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Business Essays

Lush Cosmetics Response to Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a movement that was started in the USA to counter the continued growth of instances of racism, specifically regarding police profiling brutality against African Americans and other people of black descent worldwide. The movement started as a social organization aimed at countering police brutality against black people immediately after police knelt ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1464

Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, and Solutions to Internal and External Threats

Initiating and implementing organizational changes is complex because of resistance and limitations that limit efficiency. However, managers’ leadership styles can significantly alter outcomes and foster a supportive environment where all parties and shareholders thrive. Atlantis Global Corporation’s change management initiatives obligate the adoption of transactional leadership techniques to solicit the positive contribution of all employees ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 955
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Key Findings on the Causes of the High Inflation Rate

The Russia-Ukraine war offers entrepreneurs, company leaders, and policymakers a new challenge regarding its economic impact. Covid-19 had already disrupted the global economy two years before the war, and economies, especially in emerging countries, were beginning to recover. With the war causing supply and price shocks, most countries having close trade ties with Russia or ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3724

Issues in Management Assignment: Employee Empowerment

Introduction Employee empowerment influences the competitive advantage of an organization. According to Tampi et al. (2022), employee empowerment refers to how organizations deal with things they require to succeed. It takes the form of providing employees with the necessary training and authority in work, recognizing employees frequently to enhance their confidence and engagement, providing opportunities ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1886

Issues and Solutions to Atlantis Global Corporation’s International Ventures

Global expansion and running businesses overseas are challenging because of the complexity of associated factors. Atlantis Global Corporation suffers from internal and external organizational factors that limit its efficiency and effectiveness in reaching goals. The company’s redundant culture inhibits its managers from focusing on critical issues and maximizing productivity. Additionally, their human resource and employee ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 894

International Strategic Management, Markets and Resources Strategic Change Plan: Tesla Case Study

Introduction The strength of the strategies used by a firm’s administration determines its performance levels. Nevertheless, corporate strategies could frequently be modified to adjust more effectively to developments in the company’s fiscal and environmental circumstances. Strong corporate systems typically do not produce corporate competitiveness during worldwide economic downturns (Danso et al., 2019). Due to this, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2784

International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Report

Executive summary This research paper analyses international purchasing, logistics and supply chain management processes. The major aim is to explain how these processes are affected by the competitive business environment. This paper discusses different theories and models relating to international purchasing, logistics and supply chain management, which contribute to delivering superior goods and services in ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3825

International Operations and Procurement of Apple Inc

Introduction Organizations face more significant supply chain management challenges in the digital era. Several corporations have implemented a traditional system that does not cater to the needs of their customers. These issues are exacerbated by the high demand for their commodities and services and market uncertainty. Furthermore, companies regularly make strategic choices that impact their ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1874

Implications of Russia-Ukraine War and Inflation Trend in Mauritius

Introduction Economic performance is affected by macroeconomic factors such as inflation and unemployment. It is the role of the government to ensure that the inflation rate in the country is maintained at manageable levels. Every government will face economic growth problems and create policies that will provide consistent economic growth. Some factors will affect the ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4565

Implementing Marketing Strategies for Baker Brothers Jewelry Limited

Introduction Making a popular website is essential in today’s commercial world, but more is needed. Bookmarking, subscribing to email lists and making purchases are all goals of most commercial websites. To repeat, the principal objective of most firms is to develop a website that generates cash and delivers users and customers a complete or fantastic ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4705

Effect of Microfinance Services on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Microfinance services have so many effects on the enhancement of small and medium firms. The microfinance sectors, such as micro-insurance, micro-credit, and micro-savings, have significantly impacted the growth of such firms. These enterprises are crucial for the development of any economy. Microfinance services are financial services specifically designed for low-income and underserved groups. These services ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1419

Effect of Cloud Computing Technology on Management Accounting, Decision-Making, and Operations Management

Introduction The power of experiential learning emphasizes the breadth of its reach, including work-based learning (WBL), ships, and work placements which may be part of a work-integrated learning program such as co-operate. Workers can hone their reflective skills to critically appraise what has been experienced through practice (Vărzaru, 2022, p. 2256). A reflection essay is ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5265

Relationship Between Banking and Accounting

The article Blockchain Applications in Accounting and Finance written by Kemyani et al. begins by explaining the concept of blockchain applications in accounting and finance. Kemyani et al. investigate the state of affairs in this field and the factors causing these applications to obtain new heights. Blockchain technology can revolutionize the financial sector by enhancing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 904

Digital Marketing Metrics (MAR7509-A)

Introduction: Lululemon is a company that deals with men’s and women’s technical athletic apparel. The company in itself is yoga-inspired, and it originated from an establishment that was a design studio by day and operated as a yoga studio at night. It later became a store in the year 2000 November. The company was founded ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2178

Decision Making Skills

Introduction Decision-making is an essential part of our lives, and we make decisions every day. As humans, we are capable of making a wide range of decisions, from simple, daily choices to more complex, tougher decisions. However, due to the complexity of real-world decision-making, the decisions we make in different areas of our lives can ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1447
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