business and entrepreneurship are fundamentally about adding value for others. Those who are successful in business and entrepreneurship continually look for methods to provide value for others by creating new products, services, companies, or ways ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 966
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